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Unit 3 Carbohydrate, Protien, Lipid Revision
1. A carbohydrate molecule is 1232 subunits long.
a. How many monomers make up this molecule?_________________
(1 mark)
b. How many molecules of water were released? ______________(1 mark)
c. How many glycosidic bonds are there?
______________(1 mark)
d. How many peptide bonds?
______________(1 mark)
e. Name one example of a carbohydrate and one use of a carbohydrate: (1 mark)
2. The following is a picture of a trisaccharide.
a. What do we call the bonds that join each monomer together? ____________
(1 mark)
b. In the boxes below draw how each monomer would look if it was not joined
with another molecule. Write the name of the molecule under the box. (6
1. Name three examples of proteins and what their functions are. (6 marks)
(a) What kinds of foods are high in protein? ( 1 mark)
(b) During weight training, weight lifters will eat meals containing large
amounts of protein. Why do they do this? (2 marks)
2. The following is a picture of a tripeptide, shown with its functional groups.
(a) Draw 3 lines that show the amino acids that make up the tripeptide.
(3 marks)
(b) How many water molecules were released to make this protein? ________
(1 mark)
(c) What do we call the bonds that join amino acids together? ___________
( 1 mark)
1. Name three uses of lipids. (3 marks)
2. What makes up a triglyceride? (2 marks)
3. How many water molecules are created when one triglyceride is made? .......
(1 mark)
4. Explain how a phospholipid is different than a trigylceride (2 marks)
5. Compare the use of lipids and carbohydrates in energy storage (4 marks) –
(You might need to use your books.)