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Understanding Large Numbers
Integrated Science 2
A billion is 109 or 1,000,000,000. And it is a BIG number! There are many cases in which numbers like a billion
are used to describe topics in science, such as the age of the universe, the length of a galaxy, or number of stars in a
galaxy. Before we begin to look at our Origins unit, which covers times and distances in the billions—and more,
we will complete this project that directs you to creatively design a representation of a large number. Your goal is
to make your number as real as possible. It is important to have some sense of large numbers as they are used in all
fields of science.
1. Find a way to make your number more real. The key is to find a value that we understand and then to convert
your number into something more understandable. You should find an unrelated example that still uses the
number and property you’ve been assigned (for example, if you are given a measurement in millions of years,
then your calculations may involve any units of time).
Use the following format to create your poster:
A. Title of your project (include your given topic)
B. Description of the comparison you chose.
C. Mathematics. In this section, provide a complete set of conversion factors and a set of accurate
calculations that support your example. All numbers must include units and a diagram may be used.
D. Summary of your findings.
2. Presentation: you will have 2-3 minutes to explain your example.
Your project will be graded as follows:
4 – Creates an easily understandable comparison using correct mathematics. Care in creation of poster is evident.
3 – Creates a reasonable comparison using correct mathematics. Care in creation of poster is evident.
2 – Creates a muddled comparison and/or uses incorrect mathematics. Care in creation of poster is variable.
1 – Creates a muddled comparison and uses incorrect mathematics. Care in creation of poster is variable.
Available Topics:
First Hominids Appeared = 20 million years ago
Age of the Universe = 13.7 billion years
Age of Earth = 4.6 billion years
First Cells (Life) Appeared = 4 billion years ago
Years that Single Celled Organisms Were the Only Life on Earth = 3 billion years
Distance to the Moon = 239 thousand miles
Distance to the Sun = 93 million miles
Distance to the Nearest Star, Proxima Centauri = 23 trillion miles
Distance to Mars = 34 million miles
Distance to the Nearest Galaxy, Andromeda = 15 quintillion miles
Number of Species of Animals on Earth = 7.7 million
Number of Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy = 200 billion
Number of Carbon-14 Atoms in the Average Newborn Baby = 40 trillion
Number of Galaxies in the Observable Universe = 100 billion