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Human Biology
Spring 2006
Quiz 4 - 20 points
Part I. Matching. Write the number of the name of the organ or structure on the right in
front of the function or process on the left.
5 points.
____ 1.
____ 2.
____ 3.
____ 4.
____ 5.
____ 6.
____ 7.
____ 8.
____ 9.
Produces salivary amylase
Produces carbohydrases and proteases
Produces bile salts
Produces hydrochloric acid (pH ~ 1.0)
Absorbs water from the chyme
Most nutrient's are absorbed here
Food is mechanically processed here
Connects the pharynx with the stomach
Bag that collects bile salts, releases slowly
1. liver
2. stomach
3. small intestine
4. mouth
5. salivary glands
6. large intestine (colon)
7. gall bladder
8. pancreas
9. esophagus
Part II. Location of organs of digestion. For each line below, write the name of the organ
or structure to which it points.
7 points
____________________ 1.
____________________ 3.
____________________ 4.
____________________ 5.
____________________ 6.
____________________ 7.
Part III. Matching. Write the appropriate number from the list on the right in front of the
term on the left.
5 points
_____ 1. lipases
1. kills much of the bacteria that is in food
_____ 2. bile salts
2. breaks large molecules into amino acids
_____ 3. carbohydrases
3. breaks large molecules into simple sugars
_____ 4. proteinases
4. chemically breaks down fats and oils
_____ 5. hydrochloric acid
5. physically emulsifies fats and oils
Part IV.
3 points.