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I Pretest
1. The stomach is directly connected to the __________________ above and the
_________________ below.
2. The major food digested in the stomach is __________________, which is hydrolyzed
by the enzyme ___________________.
3. Among its chemical aspects, every digestive enzyme has a preferred _____________.
4. Before fats are digested they are emulsified by _______________________.
5. Pancreatic juices enter the small intestine by way of the _______________________
duct and contain ________________________ for the digestion of every type of food.
6. The liver first receives the products of digestion by means of the _________________
vein; any excess glucose is stored as ______________________. The nutrients leave
the liver via the ______________________.
7. The secretion of digestive juices is controlled by ________________________ and
8. The fingerlike projections lining the wall of the small intestine are called ___________.
9. Every diet should include the ______________________ amino acids, the
___________________________ fatty acids, and _______________________.
II Definitions
1. Salivary gland: _________________________________________________________
2. Salivary amylase: ______________________________________________________
3. Hydrolytic enzyme: _____________________________________________________
4. Pharynx: _____________________________________________________________
5. Larynx: ______________________________________________________________
6. Insulin: _______________________________________________________________
7. Epiglottis: _____________________________________________________________
8. Esophagus: ___________________________________________________________
9. Thyroxin: _____________________________________________________________
10. Peristalsis: ____________________________________________________________
11. Sphincter: ____________________________________________________________
12. Gastric glands: ________________________________________________________
13. Pepsin: ______________________________________________________________
14. Duodenum: ___________________________________________________________
15. Bile: _________________________________________________________________
16. Gallbladder: ___________________________________________________________
17. Gastrin: ______________________________________________________________
18. Secretin: _____________________________________________________________
19. CCK: ________________________________________________________________
20. Villi: _________________________________________________________________
21. Lacteal: ______________________________________________________________
22. Hepatic portal vein: ____________________________________________________
23. Deamination: __________________________________________________________
24. Gallstones: ___________________________________________________________
25. Colon: _______________________________________________________________
26. Rectum: ______________________________________________________________
27. Anus: ________________________________________________________________
28. Appendix: ____________________________________________________________
29. Glucagon: ____________________________________________________________
III Study Questions
1. Label the following diagram
2. After studying this figure, answer the questions below.
a) In which part of the tract are nutrient molecules absorbed? ___________________
b) In which part of the tract does pancreatic juice enter? _______________________.
c) In which part of the tract does bile enter? ________________________________.
d) What parts of the digestive tract do not actually contain food and might be called
accessory organs of digestion? ________________and _________________.
e) What parts of the digestive tract do not have ducts entering them and do not
secrete digestive juices? ___________________, ____________________ and
3. Control of digestive juices.
a) What is gastrin______________________________________________________
b) What is secretin? ___________________________________________________
c) What is CCK? ______________________________________________________
d) What is enterogastrone? ______________________________________________
4. List six functions of the liver.
a) __________________________________________________________________.
b) __________________________________________________________________.
c) __________________________________________________________________.
d) __________________________________________________________________.
e) __________________________________________________________________.
f) __________________________________________________________________.
5. Chemical digestion.
a) Digestion of carbohydrate (starch)
Starch digestion begins in the ___________________. Here the ducts empty from
the ______________________ glands. The salivary juice contains the enzyme
_____________________________, and this enzyme breaks down starch to the
disaccharide __________________________. Starch is also acted on in the
______________________________. Here a duct empties from the
_________________________. Pancreatic juice contains the enzyme
__________________________________, which breaks down starch to the
disaccharide ________________________. Starch digestion is complete when this
disaccharide is broken down to _________________________, a
monosaccharide, which can be absorbed by intestinal villi. The enzyme that
catalyses this reaction is called _______________________________, and is
secreted by _____________________________ glands.
b) Digestion of protein.
Protein digestion begins in the ____________________. The ___________
________________ glands line the wall of the stomach. They secrete the inactive
enzyme ______________________, which must first be converted to
_____________ by _____________. Then it breaks down protein to
_______________________. Another enzyme called _____________________ is
secreted by the _________________________, and this enzyme acts on protein in
the _________________________________, also breaking down protein to
__________________________. Protein digestion is complete when peptides are
broken down to ______________________________, molecules small enough be
absorbed by the villi. The glands that secrete _____________ to produce amino
acids are the intestinal glands located at the base of the villi.
c) Digestion of fat (butter). Fat is first emulsified by __________________, a
substance made by the liver and stored in the _________________________. The
contents of the latter enter the small intestine by way of the ____________
duct. After the fat has been emulsified, it is broken down by the enzyme
______________________, also found in pancreatic juice, which enters the small
intestine by way of the pancreatic duct. Fats are broken down to _____________
and ________________________ , molecules small enough to be absorbed by
intestinal villi. Actually, fats enter the _______________________, which are a part
of the lymphatic system.
6. Path of food.
a) Food consists of the large organic molecules _________________, _______
_______________, and ____________________. In the mouth, the only type of
food digested is _______________________. The mouth has a
___________________ pH. The food passes down the long tube called the
_______________________. A rhythmic contraction called ________________
pushes the food along.
b) After passing through the ______________ sphincter (a circular muscle), the food
enters the _______________________. Here the primary food acted on is (3)
___________________. This organ has an ______________________ pH. The
food, now called the acid chyme, passes through the ________________
sphincter into the ________________.
c) Two ducts enter this organ; they are the ___________________ duct from the
__________________________ and the __________________________ duct
from the _________________________. Bile contains an __________________,
which divides fats up into fat droplets. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that act
on __________________, ________________,
________________, and _________________________. Lining the walls of the
intestine are ___________________ and _____________________ glands. The
latter secretes the enzymes ________________________, ________________
and ______________ which finish digestion by converting ________________to
glucose, _____________________ to amino acids and ___________________
to ____________________. Thus the small nutrient molecules that are absorbed
by the villi are _______________, ______________________,
__________________, ________________________, and
__________________________. Fat products enter the _____________________,
and the other molecules enter the _____________ portal vein.
d) This vein takes the nutrients to the ____________________, an organ of
homeostasis. For example, this organ stores glucose as __________________
and always keeps the blood glucose level constant. This organ can also remove
amino groups from _________________________ and convert the amino groups
to ______________________, a nitrogenous waste product.
IV Digestive Enzyme Quiz
For each combination of substances below, decide whether digestion will or will not occur at
the maximum rate. Give an explanation if digestion will not occur maximally.
1. Trypsin, NaHCO3, egg white, warm gently
2. Salivary amylase, water, egg white, warm gently
3. pepsin, HCI, egg white, freeze
4. Pancreatic amylase, HCI, starch, heat to boiling
5. Lipase, NaHCO3, fats, warm gently
6. Maltase, HCI, maltose, warm gently
7. Peptidases, fat, HCI, warm gently
8. Pepsin, HCI, egg white, warm gently
9. Trypsin, starch, water, warm gently
10. HCI, egg white, water, warm gently
V Post test
1. As a result of the digestive process, protein, fat, and starch are absorbed into the body.
a) True
b) false
2. Two enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins are
a) Salivary amylase and lipase
b) trypsin and hydrochloric acid
c) pancreatic amylase and bile
d) pepsin and trypsin
3. Bile
a) Is an important enzyme for the digestion of fats
b) is made by the gallbladder
c) contains products from hemoglobin breakdown
d) c and d
4. HCI
a) is an enzyme
b) creates the acid condition necessary for pepsin to work
c) is found in the intestinal tract
d) all of these
5. Pancreatic juice is directly regulated by
a) the presence of food in the intestine
b) the sight of food
c) the thought of food
d) secretin
6. The products of digestion enter the
a) aorta
b) hepatic portal vein
c) vena cava
d) pancreas
7. Which of these is NOT a function of the liver?
a) Bile production
b) glucose storage
c) urea production
d) red blood cell production
8. The large intestine
a) digests all types of food
b) is the longest part of the intestinal tract
c) absorbs water
d) is connected to the stomach
9. Basal metabolic rate refers to
a) the rate of breathing after exercise
b) the rate of metabolism after eating
c) the heartbeat rate
d) the amount of energy used at complete rest
10. If one were on a carbohydrate-only diet, illness might result because chances are that
the diet would lack
a) sugar
b) essential fatty acids
c) essential amino acids
d) vitamins
e) all but a
In questions 11-14, fill in each blank with the proper term.
11. ______________________________ are usually portions of coenzymes needed in
small amounts that the body is no longer capable of synthesizing and must therefore
be in the diet.
12. ________________________________is a rhythmical contraction that serves to
move the contents along in tubular organs such as the digestive tract.
13. ________________________________is a chemical secreted in one part of the
body that controls the activity of other parts.
14.______________________ is a hormone released by ____________________ that
controls metabolism.