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English 102 Reference Section Scavenger Hunt Questions
1. When we can't explain something, but it seems like it should be real, we call in
parapsychology. Some of these phenomena, if true, would be very useful in
current society. Like psychic dentistry. If you were the patient of such a pain
free practitioner, who should you thank for urging Willard Fuller to pursue
such a career?
2. Synaethesia has been in the vocabulary of aesthetics since Aristotle. But
synethestique is much more recent. What did Aristotle mean by
synaethesia? Who first coined synethetique and what does it mean?
3. One of the more familiar love consorts of the Hindu god Krishna is Radha. What
was the nature of their love? and Why does she challenge western religious
notions of what constitutes a goddess?
4. Like it or not, much of the spiritual/mythological sphere is driven by women or
the female force. One such force was the goddess Maat. What was her symbol?
what did it mean? and how was it manifest?
5. Abraham is the patriarchal fount of nearly everyone in the Bible. Based on
the number of languages in which a variant of his name apears, this
genealogy may be true. Give me 7 different variations of Abraham as they
appear in 7 different languages.
6. One of the tres chic fashion designers of the early 70s was the Cuban born
Adolpho. According to a least one biography, what accessory was the secret of
his success? And for whom did he primarily design?
7. Women's lives have not always been domestic, and long before now. Some have
performed amazing feats in this man’s worlds. What are a few of the
accomplishments of Jadwiga, the 14th c. queen of Poland?
8. The author of the first detective story is generally considered to be Wilkie Collins
for his novel Moonstone. WithErnest Hemingway as a model here in American we
have come to think of writers as mirror images of their works. But if we check the
biographies of Collins we find a surprise. What did Collins actually look like
according to Rudolph Lehmann?
9. The English are a tidy lot. As a result every action must have a law attached
to it, and every action must be documented. So it's not surprising that every
ruler has decreed no small number of laws and everyone after him has
written them down. King Ine had laws on what should happen to thieves
during his rule in the 7th c. But he distinguished between thieves whose
families didn't know they were stealing and those whose families did know.
What was the difference in punishments?
10. My guess is that Americans could name several American presidents, a few
generals and most of the Ninja Turtles. But ask them to name a major
historical African leader and they would probably answer Tut. Well, Mataka
Nyambi was one such leader. What was his claim to fame? And what famous
historical British explorer did he meet on his own turf?
11. Some think Joseph Brant may have been one of the most remarkable men in
American history? Quite a statement when you consider he was a Mohawk.
What did he accomplish that was so significant? And what was his Mohawk
12. In the history of North America, nothing is more shrouded in mystery
than the medical practices of its original citizens. The Seminole used a
sokapofkiki. How did it work? and what other tribes used a similar device?
13. In American cultural history, ideas come and go. What women's lib
movement started in the 20s but stalled 50 years later in the 70s?
14. Many ethnic Americans are striving to reconnect with their roots. If you
were Portuguese and could speak both Portuguese and English, what
newspapers would be available to you? And what radio station would you listen
to if you wanted the most hours per week of programming in Portuguese?
15. Everyone has heard of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. A traveling carnival of
Western Indians and trick riders showing Easterners how life in the West really
was. Another such show was the 101 Ranch Wild West Show. What made this
particular Western show just a little bit unique?
16. The history of Latin America is an amalgam of Indian, European, and
African elements far more blended and mystical than they are in North
America. Vimbindinque, a haitian secret society exemplifies this cultural
ambiguity. What was its distinctive qualities?
17. How many kinds of Thieves are there in Medieval Folklore? What are they?
To which does Jack from “Jack and the Beanstalk” belong?
18. We see girls /women spinning in many folk tales and Fair Tales. What does
it represent? To what is it often linked? and what is the Tale Type [include
an example] that is most famous for presenting it?
19. Bowling is as leisurely a recreation as there is. However it is no less
driven by physics and math as the rest of life. What are the 3 ways to
measure spin rate of a bowling ball?
20. We all wear jeans. They're America's clothes. First made by Levi Strauss for
miners in the California Gold Rush, they kept on going after the gold ran out.
Today the company is the largest brand name apparel manufacturer in the
industry. The founder died in 1902, exactly 20 years before the company made
what small but significant change to their jeans?
21. Marriage, family, sexual alternatives – scary stuff for most Americans.
And contrary to closet mentalities, all have been greatly and openly celebrated.
One such celebrant of sexual alternatives was the Jewel Box Revue, a troupe of
female impersonators that played American throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s.
What (else) was unique about this troupe? And of what interest is it to us in
22. We often forget that what is right or wrong, good or bad is not so much absolute
as directly related to prevailing social conditions – and those change
continually. Homosexuality for instance. How were sexual relations among
males in mediveal Europe structured? Of what significance is the year 1700
regarding the sexual practices of European males?
23. Congress, the great political institution of the US. What DO they do? It is important to check in
once in a while. The 103rd Congress in 1993 took a number of key votes. What were they on Gays
in the Military? Handguns?
24. America is a land of laws. Try to do anything out of the ordinary and see what
happens. Even corpses are governed by law in Washington. If my mother dies in
Seattle, can I be charged to have her moved from the morgue to anywhere I want?
What about a friend's body?
25. Opera is not the most obscure musical form for no reason: you can't
understand the words and you can't dance to it. But the stories are often
fascinating and often intermingle with popular culture. Alban Berg's Lulu is a
case in point. When did it premier and where? Which role is the tenor? And what
famous character in real life does Lulu meet at the end?
26. We study specific arts in school. But generally, it's amazing to consider how
many memorable cultural events happen in the same year. For example,
Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby came out in 1925. the New Yorker magazine
appeared on newsstands for the first time. And what great female black dancer
from Harlem took Paris by storm that year? And what literary trend also sprung
into being and how long did it last?
27. There are more words in the English Language than in most other
languages put together. And while most aren't (and shouldn't be) used, they are
never the less entertaining. One such is venville. What does it mean? What is
its origin? And when was it first used?
28. Sexism has taken such a beating over that past couple of decades that not only
are people (men) nervous about talking to women, they don't even know what
words to use when they do. We know manhole is sexist, but is manacle?
And what should I say instead of manager?
29. Yeah, yeah. Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables is great
American literature, I'm sure. But I don't have time to read it by class
today. So I need a quick dose of plot summary to carry me through class.
Like, Who are the main characters? What kind of novel is it?
30. Got a problem? Can we say Pharmocology? But are all the drugs I take
friendly with each other? If I'm depressed and diabetic, should I be wary of
taking Prozac and Insulin at the same time?
31. Doctors write prescriptions for drugs too quickly for my tastes. Besides, there
are so many side affects. Something natural for me. I'm still depressed and
diabetic. Does Mother Nature have medical materials in her storehouse of
plants for me?
32. Photography is one thing. Movie special effects are another. Who won the
Academy Award for his special FX work in Raiders of the Lost Ark? What
other cult movie did he do the FX for? And what technological first did that
movie lay claim to?
33. Natural is best, particularly in food. No additives, no preservatives. Must be good, right? well,
what if I didn't grow it, and can't eat it today? Maybe some good food additives might help.
But which are good? Sequestrants I hear are good. What are they? What do they do?