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Chapter 7- APUS Notes
1. Political Parties- organizations that seek political power by electing people to
office so that their positions and philosophy become public policy
2. Functionsa. Organize the competition- Party Column Ballot/ Office Block Ballot/
Nonpartisan Elections
b. Unify the electorate
c. Help organize the government…patronage
Translate preferences into policy…candidate centered…soft money
e. Provide loyal opposition
3. Nomination of Candidates…caucus- choosing candidates and policies…party
conventions/ direct primary- voters choose party candidates/ open primariesanyone regardless of party can participate…crossover voting/ closed primariesregistered party voters only.
4. Blanket primaries…2000, S.C. rules illegal- violated free association rights of
political parties…crossovers can effect a parties choices
5. Party systems- proportional representation versus winner take all system
6. Minor Parties…third parties…Libertarian, Green, Reform.
7. History
a. History: realigning elections- Clinton to W.
1824- Jackson and the democrats
c. Civil War and the rise of the republicans
d. 1896- Republicans in transition
e. The New Deal…The failure of laissez-faire economics / the rise of
Keynesian Economics
8. Divided Government- Democrats- solid south…now republican…American
Political Parties Today. National Party Convention…National Chairman,
campaign committees…Grass Roots
9. Parties in Government:
a. Executive
b. Judicial
c. Legislative
10. The role of the parties at the state and local level.
11. Parties in the Electorate:
a. Party registrationb. Party Activists
c. Party Identification- Rep/Dem/I,other-2% - De-alignment-Reform of the
parties, campaign finance reform- McCain/Feingold