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Global History II
Period 2
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
Homework: study for midterm
Next Test: Midterm 1/26 8 am
 Vocabulary review
 Thematic essay organizer
 quiz
Today’s Notes:
Unit 3: Russian Revolution/ Stalin
 Peter the Great- czar of Russia that starts modernizing it
Czar- Russian “king”
Bloody Sunday- czar fires on peaceful protestors that wanted reforms
Russian Revolution- revolt against the czar that brings communism to Russia
Bolshevik- “Communist”
Lenin- 1st communist leader of USSR
NEP- New Economic Policy- communism with a hint of capitalism
Soviets- gives Russians some say in their local govts
Stalin- Ruler of Soviet Union after Lenin
5 year plans- economic plans of Svt Union
Collective farms- large govt run farms
Purge- to get rid of opposition
Heavy industry- Stalin focuses on this not consumer goods; construction/ power/
Global History II
2nd page
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
Ukraine Famine- Stalin made famine by exporting all grain to crush independent
Siberia- frigid north lands of Soviet Union- had concentration camps there
Unit 4: WW2
 Totalitarianism- leaders that have all the power and control media/ education with
terror on own people
Mussolini- leader of Italy 1920s- WW2
Il Duce- nickname for Mussolini
Fascism- system to glorify the state; Italy
Hitler- Leader of Germany 1932-WW2
Der Fuhrer- nickname for Hitler
Weimar Republic- govt of Germany that signed Treaty of Versailles
Third Reich- Hitler’s dream of third German empire
Enabling Act- gives Hitler dictator powers for 4 years
Mein Kampf- Hitler’s book- “My Struggle”
Nazism- Hitler’s version of fascism- Hitler is not a Communist!
Chancellor- leader of Germany prior to Hitler’s dictatorship
Reichstag- law making body of Germany
Blitzkrieg- Lightning warfare- Hitler’s use of tanks to crush nations
Aryan- pure blood German race
Global History II
3rd page
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
Genocide- killing of an ethnic group
Kristallnacht- Night of Broken Glass- Germans attack Jewish shops
Final Solution- Hitler’s plan to eliminate the Jews
Scapegoat- Hitler used the Jews to blame all Germany’s problems on
Aggression- to wage war/ strike out at others
Appeasement- to give in a little to avoid a bigger fight
League of Nations- set up after WW1 to negotiate and keep peace between nations
Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, Japan
Munich Conference- Britain and France appease Hitler with piece of Czech
Non aggression Pact- Hitler and Stalin agree to attack Poland but not each other
Yalta Conference- 1945- Allies discuss what to do post-war
Nuremburg Trials- Trials of Nazis for war crimes of Holocaust/ WW2
War Crime- some things are not acceptable in warfare
Crimes against humanity- genocide charges
Demilitarization- to remove one’s military
Unit 5: Cold War/ Fall of Communism
 Truman Doctrine- President Truman’s plan to prevent the spread of communism
Marshall Plan- aid to those fighting against communism’s spread
Containment- US policy to keep communism from spreading
Global History II
4th page
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
Iron Curtain- Easter European nations that supported communism/ USSR
Buffer zone- Iron Curtain zone that protected USSR
Satellite Nations- Eastern European nations the USSR controlled
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization- US alliance post WW2
Warsaw Pact- USSR alliance system post WW2
Berlin Blockade/ Airlift- USSR blockades W. Berlin/ US flies in supplies
Berlin Wall- Wall between East and West Berlin to prevent escape from comm.
Space Race- competition between US/ USSR for space technology
Arms Race- competition between US/ USSR for better weapons
Fidel Castro- leader of Cuban Revolution/ Cuba 1959-present
Batista- US supported dictator Castro overthrew
Cuban Missile Crisis- USSR had missiles in Cuba pointed at US
Trade embargo- US refuses to trade with Cuba still
Gorbachev- reform-minded communist of USSR 1980’s
Perestroika- economic restructuring; communism with hint of capitalism
Glasnost- openness; freedom of speech/ press
Democratization- give people a say in government
Yeltsin- Leader of Russia post- Gorbachev
Shock Therapy- Yeltsin’s attempt to reform economy; fails
Global History II
5th page
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
Eastern Europe:
 Solidarity- Poland’s union that pushed for end of communism
Lech Walesa- leader of Poland’s union and first president of Poland
Velvet Revolution- peaceful revolution of Czech
Nicolae Ceaucescu- brutal dictator of communist Romania
Bosnia- site of genocide created by Serbians
Milosevic- leader of Serbia/ Yugoslavia that created genocide
Ethnic Cleansing- to remove an ethnic group from the earth
Thematic Essay Question (prep)
Pick something you know- write!
Create an organizer
Give every detail you know
Prove your points
THINK before you write!
Impacts of the Cold War
 1917 became communist
 Post WWII
 Fight for world domination
Short term Impact
 Arms race
 Space race
 Industrialize
 Became world power
Global History II
6th page
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
Long term impacts
 Bankrupts economy
 Maintains world influence today
 1959 become Communist
 Fidel Castro
ImpactShort term
 Receives aid/advisors from USSR
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 Trade Embargo by United States
Long Term
 Still Embargo
 Economic instability after fall of the USSR
 Post WWII communist
 Remains free of Soviet Control
 Tito
Short Term
 Totalitarian government controls ethnic gaps
 No individual rights
 Relations with United States & USSR
Long Term
 Economic instability
 After fall of USSR, - wars & genocides between the ethnic groups
Global History II
7th page
Ms. Janas
January 22, 2010
 Post WWII splits into East and West
 East Germany under Soviet control
Short term
 Nation divided by Berlin Wall
 Aid /advisors from USSR
 No individual rights
 East Germany not rebuilt after WWII
Long Term
 Nation reunited (1990)
 but East German was an economic burden to West Germany
Test is Tuesday 1/26 @ 8 am
No hats
No hoods
No cell phones- if your cell phone goes off- it is an automatic 0 (this is 20% of your
What to bring
 2 sharpened pencils (for the scantron only)
 2 black or blue pens- essay MUST written in ink – New York State Rule!
 No labels on drinks
 Bring cough drops & tissue if needed
Go to the bathroom before you come in
Exam- 3 hour exam- must stay for at least 2 hours
 It is set up just like the regents
 50 multiple choice
 Thematic Essay
 DBQ Essay & Documents
You may do the test in the order you’d like