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Sociedade Brasileira de Espectrometria de Massas – BrMASS
Natural Products
Mass Spectrometry as a powerful tool in biosynthetic pathway
elucidation of phenylpropanoids produced by the fungus P.
Taícia P. Fill1, Edson Rodrigues Filho1
[email protected]
1- Laboratório de Bioquímica Micromolecular
Universidade Federal de São Carlos- UFSCar.
Brasiliamides (Figure 1) are interesting secondary metabolites produced by the
endophytic fungus Penicillium brasilianum which present important antiparasitic and
antibacteriological activities[1]. In the present work, the biosynthesis of these
compounds was evaluated through the addition of labeled precursors in the culture
medium. In this sense, 13C Isotopically labeled phenylalanine (2-13C-Phe) was added to
the CzapeK’s medium used to grow the fungus P. brasilianum in order to investigate
the incorporation of this amino acid into brasiliamides. After 15 days of inoculation, the
fungus was harvested by filtration under reduced pressure and the amides extracted
from the mycelium using ethanol. Brasiliamide A, the major brasiliamide accumulated
in the extract, was monitored for 13C-Phe incorporation using LC/DAD-MS/MS.
Brasiliamide A was detected in both experiment (13C-Phe added) and control (only
fungus in the basic Czapek`s medium) EtOH extract as clear chromatographic peaks
with identical retention time and UV spectra compared to brasiliamide A standard. The
positive ion ESI full scan mass spectrum of brasiliamide A in the control cultivation
contains a prominent peak at m/z 439 ([M+H]+) which correspond to the molecular
formula C24H26N2O6. Sodium adduct ([M+Na]+) was also detected at m/z 461. The MS
spectrum obtained from the extract of the experiment (13C-Phe added) contains the
peaks at m/z 441 and 463 in addition to 439 and 461, previously ascribed to [M+H]+
and [M+Na]+ of standard brasiliamide A. These two units mass shift is due to
incorporation of two labeled phenylalanine into brasiliamide A. The product ion spectra
of both precursors ions m/z 439 and 441 ([M+H]+ and [*M+H]+ respectively) are also
very similar with the most abundant product ions also showing 2 Da shift pattern.
These fragmentation correspond to loss of one acetamide (59 Da) and a ketene (42
Da), both from N-acetyl groups, to form the peaks at m/z 380/382 and 338/340
respectively. Therefore these two ions contain the two phenylalanine unities and the 2
Da mass shifts confirm the incorporation of two 13C-Phe into brasiliamide A, visualizing
the formation of these compounds through phenylpropanoid pathway. The data
demonstrated the great importance of mass spectrometry in biosynthetic studies of
secondary metabolites.
Figure 1: Chemical structures of Brasiliamides A and B.
[1] Fill, T.P.; Rodrigues Fo, E. J. Microbial. Biotechnology. In press.
3º Congresso BrMass – 12 a 15 de Dezembro de 2009