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Name ___________________
Block ________
Study Guide #1 for Earth Science Mid-term Exam
1) What are the 4 spheres of Earth and what do they involve?
1) ________________________________________
2) ________________________________________
3) ________________________________________
4) _________________________________________
2) What are the layers of the atmosphere and identify
something that happens in each one:
1) _________________________________________
2) _________________________________________
3) _________________________________________
4) _________________________________________
3) Name the 4 fronts, their symbols, and the weather/clouds
they bring.
1) _________________________________________
2) _________________________________________
3) _________________________________________
4) _________________________________________
4) Compare and contrast hurricanes and tornadoes.
5) Explain the difference between: continental shelf,
continental slope, and continental rise
6) Compare and contrast surface currents and deep currents.
Surface Currents
Deep Currents
7) Explain what evaporation and freezing does to the salinity
and density of water.
8) Identify where warm and cold currents begin and “end”.
a) warm - __________________________________
b) cold - ___________________________________
9) Explain the difference between deep-sea corers and sonar.
Name ____________________
Block ______
Study Guide #2 for Earth Science Mid-term Exam
1) What is the formula for Density? ___________________
2) Explain the two ways to find volume.
3) Name the common elements found in:
Seawater - ______________________________
Greenhouse gases - ____________________________
Our atmosphere - _____________________________
4) What is the difference between:
An independent variable - _________________________
And a dependent variable - ________________________
5) List the steps of the scientific method in order:
1) _____________________________
2) _____________________________
3) _____________________________
4) _____________________________
5) ______________________________
6) ______________________________
7) ______________________________
6) Identify the difference between low salinity and high
salinity areas (give 2 for each).
Low Salinity Areas
High Salinity Areas
7) Explain what is needed for a cloud to form (3 things).
8) Describe and explain what happens when the following
clouds appear:
Cirrus - _______________________________________
Cumulus - _______________________________________
Cumulusnimbus - __________________________________
Nimbus - ________________________________________
Stratus - ______________________________________
Stratusnimbus - __________________________________
9) Identify how salt enters and leaves the ocean.
Name ________________________ Block ___________
Study Guide #3 for Earth Science Mid-term Exam
1. Name the 3 temperature zones of the ocean and 2 facts
about each.
2. Explain how heat energy is related to:
3. Explain atmospheric conditions when:
Dewpoint and air temp. move apart - _____________________
Water evaporates quickly-_____________________________
At the equator -____________________________________
Dewpoint and air temp. are same-________________________
4. Explain how the angle of isolation affects climates/seasons
at different latitudes:
a) Polar regions-__________________________________
b) Equator-______________________________________
c) Mid-latitude (VA)-_______________________________
5. Identify what the following instruments measure:
a) Hydrometer-_______________________________
b) Anemometer-_______________________________
c) Psychrometer-______________________________
d) Barometer-_________________________________
e) Wind vane-_________________________________
f) Core-sampling-______________________________
g) Thermometer-______________________________
h) Echo sounding-______________________________
6. Explain how air masses are named and how they move.
7. Explain the causes of tides and the difference between
neap and spring tides. ____________________________
Spring tide-____________________________________
Neap tide-_____________________________________
8. Define albedo and identify how it is different:
a) Snowy area-_________________________________
b) Grassy -____________________________________
c) Sandy-_____________________________________
d) Forest -____________________________________
9. Explain the Coriolis Effect and how it affects the winds and
currents. _____________________________________
Identify the gases:
a) Found in the atmosphere-_______________________
b) That are greenhouse-__________________________
11. Explain the difference between open and closed systems
and give an example of each.______________________
Identify how animals get their food at the top of the
ocean compared to the bottom of the ocean. What does
upwelling do?___________________________________
13. Explain difference between land and sea breezes (time, temp.,
wind direction, atmospheric pressure…)____________________