Download ROME Directions: On a separate sheet, define the following terms

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Directions: On a separate sheet, define the following terms.
Julius Caesar
1. Why was Rome’s geography so important?
2. What was Roman government like? How did they rule the empire?
3. What were some achievements of Ancient Rome?
4. How did the Greeks influence Rome? How did Rome influence us?
5. What was daily life like in Ancient Rome? For life of the rich? The poor? The slaves?
6. What was life like for women during Roman times?
7. What problems led to the Fall of Rome?
8. What did Diocletian and Constantine do to try to help Rome?
9. What was the purpose of the Coliseum and the gladiators?
10. Who were Germanic Tribes and what did they do?
Guided Reading Handout
A. As You Read
Directions: As you read Section 1, answer the following questions in the space provided.
1. On which peninsula is Rome located?
2. When did people first settle in Rome?
3. Which mysterious people conquered the Romans around 600 B.C.E.?
4. What was the form of government established by the Romans after they drove out the last
Etruscan king?
5. Which empire was destroyed as a result of Rome's invasion of North Africa?
6. Who became dictator of the Roman world in 44 B.C.E.?
B. Reviewing Key Terms
Directions: Complete each sentence by writing the correct term in the blank provided.
7. In Rome, ordinary citizens were called ______________________________.
8. In the senate, the power was held by men from the wealthy classes, called
9. In times of emergency, Romans could appoint a _____________________, who was given
thepowers of a king but could rule for only six months.
10. The word _______________________comes from the Latin term meaning "I forbid it."
11. In Rome, two men called ____________________ ruled the government and had the power
to veto each other's actions.
12. A form of government in which citizens elect leaders to rule in the name of the people is a
The Roman Empire
Main Idea
Directions: As you read, fill in the table below with information about imperial Rome.
Under each main idea, write two supporting statements.
Main Idea A
The first Roman emperor, Augustus, set an example for skillful rule that allowed the empire to
Main Idea B
Two of Rome's greatest achievements were in the areas of architecture and law.
Daily Life Among Romans
As you read, fill in the table below with facts about life in Rome.
Ancient Romans
1. The Wealthy
2. The Poor
3. Slaves
4. Women
How They Lived
New Religion: Christianity
Where it Started?
When it Started?
How the Religion Spread?
Persecution of its Followers
The Fall of Rome
180 C.E.
330 C.E.
410 C.E.
Explain how the following contributed to the Fall of the Roman Empire
Weak, Corrupt Rulers
Use of Foreign Soldiers
Research Assignment 7: Get an atlas or the textbook and label the map below
Bodies of Water:
Mountain Ranges:
Mediterranean Sea
Adriatic Sea
Po River
Tiber River
Rome in Review
Write the date beside the fact.
Rome was founded.
Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans inhabited the region.
Greeks have colonies in Sicily.
Tarquin the Proud looses power.
Twelve Tables were written.
Rome dominates Italy.
First Punic War begins.
Second Punic War begins.
Hannibal is defeated.
Punic Wars end.
Tiberius dies.
Gaius dies.
Julius Caesar comes to power.
Caesar becomes dictator for life.
Period of the Pax Romana
Death of Augustus Caesar.
Jesus was born.
Death of Jesus.
Jews rebel against Rome
Roman destroy Temple complex in Jerusalem.
Half a million Jews killed.
Jews make another attempt to break free.
The reign of Marcus Aurelius, last of the 5 good emperors.
Diocletian becomes emperor and divides the Roman Empire.
Diocletian retires.
Constantine converts to Christianity.
Constantine gains control of west.
Constantine ends persecution of Christians.
Constantine secured control of east, once again bringing the empire back under the
control of one ruler.
Constantine makes fatal mistake and moves capital.
Huns attack W. Roman Empire.
Rome falls to Byzantine rule.