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Bones and Muscles Study Guide
Know the 2 nutrients that keep your bones strong: calcium and Vitamin
Know the function of cartilage: soft bone-like material that prevents
bones from rubbing against each other
Know the meaning of these vocabulary words:
1) ligaments: connect bone to bone at joints
2) tendons: connect muscle to bone
3) marrow: soft, red material in the center of bones
4) involuntary muscles: a muscle that moves on its own
5) voluntary muscles: a muscle you must think about in order to move
Know the jobs of the skeletal system:
1) gives support and shape to the body
2) protects soft parts and organs
3) makes blood cells
The skeletal system is like the framework of a house because it is the
framework for the rest of the body and protects what is inside.
Be able to give an example of involuntary muscle (esophagus,
diaphragm, blood vessels) and explain why it is involuntary (you can’t
control it). You don’t have to think about using it for it to work.
Know how many bones and muscles are in the human body: 206 bones
and over 600 muscles
Muscles need protein found in meat, fish, and eggs to be healthy.
The metric measurement of a 4th grader’s femur is about 35 cm, or the
length of a ruler.
Also, these concepts were not on my original study guide, but we
included them as things the students need to know:
- Muscles usually work in groups/pairs (i.e. biceps and triceps)
- Your skull protects your brain.
- Your ribs protect your heart and lungs.