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Earth Systems and Cycles Study Guide (Chapter 3)
Things to know
Things to know
- Section 1
1. Earth layers
a. Lithosphere is the cold brittle layer on the earth’s surface.
b. Mantle is hot middle section where convection occurs.
c. Core is dense and solid inner most section that creates magnetic
2. Know that Earth can be divided into 4 spheres (or 4 separate
a. Geosphere – consists of the crust, mantle, and core.
i. Where tectonic plates converge, diverge and subduct
ii. Part of the planet where the rock cycle occurs
b. Atmosphere – the gaseous layer above the Geosphere.
i. Energy flows through the atmosphere in convection
ii. Thin “blanket” that traps heat from the Sun. Known as
greenhouse effect.
iii. Extends upward from the Geosphere 12 km (kilometers) to
outerspace, changing temperature and composition on its
way up.
c. Hydrosphere – the collection of all of Earth’s water (H2O) in all its
i. Consists of the all oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ground
water (aquifers), glaciers, icebergs, clouds, and snow.
ii. Energy also flows through the Hydrosphere in convections
iii. Most life on Earth exists in the hydrosphere.
d. Biosphere – made of living organisms and any area on Earth
where life is found.
i. Includes Earth’s surface, lower atmosphere, and most of
the hydrosphere.
ii. Biosphere (living organisms) exists within the Geosphere,
Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
iii. Liquid water and a sustainable habitat are necessary for life
to exist.
iv. Food production is an example of how geo-, hydro-, and
atmosphere interact.
- Section 2
1. Heat and Energy Transfer
a. Temperature flows from hot substance to cold substance. When
you touch a cold surface, you transfer your heat to the cold
substance, warming it up until both are the same temperature.
b. Conduction – transfer of heat from one substance to the other.
i. Example: heat from soup transfers to spoon; heat from
hand transfers to surface.
c. Convection – Within a substance, heat rises, cold sinks.
d. Radiation – Heat traveling away from substance through the air.
Section 4
1. Cycles of Matter
a. Rock Cycle – a process by which rocks form, change from one
type to another, are destroyed and are formed again.
i. Igneous – formed from lava that has hardened and
ii. Sedimentary – formed from erosion into sediments that
is compressed over time
iii. Metamorphic – formed from other rocks (sedimentary
or metamorphic) through heat and pressure
b. Water Cycle Circulation of water
i. Steps: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff,
c. Carbon Cycle – present in all living things. Cycled through
living and nonliving things. With out carbon living organisms
cannot exist.