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Table of Contents
-Proper and Common Nouns
Nouns worksheet
Noun worksheet answer key
Adjectives and Articles
Adjectives and Articles worksheet
Adjectives and Articles worksheet answer key
Pronoun worksheet
Pronoun worksheet answer key
Verbs worksheet
Verbs worksheet answer key
Prepositions worksheet
Prepositions worksheet answer key
Conjunctions worksheet
Conjunctions worksheet answer key
Interjection worksheet
Interjection worksheet answer key
Noun- Person, place, thing or idea.
Common Noun- Noun that names any class of people,
places, things, or ideas.
Proper Noun- Noun that names any specific person, place,
thing, or idea.
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Noun Worksheet
1) What is a Noun?
What is a Common Noun?
3) What is a Proper Noun?
-Find and underline the Nouns in the following sentences:
1) The students in the class were very ecstatic.
2) The store clerk was held captive by the angry burglar.
3) When the children woke up on Christmas morning there was a happy
Answer key for Noun Worksheet
1) What is a Noun? - A person, place, thing, or idea
2) What is a Common Noun? - Any Noun that names a specific person, place, thing,
or idea.
3) What is a Proper Noun?-Any Noun that names a specific person, place, thing, or
-Find the Nouns in the following sentence:
4) The students in the class were very ecstatic.
5) The store clerk was held captive by the angry burglar.
6) When the children woke up on Christmas morning there was a happy
Students- Common Noun
Class- Common Noun
Clerk- Common Noun
Burglar- Common Noun
Children- Common Noun
Morning- Common Noun
Atmosphere- Common Noun
Adjective- A word that describes a noun.
Three questions an Adjective answers- Which one? What kind? How
Articles (definite & indefinite)
Articles- Specific types of adjectives.
-They are always used as adjectives.
-They are placed before nouns in sentences.
Definite Article- Used when talking about a specific person, place, or thing.
-Is the word “the”
-is labeled “DA”
Indefinite Article- Used when speaking about a general person, place, or
-are the words “A” and “AN”
-is labeled “IA”
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Adjectives and Articles worksheet
Underline the adjectives in the following sentence:
1) The big red dog Fluffy, went to see his old mother.
2) The young boy is almost 4.
3) The elderly mother of sixteen went to see her twenty sixth grandson
Fill in the blank in the following sentences:
1) The three questions an adjective answers are _____________,
2) An adjective describes _______________.
Fill in the blank in the following sentence:
1) An indefinite article is________________________.
2) A definite article is____________________________.
3) The two words indefinite articles describe are _____, _____.
4) The word a definite article describes is _______.
Adjectives and Articles answer key
Underline the adjectives in the following sentence:
1) The big red dog Fluffy, went to see his old mother.
2) The young boy is almost four.
3) The elderly mother of sixteen went to see her twenty sixth grandson
Fill in the blank in the following sentences:
1) The three questions an adjective answers are, Which one? What kind?
How much/many?
2) An adjective describes a noun, pronoun, another adjective.
Fill in the blank in the following sentence:
1) An indefinite article is used when describing a general person, place,
or thing
2) A definite article is used when describing a specific person, place, or
3) The two words indefinite articles describe are a, and an.
4) The word a definite article describes is the.
Pronoun- Takes the place of a noun.
5 types of pronouns:
1) Personal-refer to people
Singular- I, me, mine, you, her, hers, him, she, he, him, it, its, yours
Plural- we, us, they, theirs, them, our
2) Relative-introduces phrases
-Who, whom, whose- refer to people
-Which, what- refer to things/places
-That- refers to things
3) Interrogative- Introduce questions
-who, whom, whose, what, which
4) Demonstrative- Points out antecedent
-Singular- this, that
-Plural- these, those
5) Indefinite- Nonspecific persons/things
-Another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, each other,
either, everybody, everyone, everything, much, neither,
nobody, no one, nothing, one, one another, somebody,
someone, something, both, few, many, others, several,
all, any, most, none
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Pronouns Worksheet
Underline the pronouns in the following sentences:
1) Does anyone want to go to the store with me?
2) Most of the people in the restaurant are nonchalant about the peculiar
event that took place.
3) None of the people wanted to go to the mall.
4) Her best friend is also mine.
5) It is your responsibility to pick up your room, so you are able to go to
the movies with your friend.
Pronoun Worksheet Answer Key
Underline the pronouns in the following sentences:
1) Does anyone want to go to the store with me?
2) Most of the people in the restaurant are nonchalant about the peculiar
event that took place.
3) None of the people wanted to go to the mall.
4) Her best friend is also mine.
5) It is your responsibility to pick up your room, so you are able to go to
the movies with your friend.
Verb- A word that shows an action or condition
Action verb- A verb that shows action
Examples of action verbs include: jump, run, skip, swim, walk,
Linking verb- Links a noun or pronoun to another part of the sentence.
Examples of linking verbs include: am, is, are, was, were, being, be,
been, grow, remain, because, appear, seem, stay, become, sound, taste, feel,
look, smell.
Helping verbs- Helps to express action or to make a statement and creates a
verb phrase.
Examples of helping verbs: can, could, should, would, will, would,
do, does, has, had, shall, may, must, did, have, am, is, are, was, were, being,
be, been.
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Verbs Worksheet
Underline and identify the verbs in the following sentences:
1) The boy ran through the jungle after the wilder beast.
2) The girl was mischievous as she skipped rapidly through the
3) Lexi was called down to the office and lied about not eating
Matthew’s food.
4) The gym teacher played volleyball with the children.
5) Rambo was flying through the forest on vines.
Verb Worksheet answer key
Underline and identify the verbs in the following sentences:
1) The boy ran through the jungle after the wilder beast.
2) The girl was mischievous as she skipped rapidly through the playground.
3) Lexi was called down to the office and lied about not eating Matthew’s
4) The gym teacher played volleyball with the children.
5) Rambo was flying through the forest on vines.
Prepositions- A word or group of words that shows the relationship in time,
space, or some other senses between its object (the noun or pronoun the
follows the preposition) and the other word in the sentences.
-Prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after,
against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from,
around, aside from, at, away from, back of, because of, before, behind,
below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, by, despite, down, down
from, during, except, except for, from, from among, from between, from
under, in, in addition to, in front of, in place of, in regard of, inside, inside
of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, of, off, on, on account of,
on behalf of, onto, on top of, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to,
past, prior to, round, with, through, throughout, to, toward, under,
underneath, until, unto, up, up to, upon, with, within, without
Prepositional phrase- A phrase that starts with a preposition and ends with a
-A phrase to remember prepositions is: The angel flew ______________ the
cloud. Any word that is filled in that line is a preposition.
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Preposition Worksheet
Underline the following prepositional phrases and bold the
1) Because of the rain the boy could not go to the store.
2) The girls played a pick-up game of basketball at the basketball court.
3) The man came amid the fog with great bearings of fruit.
4) Without the plane, the people could not travel to Jamaica.
5) According to the judge the woman was accused of third degree
Preposition Worksheet answer key
Underline the following prepositional phrases and bold the prepositions.
1) Because of the rain the boy could not go to the store.
2) The girls played a pick-up game of basketball at the basketball court.
3) The man came amid the fog with great bearings of fruit.
4) Without the plane, the people could not travel to Jamaica.
5) According to the judge the woman was accused of third degree
Conjunctions- Connects words, phrases, and clauses.
Coordinating Conjunctions- Shows equality of words, phrases, and clauses
-Examples- and, but, so, for, nor, yet, or
Correlative Conjunctions- Shows tighter equality –is a paired conjunction
–There are two words.
-Examples –both…and, neither…and, either…nor, whether…or, not
only…but also
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Conjunctions Worksheet
1) A correlative Conjunction is
2) A Coordinating Conjunction is _________________________________.
Pick out the following conjunctions in the sentence below.
1) The boy went to the store, and bought gummy worms.
2) I was wet, yet happy.
3) We can either go to the mall, or the movies.
Conjunctions Worksheet answer key
1) A correlative Conjunction is a word that shows tighter equality-is a paired
conjunction-there is two words.
2) A Coordinating Conjunction is a word that shows equality of
Underline the following conjunctions in the sentence below.
1) The boy went to the store, and bought gummy worms.
2) I was wet, yet happy.
3) We can either go to the mall, or the movies.
Interjection- Special words that show strong feelings, or emotions.
Examples: aha, ahem, all right, dear me, gadzooks. Gee whiz, good grief,
gosh, hello, help, hey, hooray, indeed, my goodness, nuts, oh, oh no, oops,
ouch, phew, right on, super, ugh, well, whoopee, wow, yikes, yippee, yoohoo, yuck.
Name:______________________ Date:________ Period:______
Interjections Worksheet
Underline the following interjections in the following sentences:
1) Ouch! That hurts.
2) Gee Whiz! I think I fell.
3) Nuts! I forgot my car at work and took the bus home.
4) Yuck! I stepped in some mud.
6) Wow! I thought I saw a vampire.
Interjections answer key
Underline the following interjections in the following sentences:
1) Ouch! That hurts.
2) Gee Whiz! I think I fell.
3) Nuts! I forgot my car at work and took the bus home.
4) Yuck! I stepped in some mud.
5) Wow! I thought I saw a vampire.