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Unit test 8: Earth and its neighbors
Name: _______________________________ Period: ____
Learning goal: Compare and contrast the relative positions and components of the Earth’s crust
(e.g., mantle, liquid and solid core, continental crust, oceanic crust).
Use this diagram to answer the questions below:
1. Which layer is the crust?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
2. Which layer is the solid core?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
3. Which layer is the mantle?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
4. Which part of earth is the coolest?
a. Liquid core
b. Crust
c. Mantle
d. Solid core
5. Rainey makes a scale model of earth for a school project. In his model he uses different materials to
show each layer of the Earth. Which layer in his model should be the thickest?
a. Mantle
b. Crust
c. Solid core
d. Liquid core
6. What is the main difference between the core and the mantle of the Earth?
a. The core contains liquid metal and the mantle is solid metal
b. The core is composed of granite and the mantle is composed of iron and nickel
c. The core is the larger than the mantle in thickness.
d. The core is hotter than the mantle
7. Which of the following is a major difference between the solid core and the liquid core?
a. the solid core is magnetic and the liquid core is not
b. they are made of different kinds of metals
c. the solid core is the dense center of the earth, while the liquid core is the outer layer
d. the liquid core is much hotter than the solid core
8. Which of the following is a difference between the crust and the mantle?
a. the crust is liquid and the mantle is solid
b. the crust is made of metal and the mantle is made of rock
c. the crust is cool and the mantle is hot
d. the crust is thick and the mantle is thin
Learning goal: Differentiate between objects in the universe (e.g., stars, moons, solar systems,
asteroids, galaxies).
9. Which of these objects revolves around a planet?
a. Asteroid
b. Star
c. Comet
d. Moon
10. There are about how many galaxies besides the Milky Way?
a. hundreds
b. millions
c. None, the Milky Way is the only galaxy in the universe
d. billions
11. Which body in our solar system is classified as a star?
a. Earth
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Sun
12. Long ago, people knew planets were different from stars. What is the major difference between planets
and stars?
a. Stars are colder than planets
b. Planets are smaller than stars
c. Planets are larger than stars
d. Stars orbit the galaxy, but planets stand still
13. Order the following terms from smallest to biggest: Galaxy, Solar System, Planet, Universe
a. Planet → Solar System → Galaxy → Universe
b. Solar System → Universe → Galaxy → Planet
c. Universe → Planet → Galaxy → Solar System
d. Planet → Galaxy → Solar System → Universe
14. Which of the following is a major difference between a planet and an asteroid?
a. asteroids are made of ice and planets are made of rock
b. asteroids do not orbit and planets orbit around the sun
c. asteroids are much smaller than planets
d. asteroids exist only in other solar systems
15. What is a difference between an asteroid and a moon?
a. asteroids are made of rock and moons are made of ice
b. asteroids orbit around the sun and moons orbit around planets
c. asteroids move faster than moons
d. asteroids exist only in other solar systems
16. Scientists have identified a new object in outer space. This object is large, round and orbits around a
star. How should scientists classify this object?
a. Moon
b. Planet
c. Asteroid
d. Star
17. Scientists have identified a new object in outer space. This object is a burning ball of helium gas. How
should scientists classify this object?
a. Moon
b. Planet
c. Asteroid
d. Star
18. Which of the following are parts of a solar system?
a. Jupiter and the Sun only
b. The planets only
c. The Sun and planets only
d. The Sun, the planets, moons, and asteroids
19. Why is it strange that Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system?
a. it is strange because Venus is the farthest planet from the sun
b. it is strange because Venus is the smallest planet
c. it is strange because Venus has many moons
d. it is strange because Venus is not as close to the sun as Mercury
20. Which of the following is NOT true about the outer planets?
a. they are outside the asteroid belt
b. they are larger than the inner planets
c. they are smaller than the inner plants
d. they are made mainly of gas
21. Which of the following explains why the outer planets have more moons than the inner planets?
a. the outer planets are closer to the asteroid belt
b. the outer planets are larger so exert more gravity
c. the outer planets are larger so create more friction
d. the outer planets are warmer than the inner planets
Learning goal: Draw conclusions about historical processes that contribute to the shaping of planet
22. 225 million years ago all of the continents were once connected. This large connected landmass was
known as:
a. Laurasia
b. Antarctica
c. Pangaea
d. Gondwanaland
Use this picture to answer the question below:
23. How does the map above show that the continents were once connected?
a. The continents in the map all have sediment.
b. The continents in the map are all the same size.
c. The continents in the map fit together like a puzzle.
d. The continents in the map all have mountains.
24. Scientists have found fossils of tropical plants in Antarctica. How could tropical plants have grown in
a. At one time, Earth’s entire surface was colder.
b. When Antarctica was part of Pangaea it was much warmer.
c. The rotation of Earth has increased, causing cooling of the atmosphere.
d. Catastrophic volcanic eruptions melted the ice and exposed the soil to sunlight.
25. How is it possible that the same fern fossils were discovered on the East Coast of South America and
on the West coast of Africa?
a. At one time, the continents were connected and have since separated.
b. Ferns were carried over in airplanes to different continents and planted in their new home
c. Birds carried the seeds from South America to Africa
d. Seeds of the ferns blew to the West coast of Africa in tropical storms
26. Scientists have found that Earth's crust is not a solid shell. It is broken up into huge plates that float on
top of the mantle. These plates are called:
a. subduction plates
b. continental plates
c. the outer mantle
d. plate trenches
27. What is the difference between convergent and divergent trenches?
a. convergent trenches are in the ocean and divergent trenches are on land
b. earthquakes occur at divergent trenches but not at convergent trenches
c. at divergent trenches crust melts back into the mantle, at convergent trenches mantle is added to the crust
d. at convergent trenches crust melts back into the mantle, at divergent trenches mantle is added to the crust
28. Which process makes the continental plates larger?
a. sea-floor spreading
b. oceanic trenches
c. subduction
d. lithosphere
29. Which process makes the continental plates smaller?
a. sea-floor spreading
b. subduction
c. mid-ocean ridge
d. sonar radiation
30. Why does the earth's crust stay the same size even though continental plates are constantly changing
a. there is more activity at the convergent plates than the divergent plates
b. there is more activity at the divergent plates than the convergent plates
c. activity at the convergent and divergent plates balances out
d. continental plates collapse in the mid-atlantic
Use this picture to answer the question below:
Sea-floor spreading
31. What will eventually happen to the distance between South America and Africa?
a. they will move closer together
b. they will move farther apart
c. the continents will both get longer
d. the continents will both get shorter
Learning Goal: 4.e Explain the daily and annual changes in the Earth’s rotation and revolution.
32. From our point of view it looks like the sun sets every night. What is really happening when the sun
a. The earth is moving in a circle around the sun
b. The sun is moving around the earth
c. The earth is rotating away from the sun
d. The earth is revolving around the sun
33. Which of the following processes best explains why it is day on one side of the planet Earth and night
on the other?
a. revolution
b. rotation
c. earth’s tilt
d. transfusion
34. What causes the seasons on earth?
a. Earth moves closer to the sun at certain times during the year
b. Changes in air pressure throughout the year
c. Earth’s tilt as it moves around the sun
d. Moons distance from Earth as it orbits
35. What is the difference between rotation and revolution?
a. rotation is earth’s daily spinning while revolution is earth’s annual movement around the sun
b. rotation is earth’s movement closer to the sun during the summer and revolution creates day and night
c. rotation is produced by earth’s gravity while revolution is not
d. rotation occurs more slowly than revolution
36. Use the diagram to answer the question below:
Which of the following has the phases of the moon in the order shown above?
a. full moon, crescent moon, half moon, gibbous moon
b. full moon, gibbous moon, half moon, crescent moon
c. new moon, crescent moon, half moon, gibbous moon
d. new moon, gibbous moon, half moon, crescent moon