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Документ СМК 3 уровня
Редакция № 1 от_________ 2013 г.
УМКД 042-18-26.1.28/03 - 2013
Рабочая учебная программа
дисциплины «Речевая
коммуникация» учебнометодические материалы
для специальности 5В011900 - «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка»
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Составитель _____ «3» сентября 2014 г. М.Х. Янгуразова, магистр педагогических наук,
преподаватель кафедры «Иностранная филология»
2.1. На заседании кафедры «Иностранная филология»
Протокол от «3» сентября 2014 г., №1.
Заведующий кафедрой _______ Г.К. Исмаилова
2.2. На заседании учебно-методического бюро филологического факультета
Протокол от «19» сентября 2014 г., №1.
Председатель ______ Ә.М. Сәмекбаева
Одобрено и рекомендовано к изданию на заседании Учебно-методического совета
Протокол от «11» сентября 2014 г., №1.
Председатель УМС _______ Г.К. Искакова
4. ВВЕДЕНО ВЗАМЕН редакции №1 от «18» сентября 2013г.
УМКД 042-18-26.1.28/03 - 2013
Редакция № 1 от_________ 2013 г.
1 Глосарий
2 Лекции
3 Практические занятия
4 Курсовая работа
5 Самостоятельная работа обучающегося
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В данных УММ использованы следующие термины с соответствующими определениями:
abstract noun
a noon used to describe a quality, idea, or experience rather than something physical or concrete:
e.g. joy, size, language. Compare with concrete noun.
In an active clause or active sentence, the grammatical subject is the person or thing that
performs the action given in the verb (e.g. Geoff wrote the book). Compare PASSIVE.
A word that describes a noun (e.g. an interesting book) or a pronoun (e.g. a big one). Gradable
adjectives can be used to say that a person or thing has more or less of this quality (e.g. She's very
happy), while ungradable adjectives can't (e.g. It's impossible. We can't say '...very impossible').
Classifying adjectives say that something is of a particular type (e.g. atomic, initial). Emphasizing
adjectives stress how strongly we feel about something (e.g. utter nonsense).
adjective phrase
A group of words where the main word is an adjective (e.g. It's extremely important; It wasn't
strong enough).
a word or combination of words added to a clause to give more information about time, place, or
manner. See also sentence adjunct and linking adjunct.
A word that describes or gives more information (when, how, where, etc.) about a verb (e.g.
He ran quickly), adjective (e.g. an extremely expensive car), another adverb (e.g. She's doing very
well), or phrase (e.g. They live just across the road.). Types of adverb include: adverbs of manner
which we use to say how something is done (e.g. slowly, violently); connecting adverbs (e.g.
consequently, similarly); time adverbs (e.g. tomorrow, already); place adverbs (e.g. upstairs, outside);
comment adverbs (e.g. apparently, personally) which we use to make a comment on what we are
saying; viewpoint adverbs (e.g. financially, politically) which we use to make clear from what point
of view we are speaking; adverbs of indefinite frequency (e.g. always, never); degree adverbs (e.g.
completely, quite) which give information about the extent or degree of something; focus adverbs
(e.g. just, even) which we use to focus on a particular word or phrase.
adverbial clause
A type of SUBORDINATE CLAUSE that says when, how, where, etc. something happens (e.g.
Before I went to school this morning, I did my homework).
adverbial phrase
A group of words that says when, how, where, etc. something happens (e.g. with a great deal
of noise, about a week ago).
affirmative sentence
A statement (i.e. not a question) that is positive, not negative.
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The person or thing that performs the action described in a verb. Usually it is the subject in
an active clause and comes after 'by...' in a passive clause.
another name for concord.
s an ending ('s) added to a noun to mark possession; e.g. ...Harriet’s daughter... the professor's
husband... the Managing Director's secretary.
the placing of a noun group after a headword in order to identify it or give more information about
it; e.g. daughter Emily.
see definite article, indefinite article.
the use of verb forms to show whether an action is continuing, repeated, or finished.
used to describe adjectives that are normally only used in front of a noun: e.g. classical, outdoor,
auxiliary verbs
The verbs be, have and do when they are used with a main verb to form questions, negatives,
tenses, passive forms, etc. MODAL VERBS are also auxiliary verbs.
bare infinitive
the infinitive of a verb without 'to'; e.g. Let me think.
base form
he form of a verb which has no letters added to the end and is not a past form; e.g. walk, go, have,
be. The base form is the form you look up in a dictionary.
broad negative adverb
one of a small group of words including 'barely' and 'seldom' which are used to make a statement
almost negative; e.g. I barely knew her.
cardinal number
a number used for counting; e.g. one, seven, nineteen.
the use of different forms of nouns or pronouns in order to show whether they are the subject or
object of a clause, or whether they are possessive: e.g. I/me, Jim/Jim's.
classifying adjective
an adjective used to identify something as being of a particular type; e.g. Indian, wooden, mental.
They do not have comparatives or superlatives. Compare with qualitative adjective.
A group of words that contains a verb. A clause may be a complete sentence or a part of a
sentence. A main clause can exist as a separate sentence, while a subordinate clause cannot (e.g. If I
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see Tony at work (= subordinate clause), I'll invite him over this evening (= main clause)). Types of
clause include: since-clause (e.g. I haven't seen him since we left school); that-clause (e.g. She said
that she was thirsty); wh-clause (e.g. I asked Sandra where she was going); it-clause (e.g. It's not
surprising that you're feeling cold); what-clause (e.g. What I want to do is buy a better computer); ifclause (e.g. If you leave now, you'll be home by 10.00); whether-clause (e.g. You have to take the
exam whether you want to or not); -ing clause (e.g. Feeling hungry, I went into the kitchen); past
participle (-ed) clause (e.g. Built during the 1950s, the building is now in need of repair); being past
participle (-ed) clause (e.g. Being unemployed, Tom had a lot of time on his hands); having past
participle (-ed) clause (e.g. Having seen the doctor, I went straight home).
cleft sentence
a sentence in which emphasis is given to either the subject or the object by using a structure
beginning with 'it', 'what', or 'all'; e.g. It's a hammer we need... What we need is a hammer.
colour adjective
an adjective referring to a colour; e.g. red, blue, scarlet.
an adjective or adverb with '-er' on the end or 'more' in front of it; e.g. friendlier, more important,
more carefully.
A word or phrase that follows a LINKING
lawyer) or OBJECT (e.g. I found the food inedible).
and describes the
(e.g. Linda is a
A completion is an ADVERBIAL or PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE which completes the meaning
of a verb. Some verbs need a completion (e.g. The disease originated in Britain; 'The disease
originated' would be incomplete).
complex sentence
a sentence consisting of a main clause and a subordinate clause; e.g. She wasn't thinking because
she was tired.
A compound noun consists of two or more words together used as a noun (e.g. a language
school). A compound adjective consists of two or more words together used as an adjective (e.g. They
were well-behaved).
the relationship between a subject and its verb, or between a number or determiner and its noun;
e.g. I look/she looks... one bell/three bells. Also called agreement.
A conditional clause usually starts with 'if, but other patterns are possible (e.g. Had it not
rained, England would have won). A conditional sentence is one containing a conditional clause.
A word such as and, but, if, while, after, because which connects words, phrases, or clauses
in a sentence.
continuous tense
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a tense which contains a form of the verb 'be' and a present participle; e.g. She was laughing...
They had been playing badminton. Also called progressive tense. contraction a shortened form in which
an auxiliary verb and 'not', or a subject and an auxiliary verb, are joined together and function as one
word; e.g. aren't, she's.
coordinating conjunction
a word such as 'and', 'but', or 'or' which joins together two clauses, groups, of words of the same
grammatical type.
the linking of groups of words of the same grammatical type, or the linking of clauses of equal
a name sometimes used to refer to the verb 'be'. In this grammar, the term link verb is used.
A countable noun can be both singular and plural (e.g. cup/cups). An uncountable noun
doesn't have a plural form (e.g. electricity, but not 'electricities').
declarative mood
a clause in the declarative mood has the subject followed by the verb. Most statements are made in
the declarative mood. Also called indicative mood.
defective verb
a verb which does not have all the inflected forms that regular verbs have; for example, all modals
are defective verbs.
definite article
the determiner 'the'.
delexical verb
a verb which has very little meaning in itself and is used with an object that carries the main
meaning of the structure. 'Give', 'have', and 'take' are commonly used as delexical verbs; e.g. She gave a
small cry... I've had a bath.
one of the words 'this', 'that', 'these', and 'those' used in front of a noun; e.g. ...this woman... that
tree. They are also used as pronouns; e.g. That looks nice... This is fun.
dependent clause
another name for subordinate clause.
A word that goes in front of a noun to identify what the noun refers to (e.g. this, some, the,
a/an, each, all, my).
direct object
a noun group referring to a person or thing affected by an action, in a sentence with an active verb;
e.g. She wrote her name... I shut the windows.
direct speech
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Speech that is written using the exact words of the speaker, without any changes. Compare
dynamic verb
A verb that describes an action (e.g. walk, throw). Compare STATE VERB.
the leaving out of words when they are obvious from the context.
ergative verb
a verb which can be either transitive or intransitive in the same meaning. To use the verb
intransitively, you use the object of the transitive verb as the subject of the transitive verb as the subject of
the intransitive verb; e.g. He had boiled a kettle... The kettle had boiled.
a word or sentence spoken suddenly and loudly in order to express surprise, anger, and so on; e.g.
Oh God!
finite verb
A verb that has a tense (e.g. She waited; She is waiting for you). Non-finite verb forms are
INFINITIVES (e.g. He came to see me) and PARTICIPLE forms (e.g. Shouting loudly, I was able to make
myself heard; Born in Germany, he now lives in France).
a structure with a topic at the beginning of a clause which is not the subject of the clause; e.g.
Lovely hair she had.
a grammatical term referring to the difference between masculine and feminine words such as 'he'
and 'she'.
the possessive form of a noun; e.g. man's, mens'.
another name for '-ing' noun.
a gradable adjective can be used with a word such as 'very' to say that the person or thing referred
to has more or less of a quality; e.g. very boring, less helpful.
group noun
another name for collective noun.
another name for headword.
the main word of a noun group: e.g. ...a soft downy cushion with tassels
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a group of two or more words with a meaning that cannot be understood by taking the meaning of
each individual word; e.g. to kick the bucket, to run wild.
if-clause a conditional clause;
or a clause used to report a 'yes/no'-question.
An imperative clause uses the BARE INFINITIVE form of a verb for such things as giving orders
and making suggestions (e.g. Go to bed!).
indefinite article
the determiners 'a' and 'an'.
indicative mood
another name for declarative mood.
The form of a verb that usually goes after 'to'. The form can be either the to-infinitive (e.g. to
sing, to eat) or the bare infinitive (e.g. sing, eat).
intensifier a submodifier which is used to reinforce an adjective and make it more emphatic; EG
very, exceptionally.
another name for exclamation.
interrogative mood
a clause in the interrogative mood has part or all of the verb group in front of the subject. Most
questions are asked in the interrogative mood.
intransitive verb
A verb that doesn't take an object (e.g. She smiled). Compare TRANSITIVE VERB.
Changing the usual word order so that the verb comes before the subject (e.g. Up went the
linking verb
A verb (e.g. be, become, appear) that connects a SUBJECT with its COMPLEMENT.
modal verbs
A group of verbs (can, could, dare, may, might, must, need, ought to, shall, should, will,
would, used to) that give information about such things as possibility, necessity, and obligation.
a word or group of words which come in front of a noun: e.g. ...a beautiful sunny day... ...a
psychology conference.
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there are three main moods in English: the declarative mood, the interrogative mood, and the
imperative mood. There is also a less common mood, the subjunctive mood. See the individual entries for
declarative mood, interrogative mood, imperative, and subjunctive.
nominal group
another name for noun group.
A word that refers to a person, place, thing, quality, etc. A proper noun is the name of a
particular person, place or thing (e.g. John Todd, Berlin, Sydney Opera House).
noun phrase
A group of words where the main word is a noun (e.g. I've been talking to the woman across
the road; We spoke to several small children).
The person or thing affected by the action of the verb or that is involved in the result of the
action (e.g. I put the book back on the shelf). Compare SUBJECT.
The present participle is the '-ing' form of a verb (e.g. walking, singing, eating) used, for
example, in continuous tenses. The past participle is the '-ed' form of a verb (e.g. walked, sung,
eaten) used, for example, in perfect tenses. A participle adjective is one formed from the present or
past participle of a verb (e.g. the candidates applying, a broken plate).
a word which gives information about the amount of a particular thing; e.g. pint, loaf, portion.
partitive structure
a structure in which quantifiers and partitives are linked to a noun group with 'of'; e.g. many of
them, a bottle of milk.
In a passive clause or passive sentence, the grammatical subject is the person or thing that
experiences the effect of the action given in the verb (e.g. The book was written by Geoff.). Compare
performative verb
A verb which states the action that is performed when a speaker uses the verb (e.g. I promise
I'll do it tomorrow; I apologise).
a structure in which you use two verbs in a clause in order to talk about two processes or events
that are closely linked. e.g. She helped to clean the house... They remember buying the tickets.
phrasal verb
a combination of a verb and an adverb and/or a preposition, which have a single meaning; e.g.
back down, hand over, look forward to.
the form used to refer to more than one person or thing; e.g. dogs, women.
plural noun
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a noun which is only used in the plural form; e.g. trousers, scissors, vermin.
The possessive form of a noun ends in either -'s (e.g. Mark's car) or -s' (e.g. the girls'
changing room).
A word such as in, on, by that comes before a noun, pronoun, noun phrase or -ing form (e.g.
in March, above my uncle's head, by investing).
prepositional phrase
A group of words that consists of a preposition and its prepositional object (a noun, pronoun,
noun phrase or -ing form) (e.g. behind our house, across it).
productive feature
A grammatical point which can be applied to an open class of words. See the introduction for
more details.
A word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns include personal pronouns
(e.g. I, she, me), reflexive pronouns (e.g. myself, herself), and RELATIVE PRONOUNS (e.g. who, which).
any word or group of words which comes after a headword and is part of the noun group; e.g. ...a
book with a blue cover... ...the shop on the corner.
A word or phrase that goes before a noun or noun phrase to talk about the quantity of
something (e.g. a little water, many ofthe women in the room).
relative clause
A kind of SUBORDINATE CLAUSE that describes a noun that comes before it in a MAIN CLAUSE.
A defining relative clause says which person or thing is being talked about (e.g. A friend who lives in
London is getting married). A non-defining relative clause gives more information about the noun
(e.g. My bicycle^ which I've left outside your house, is over 20 years old).
relative pronoun
A pronoun such as who, which, or that which is used at the beginning of a relative clause.
reported speech
Speech that is reported without using the exact words of the speaker. Sometimes called
'indirect speech'.
reporting clause & reported clause
A statement that reports what people think or say is often divided into a reporting clause and
a reported clause (e.g. She said (= reporting clause) that the building was unsafe (= reported clause)).
simple sentence
A sentence consisting of one clause.
state verb
A verb that is used to describe a state (e.g. believe, think) rather than an action. Compare
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The person or thing that does the action of the verb (e.g. Tommy went home). Compare
The subjunctive is a set of verb forms used, mainly in rather formal English, to talk about
possibilities rather than facts (e.g. We recommend that he be given the job; If I were you, I'd go
home now).
An adverb which is used in front of an adjective or another adverb in order to strengthen or
weaken its meaning; e.g. ...very interesting... ...quite quickly.
transitive verb
A verb that takes an object (e.g. She was holding a bunch of flowers.). Compare
two-word verbs & three-word verbs
Verbs that are commonly used with a particular particle (adverb or preposition) are referred
to here as two-word verbs (e.g. She looked after her elderly parents). Verbs that are commonly used
with two particular particles (adverb + preposition) are referred to here as three-word verbs (e.g. He
looked up to his older brothers). These are sometimes called 'prepositional verbs' and 'phrasal verbs'.
A group of words (e.g. who, where, when, how) that are used in
A question that begins with a
WH-WORD (e.g.
Where are you going?).
yes/no question
A question that can be answered with 'yes' or 'no' (e.g. Do you like coffee?).
Лекции в данном курсе не предусмотрены.
3.1 Практическое занятие 1
Содержание практического занятия: People and relationships. Family matters Pronunciation :
Strong and weak forms of prepositions; 'Knowing' a word.
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
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1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.2 Практическое занятие 2
Содержание практического занятия: A healthy body. Health and Pronunciation: Expressing
fitness enthusiasm; Expressing opinions; Planning your answer
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.3 Практическое занятие 3
Содержание практического занятия: Studies and work. Education Speculating; Pronunciation:
Word stress; Giving answers that are the right length
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.4 Практическое занятие 4
Содержание практического занятия: The world around us. Nature and the environment. Using
complex sentences; Pronunciation: Long and short vowel sounds; Using news articles to improve your
Цель занятия: To activate and check students’ knowledge on the theme
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
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Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.5 Практическое занятие 5
Содержание практического занятия: Communication. Language and communication.
Expressing attitude; Pronunciation: Consonants; Giving yourself time to think
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.6 Практическое занятие 6
Содержание практического занятия: Technologies. Science and technology. Phrasal verbs;
Pronunciation: Sentence stress, the schwa; Coherence
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.7 Практическое занятие 7
Содержание практического занятия: Hobbies. Employment and finances. Expressing likes and
dislikes; Pronunciation: The schwa; Sounding polite
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
УМКД 042-18-26.1.28/03 - 2013
Редакция № 1 от_________ 2013 г.
страница 15 из 18
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.8 Практическое занятие 8
Содержание практического занятия: Youth. Childhood memories. 'Used to' and 'would';
Pronunciation: Past tense -ed endings, diphthongs; Fluency
Цель занятия: To activate and check students’ knowledge on the theme
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.9 Практическое занятие 9
Содержание практического занятия: Home. People and places. Describing places;
Pronunciation: Silent letters; Clarifying, paraphrasing and giving examples
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.10 Практическое занятие 10
Содержание практического занятия: Culture (Customs and Traditions). Culture and modern
society. Pronunciation: Linking; Using future forms; Predicting questions
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
УМКД 042-18-26.1.28/03 - 2013
Редакция № 1 от_________ 2013 г.
страница 16 из 18
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.11 Практическое занятие 11
Содержание практического занятия: Art. Culture and modern society. Pronunciation: Linking;
Using future forms; Predicting questions
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.12 Практическое занятие 12
Содержание практического занятия: On the move. Holidays and travel. Expressing yourself
indirectly; Pronunciation: Extra stress;
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.13 Практическое занятие 13
Содержание практического занятия: Social media. Main types of modern mass-media.
Цель занятия: To activate and check students’ knowledge on the theme
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
УМКД 042-18-26.1.28/03 - 2013
страница 17 из 18
Редакция № 1 от_________ 2013 г.
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.14 Практическое занятие 14
Содержание практического занятия: Politics. Political structure of Kazakhstan, Great Britain
and the USA.
Цель занятия: To activate and check students’ knowledge on the module
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии ГУ им.Шакарима г.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Speaking for IELTS, Karren Kovacs, 2011
2. Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, Barry Cusack 2007
3. First certificate Star, Student’s book, Luke Prodromou, 2009.
3.15 Практическое занятие 15
Содержание практического занятия: Final speech. Knowing what kind of speaker you are
Цель занятия: To develop students’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Методические рекомендации:
Для более успешной подготовки к практическим занятиям и в самостоятельной работе
студентам рекомендуется использовать некоторые общие методы и приёмы, которые прошли
апробацию за время преподавания курса на кафедре иностранной филологии СГУ им.Шакарима.
Во время подготовки к практическому занятию целесообразным является пользование
различными словарями и справочными пособиями.
Все задания необходимо выполнять письменно.
Курсовая работа в данном курсе не предусмотрена
Describe your future life in 10 years. You 4 неделя
need to mention the following points:
character traits (changes); relationships
with family, friends, colleagues; job
position, professional career (essay).
The Epoch of new technologies: pros and 6 неделя
cons. Make a video or presentation.
Modern art: the art for favourites or 11 неделя
madness? (Presentation).
Make a report about the most serious and 13 неделя
dangerous problem for you (in the
context of the theme “The world around
Видео или
Доклад с
УМКД 042-18-26.1.28/03 - 2013
Редакция № 1 от_________ 2013 г.
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