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Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Marinus Pilon, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, Biology Department.
Tenure track position since August 2001.
Department of Biology
Colorado State University
E 416 Anatomy/Zoology Building
Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
Phone: 970 491 0803
Fax: 970 491 0649
Email: [email protected]
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
February 26 1963
Utrecht, The Netherlands
The Netherlands/ US permanent resident
Education and training
Postdoctoral Research Training
August 1994 – July 1998: Laboratory of Dr. R. Schekman, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute and the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at
June 1992-June 1994: Laboratories of Dr. B. de Kruijff and Dr. P. Weisbeek.
Institute for Biomembranes, Utrecht University.
June 1992: Institute of Molecular Biology, Utrecht University. Advisors: Prof. Dr. P.J.
Weisbeek and Prof. Dr. B. de Kruijff.
Masters (There was no bachelors in the Netherlands at the time)
August 1987. Utrecht University.
University Course Instructor at CSU:
BY310 Cell Biology, 4 credits, Spring 1999, Fall 2002, Spring 2004, 2005
+ 1 credit Honors section BY310: fall 2002, Spring 2004, 2005.
NS201 Part 3: Genetics of Development & Basic Immunology , 4 credits
1/3 semester, Spring, 1999
BZ350 Genetics 4 credits, fall, 1999
LSCC102 Introductory biology, 4 credits, fall, 2001,2002, 2004
Present regular CSU Course Assignments:
LSCC102 Attributes of living systems 4 credits (Fall)
BY310 Cell Biology (4 credits (Spring)
BZ 692 Seminar Course 1-2 credits (Spring + Fall)
Research Program: Metal cofactor transport and assembly in chloroplasts.
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Research funding:
CSU start up package: $75,000
Past grants
CSU Faculty research grant
Project title: Iron mobilization and Iron Sulfur cluster formation in Chloroplasts: the roles
of AtNIFS and AtCRD1. Duration: 1 year (starting July 2001-ending July 2002); award
amount: $4,499
NSF MCB-0091163, molecular cell biology-metabolic biochemistry program. PI:
Marinus Pilon
Project title: Metal Homeostasis and Tolerance in Plant Chloroplasts- the role of PAA1
and AtCutA.
Duration: 3 years, 4/1/01-3/31/04;
Award amount: $330,000.
NSF-REU supplement cumulative amount: $18,940
Active grants
USDA-NRI 2003-02148, Co-PI with Elizabeth Pilon-Smits
Project title: Characterization of a NifS-like Chloroplast Protein from Arabidopsis
thaliana: Implications for its role in sulfur and selenium metabolism Duration: 2 years,
Award amount $195,000
NSF-DBI-0400706, Instrumentation and resources, multi-user equipment program.
Project Title: A Tabletop Ultracentrifuge for Biology
PI: Marinus Pilon, Co-PIs: Daniel Bush, Donald Mykles and Anireddy Reddy
Award amount: $ 32,442
This proposal is for the purchase of a departmental ultra centrifuge.
NSF IBN-0418993
Project Title: Copper delivery in Plant Plastids. PI: Marinus Pilon
Award amount: $ 599,457
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Honors and Fellowships:
August 1994-August 1996: International Human Frontier Science Program Organisation
(HFSPO) Postdoctoral research fellowship. Award: $90,000.
January 1996: NVBMB annual award (Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology). Award amount: Fl 3500 (Dutch guilders, 1 Fl ~ 0.5 USD)
Presentations and Meetings:
Advanced Course Lecturer:
Advanced Course on Plant Biotechnology, Organized by the Institute for Biotechnology
Studies Delft/ Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands (June 1993). Lecture title: "Protein
sorting in plant cells."
Dynamics of Membrane Assembly, NATO/FEBS sponsored advanced course, Cargese,
Corsica, France (June 1991). Lecture title: "Protein transport into chloroplasts."
Protein-Lipid interactions and molecular aspects of protein insertion and translocation
in membranes, FEBS advanced course, Utrecht (January 1989). title: "In vitro analysis of
protein import into plastids."
Presentations at international meetings:
4th Interntional meeting on Copper homeostasis and its disorders. Ischia (Italy) October
2004. Invited speaker.
International Photosynthesis conference, Montreal (Canada) August 2004. Session Cochair and Speaker
NAIST/RITE Plant Responses to the Environment Symposium. Nara, Japan, November
2003, Invited lecture.
Colloquium in the life sciences CSU, Oct 2003
Plant Biology Dept Seminar, UC Berkeley Oct 2003
ASPB meeting, Honolulu, HI, July 2003, poster
ISPMB, Barcelona, Spain, June 2003, poster
ASPB meeting, Denver, CO (August, 2002) poster
Metals and Cells conference, Canterbury UK (April 2001) Invited lecture
ASPP meeting, San Diego CA (July 2000) poster
Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Yeast Cell Biology (August 1997) poster
ASCB meeting, San Fransisco CA (December 1996) poster
ASCB meeting, Washington DC (December, 1995) poster
ISPMB meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (June 1994) Invited talk
International Botany Conference, Yokohama, Japan, (August 1993) Invited talk
Keystone symposium, Taos NM, (February 1993) poster
International Photosynthesis Conference,, Nagoya, Japan, (August 1992)
Invited talk
Dynamics of Membrane Assembly, NATO/FEBS sponsored advanced course,
Cargese, Corsica, France (June 1991)Invited talk
International Photosynthesis Conference,, Stockholm Sweden, (August 1989)
Other invited seminars:
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Riken, Yokohama Japan, Invited seminar, November 2003
CSU Colloquium in the Life Sciences (Oct 2003)
Invited seminar UC Berkeley (Oct 2003)
Invited Seminar Kyoto University Japan (Nov 2003)
Invited Seminar Riken Yokohama Japan (Nov 2003)
CSU Horticulture Dept seminar (October 2001)
Kyoto University, Japan (June 2001)
CSU Biology Dept. seminar (March, 2001)
DLO-Wageningen University, The Netherlands (May 2000)
Utrecht University, Institute for biomembranes (May 2000)
Plant Biotechnology Symposium, CSU Fort Collins CO (April 2000)
University College London, UK (April 1997)
Amsterdam Free University, The Netherlands (April 1997)
Services/Committee Work
CSU committees:
Research Committee, CMB graduate program, CSU, June 2000-2002.
CMB steering committee, CMB graduate program, CSU, fall 2001-spring 2002.
Search Committee developmental genetics, 2001
Search Committee developmental biologist, Spring 2003
Executive committee, Biology Department, CSU, August 2002-2004
Biology Dept Seminar Committee: Fall 2003-present
Biology Dept. Graduate Committee: Fall 2004-present
Other services to the university:
Judge at CMB spring symposium: Spring 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Judge at Biology Symposium: Spring 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Judge at CSU Undergraduate research and creativity symposium: 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004
Organizer of Plant SuperGroup (PSG). Since the Spring of 2001. PSG provides a forum
for grad students and post-docs and an informal setting for front range plant biology
researchers to meet.
Ad hoc peer reviewer:
Research Proposals
National Science Foundation (9x)
Scientific Journals
- The Journal of Biological Chemistry
- FEBS letters
- Planta
- Science
- Functional Plant Biology
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
- Plant and Soil
- Plant Cell
- Plant Journal
- Photosynthesis research
NSF-Panelist: EAPSI program (East Asia and Pacific Studies Summer Institute)
Memberships of professional societies:
- ASCB: American Society for Cell Biology (stopped membership in Fall 2004)
- ASPB: American Society for Plant Biology
Lab personnel under my supervision.
Salah Abdel-Ghany, post-doctoral researcher.
John L Freeman, post-doctoral researcher.
Graduate student supervision.
Jason Burkhead (Ph.D candidate, Masters completed in Spring 2001, Ph.D in fall 2004)
Ye Hong (Ph.D candidate)
Katie Gogolin (Ph.D candidate)
Christopher Cohu (Ph.D candidate)
Undergraduate supervision. Students taking part in my research program.
Jason Amsbaugh, spring 2000- spring 2003.
Mike Corraggio Spring 2002
Peter Thomas, Spring 2002
Derek Koloditch, Spring 2002
Jared Bodecker Spring 2002- present.
Jonathan Morrill, Spring 2002- present.
Chris Lei, Fall 2003-2004
Dyllon Martini, Spring 2004-present
Lance Wollenberg, Fall 20004-present
Present collaborators.
Dr Krishna Niyogi, UC Berkeley
Dr Toshiharu Shikanai, Nara, Japan
Dr Tatsuo Kurihara, Kyoto, Japan
Dr Lola Penarrubia, Valencia, Spain
Dr Elizabeth Pilon-Smits, CSU
Salah E. Abdel-Ghany, Jason L. Burkhead, Kathryn A. Gogolin, Nuria Andrés-Colás,
Jared R. Bodecker, Sergi Puig, Lola Peñarrubia, and Marinus Pilon (2005)
AtCCS is a functional homolog of the yeast copper chaperone Ccs1/Lys7
FEBS Letters, 579, 2307-2312
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Abdel-Ghany SE, Ye H, Garifullina GF, Zhang L, Pilon-Smits EAH, Pilon M (2005)
Iron-Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis in Chloroplasts: Involvement of the Scaffold Protein
CpIscA. Plant Physiology, 138, 161-172.
Salah E. Abdel-Ghany, Patricia Müller-Moulé, Krishna K. Niyogi, Marinus Pilon* and
Toshiharu Shikanai. (2005) Two P-type ATPases are required for copper delivery in
Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts. Plant Cell, 17, 1233-1251
* Corresponding author.
Marinus Pilon, Salah E. Abdel-Ghany, Douglas Van Hoewyk, Hong Ye, and Elizabeth
A.H. Pilon-Smits (2005)
Biogenesis of Iron-Sulfur Cluster Proteins in Plastids
In: Genetic Engineering, Principles and Methods, Volume 27, J.K. Setlow, editor.
Springer publishers.
Pilon Smits EAH, Pilon M (2005) Sulfur metabolism in plastids. In: Wise RR, Hoober
JK (Eds) "Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration - The Structure and Function of
Plastids". Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. In press
Ye H, Garifullina GF, Abdel-Ghany S, Zhang L, Pilon-Smits EAH, Pilon M (2005)
AtCpNifS is required for iron-sulfur cluster formation in ferredoxin in vitro.
Planta, 220, 602-608
Wangeline AL, Burkhead JL, Hale KL, Lindblom SD, Terry N, Pilon M, Pilon-Smits
Overexpression of ATP sulfurylase in Indian mustard: effects on tolerance and
accumulation of twelve metals. J Environ Qual. 2004 33, 54-60.
Burkhead J., Abdel-Ghany S., Morrill J., Pilon-Smits E.A.H., and Pilon M. (2003). The
Arabidopsis thaliana CUTA gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved copper binding
protein. Plant J. 34, 856-867
Shikanai, T., Müller-Moulé, P., Munekage, Y., Niyogi, K., and Pilon, M. (2003).
PAA1, a P-type ATPase of Arabidopsis, Functions in Copper Transport in
Chloroplasts. Plant Cell 15, 1333-1346.
Pilon M., Owen J.D., Garifullina G.F., Kurihara T., Mihara H., Esaki N., and PilonSmits E.A.H. (2003). Enhanced Selenium Tolerance and Accumulation in Transgenic
Arabidopsis thaliana Expressing a Mouse Selenocysteine Lyase. Plant Physiol. 131,
1250-1257. (
Bennett L.E., Burkhead J.L., Hale K.L., Terry N., Pilon M., and Pilon-Smits E.A.H.
(2002). Analysis of Transgenic Indian Mustard Plants for Phytoremediation of MetalContaminated Mine Tailings. J. Environ. Qual. 32: 432-440.
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Garifullina G.F., Owen J.D., Lindblom S.-D., Tufan H., Pilon M., and Pilon-Smits
E.A.H. (2003) Expression of a Mouse Selenocysteine Lyase in Brassica juncea
Chloroplasts Affects Selenium Tolerance and Accumulation. Physiologia Plantarum 118,
Wangeline A.L., Burkhead J.L., Hale K.L., Lindblom S.-D., Terry N., Pilon M., and
Pilon-Smits E.A.H. (2003) Overexpression of ATP Sulfurylase in Brassica juncea:
Effects on Tolerance and Accumulation of Twelve Metals. J. Environ. Qual., in press
Pilon-Smits EAH, Garifullina GF, Abdel-Ghany SE, Kato S-I, Mihara H, Hale KL,
Burkhead JL, Esaki N, Kurihara T, and Pilon M (2002)
Characterization of a NifS-like Chloroplast Protein from Arabidopsis thaliana –
Implications for Its Role in Sulfur and Selenium Metabolism. Plant Physiol. 130, 13091318.
Hale KL, Tufan HA, Pickering IJ, George GN, Terry N, Pilon M, Pilon-Smits EAH
(2002) Anthocyanins Facilitate Tungsten Accumulation In Brassica.
Physiologia Plantarum,116, 351-358.
Pilon-Smits EAH, and Pilon M (2002)
Phytoremediation of Metals Using Transgenic Plants Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 21:439-456
Pilon-Smits E, and Pilon M (2000)
Breeding mercury-breathing plants for environmental cleanup. Trends in plant Science 5,
Gillece, P, Pilon M and Römisch, K (2000)
The protein translocation channel mediates glycopeptide export across the endoplasmic
reticulum membrane. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 4609-4614
Pilon M, and Schekman R (1999).
Protein Translocation: How Hsp70 pulls it off. Cell 97, 679-682
Pilon M, Römisch K, Quach D. and Schekman R (1998)
Sec61p serves multiple roles in secretory precursor binding and translocation into the
endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Molecular Biology of the Cell 9, 3455-3473.
Rensink, WA, Pilon M, and Weisbeek PJ (1998)
Domains of a transit sequence required for in vivo import in Arabidopsis Chloroplasts.
Plant Physiology 118, 691-700.
Pilon M, Schekman R and Romisch K. (1997)
Sec61p mediates export of a misfolded secretory protein from the endoplasmic reticulum
for degradation. EMBO J. 16, 4540-4548.
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
De Kruijff B, Pilon M, van 't Hof R, and Demel R (1996)
Lipid-protein interactions in chloroplast protein import.
In: NATO ASI Series Vol H Molecular dynamics of biomembranes (J. Op den Kamp
editor.) pp 99-136, Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg
Pilon M, Wienk H, Sips W, de Swaaf M, Talboom I, van 't Hof R, de Korte-Kool G,
Demel R, Weisbeek P, and de Kruijff B (1995)
Functional domains of the ferredoxin transit sequence involved in chloroplast import.
J. Biol. Chem. 270, 3882-3893.
Forsman C, and Pilon M (1995)
Chloroplast import and sequential maturation of pea carbonic anhydrase: the roles of
various parts of the transit peptide. FEBS lett. 358, 39-42.
Bulychev A, Pilon M, Dassen, H, van 't Hof R, Vredenburg W, and de Kruijff B (1995)
Precursor-mediated opening of translocation pores in chloroplast envelopes.
FEBS Lett. 356, 204-206.
Pilon M, America T, van 't Hof R, de Kruijff B, and Weisbeek P (1995)
Protein translocation into chloroplasts.
In: Advances in molecular and cell biology volume title: Membrane protein transport,
volume 1 (S.S. Rothman editor), pp 229-255, JAI Press, Greenwich, Connecticut.
Horniak L, Pilon M, van 't Hof R, and de Kruijff B (1993)
The secondary structure of the ferredoxin transit sequence is modulated by its interaction
with negatively charged lipids. FEBS Lett. 334, 241-246
van 't Hof R, van Klompenburg W, Pilon M, Kozubek A, de Korte-Kool G, Demel RA,
Weisbeek P, and de Kruijff B (1993)
The transit sequence mediates the specific interaction of the precursor of ferredoxin with
chloroplast envelope membrane lipids. J. Biol. Chem. 268, 4037-4042.
Pilon M, Rietveld AG, Weisbeek PJ, and de Kruijff B (1992)
Secondary structure and folding of a functional chloroplast precursor protein.
J. Biol. Chem. 267, 19907-19913
Pilon M, Weisbeek PJ, and de Kruijff B (1992)
Kinetic analysis of translocation into isolated chloroplasts of the purified ferredoxin
precursor. FEBS Lett. 302, 65-68.
Pilon M, de Kruijff B, and Weisbeek PJ (1992)
New insights into the import mechanism of the ferredoxin precursor into chloroplasts.
J. Biol. Chem. 267, 2548-2556.
Pilon M., de Kruijff, B. and Weisbeek,P.J. (1992)
Curriculum vitae Marinus Pilon
Molecular aspects of protein translocation into chloroplasts
In: Research in photosynthesis Vol. 3 (N. Murata editor) pp133-140, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht.
De Kruijff B, Breukink E, Demel R, van 't Hof R, de Jongh HHJ, Jordi W, Keller RCA,
Killian, JA, de Kroon AIPM, Kusters R, and Pilon, M. (1992)
Lipid involvement in protein translocation.
In: New Comprehensive Biochemistry 22, Issue title: Membrane biogenesis and protein
targeting (Neupert, W. and Lill, R. eds.) pp 85-101, Elsevier Biomedical Press,
De Boer D, Hageman J, Pilon M, America T and Weisbeek P (1991)
Protein translocation across the chloroplast envelope membrane.
In: Plant molecular biology (Herrmann, R.G., and Larkins, B., eds.) Plenum Press, New
Pilon M, de Boer AD, Knols SL, Koppelman MHGM, van der Graaf, RM, de Kruijff B,
and Weisbeek PJ (1990)
Expression in Escherichia coli and purification of a translocation-competent precursor of
the chloroplast protein ferredoxin.
J. Biol. Chem. 265, 3358-3361
Hageman J, Baecke C, Ebskamp M, Pilon R, Smeekens S, and Weisbeek P (1990)
Protein import into and sorting inside the chloroplast are independent processes.
Plant Cell 2, 479-494.
Jordi W, Li-Xin Z, Pilon M, Demel RA, and de Kruijff B (1989)
The importance of the amino terminus of the mitochondrial precursor apocytochrome c
for translocation across model membranes.
J. Biol. Chem. 264, 2292-2301.
Weisbeek P, Hageman J, De Boer D, Pilon M, and Smeekens S (1989)
Import of proteins into the chloroplast lumen.
J. Cell Sci. Suppl. 11, 199-223.
Pilon M, Jordi W, de Kruijff B, and Demel RA (1987)
Interactions of the mitochondrial precursor protein apocytochrome c with
phosphatidylserine in model membranes. A monolayer study.
Biochim.Biophys. Acta 902, 207-216.
Pilon M. and Borstlap A.C (1987)
Kinetics of L-valine uptake in suspension-cultured cells and protoplast-derived cells
Plant Physiol. 84, 737-742