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1. A doctor is examining a culture of bacteria he recently took from a patient. The bacterium is spherical in
shape. Which of the following is a possibility for the organism he is looking at?
a. Lactobacillus
b. Streptococcus
c. Saccharospirilum
d. Influenza
2. Related families are grouped into the next-highest taxon called a:
a. Class
b. Phylum
c. Order
d. Genus
e. Kingdom
3. Which of the following is the best description of our current hypothesis of the tree of life?
a. The tree of life consists of three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
b. The base of the tree of life is still uncertain because the molecular clock is not accurate for
evolutionary events that occurred that long ago.
c. The domain Archaea is known to be the first branch; domains bacteria and Eukarya are more
closely related to one another.
d. There was substantial horizontal gene transfer and perhaps even fusion of different organisms
during the early history of life.
e. Both a and d represent our current hypothesis.
4. Genetic variation in prokaryotes may be a result of:
a. Horizontal gene transfer
b. Transduction
c. Conjugation
d. Transformation
e. All of the above
5. What theory involves the idea that mitochondria were originally aerobic heterotrophic bacteria?
a. Endosymbiotic theory
b. Cell theory
c. Germ theory
d. Mitochondrial theory
6. Which two of the three domains are most closely related to one another than either is to the third?
A. Bacteria and Archaea
B. Archaea and Eukarya
C. Eukarya and Bacteria
7. _______________ are unicellular algae that have a glass-like wall of hydrated silica.
a. Dinoflagellates
b. Ciliates
c. Diatoms
d. Foraminiferans
8. In plants, ________ is where eggs are formed.
a. Antheridium
b. Archaea
c. Archegonium
d. Archaeophytes
9. Plants and green algae have all of the following in common except:
a. They are both always multicellular
b. They contain chlorophylls a and b
c. They both have cellulose cell walls that are reinforced with lignin.
10. How does formation of gametes occur in animals and plants, respectively?
a. Meiosis, meiosis
b. Mitosis, mitosis
c. Meiosis, mitosis
d. Mitosis, meiosis
11. Which domain are protists a member of?
a. Bacteria
b. Prokaryotes
c. Archaea
d. Eukaryotes
e. Both a and b
12. What is wrong with the following statement about the scientific method? “If the results of the
experiment are as expected, then the hypothesis is proved.”
a. More experiments than one are required to prove an hypothesis.
b. A hypothesis is only proved when the results of the experiments are published and repeated by other
c. Hypotheses are easily disproven by experimentation, but almost never proven.
d. Hypotheses must be modified many times before they become accepted by the scientific community.
e. We are not told whether or not the hypothesis is consistent with other, previously accepted,
13. Which of the following are characteristic of prokaryotic but not eukaryotic cells?
a. circular DNA
b. endomembrane system
c. cell wall
d. polysaccharides
e. ribosomes
14. Which of the following was not a problem when plants moved onto land?
a. Loss of water
b. Ultraviolet light
c. Visible light
d. Gravity
e. Fertilization (union of gametes)
17. What problem encountered by the first land plants was partially solved by the use of a new kind of
polysaccharide, lignin?
a. Too much ultraviolet light.
b. The plant was too heavy to stand up (gravity).
c. Too much oxygen.
d. How to acquire nutrients.
e. The land environment was too dry.
18. Which of the following is a general trend in the evolution of the plant kingdom?
a. small plants to large plants
b. increasing dominance of the gametophyte stage
c. diminution of the gametophyte stage
d. increasing efficiency of photosynthesis
e. increasingly complex seeds
19. In all plants, what produces gametes?
a. gametangia
c. gametophyte
b. meiosis
d. sporophyte
e. choices a and c are correct, but b and d are not.
20. What do ferns have that mosses do not?
a. A sporophyte generation.
b. Motile sperm.
c. Spores dispersed through the air.
d. Structures called ovules
e. A vascular system.
21-23 Match the following protists with their description.
21. _______ Dinoflagellates
22. _______ Apicomplexans
23. _______ Foraminferans
A. Known for their porous shells, called tests. Pseudopodia extend through the pores and function in swimming,
test formation, and feeding.
B. An alveolate, 2 flagella, abundant components in planton, blooms create “red tides”
C. An alveolate, complex life cycle: have both sexual and asexual phases, nearly all are parasites. Can cause
malaria in humans.
24. Which of the following is the function of the stigma in angiosperms? Is it part of the male or female
reproductive features?
a. it is sticky and is used to catch pollen, male
b. it is a tubule in which the pollen tube grows, female
c. it is sticky and is used to catch pollen, female
d. it is a tubule in which the pollen grows, male
25. Which of the following is a major linkage that angiosperms have with animals?
a. pollination
b. dispersal
c. human food
d. a, b, and c are all true
26. Monocot parts flower in….
a. groups of 3s
b. groups of 4s and 5s
c. groups of 7s
d. none of the above
27. Ferns and horsetails are examples of ______.
a. seed vascular plants
b. seedless vascular plants
c. gymnosperms
d. angiosperms
28. Why are moss usually found in moist environments?
a. xylem will not work without water
b. moss seeds are in danger of drying out
c. flagellated sperm need water for fertilization
d. they enjoy playing in the puddles
29. Bacteria that use inorganic chemicals as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source are called
a. chemoautotrophs
b. photoautotrophs
c. chemoheterotrophs
d. photoheterotrophs
A ______ protects plants from microbial attacks and drying out.
a. cuticle
b. sporangium
c. peristome
d. apical meristem
Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by ______.
a. mitosis
b. binary fission
c. meiosis
d. alternation of generations
32. Phylogeny is the study of ______.
a. the evolutionary history of a species
b. the evolutionary history of bacteria
c. the naming of organisms
d. the endosymbiotic theory
33. “An explanation for natural phenomena that is well supported by many reliable observations” describes
which of the following?
a. Fact
b. Hypothesis
c. Law
d. Scientific theory
34. What are believed to have originally been bacteria before endosymbiosis occurred?
a. Ribosomes
b. Chloroplasts
c. Mitochondria
d. Golgi Apparatus
e. Both a and b are correct
f. both b and c are correct
35. Phylogenetic Tree: Please look at board for diagram, question, and answer choices.