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Name ____________________________________________
Period _____
Part A: Match the following relationships to the examples below (relationships
may be used multiple times; some questions have multiple relationships):
A. Commensalism
B. Parasitism
C. Competition
D. Predation
E. Mutualism
____ 1. In an ecosystem, a hawk and a snake both eat mice.
____ 2. My dog, Sputnik, has a wood tick on him. Boo.
____ 3. A cardinal eats berries, but a bear chases her away to feast.
____ 4. Moss grows on the bark of a tree.
____ 5. A lion stalks a gazelle.
____ 6. A lichen is actually composed of a fungus and an alga. The
fungus keeps the algae from drying out and the algae gives
sugars to the fungus. Really? Yes!
____ 7. During mating season, two male kangaroo are fighting for a
____ 8. Indian Pipe is a non-green plant that steals nutrients from tree
roots instead of photosynthesizing. Oh yes it does.
____ 9. Fig trees are pollinated by tiny wasps; the wasps mate and lay
eggs in the fig fruits.
____ 10. Two barn spiders build their webs in adjacent windows.
____ 11. A cocklebur seed catches a ride on the fur of a cat.
____ 12. A whooping crane eats a frog in one gulp.
Part B: Now go back and highlight/underline the producers one color, herbivores in a
second color, carnivores in a third color and decomposers in a fourth color. Include a key.
Name ____________________________________________
Period _____
Part A: Match the following relationships to the examples below (relationships
may be used multiple times; some questions have multiple relationships):
A. Commensalism
B. Parasitism
C. Competition
D. Predation
E. Mutualism
____ 1. In an ecosystem, a hawk and a snake both eat mice.
____ 2. My dog, Sputnik, has a wood tick on him. Boo.
____ 3. A cardinal eats berries, but a bear chases her away to feast.
____ 4. Moss grows on the bark of a tree.
____ 5. A lion stalks a gazelle.
____ 6. A lichen is actually composed of a fungus and an alga. The
fungus keeps the algae from drying out and the algae gives
sugars to the fungus. Really? Yes.
____ 7. During mating season, two male kangaroo are fighting for a
____ 8. Indian Pipe is a non-green plant that steals nutrients from tree
roots instead of photosynthesizing. Oh yes it does.
____ 9. Fig trees are pollinated by tiny wasps; the wasps mate and lay
eggs in the fig fruits.
____ 10. Two barn spiders build their webs in adjacent windows.
____ 11. A cocklebur seed catches a ride on the fur of a cat.
____ 12. A whooping crane eats a frog in one gulp.
Part B: Now go back and highlight/underline the producers one color, herbivores
in a second color, carnivores in a third color and decomposers in a fourth color.
Include a key.