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Tuesday's with Kim
December 9, 2008
The other day an acquaintance at a dinner party
asked me why it was important for him to exercise. He explained
that he is of average weight, has a lot of energy at work and could
eat anything he wants and not gain a pound. He went on to say that
he had many friends who worked out but were overweight. The
implication, it seemed, was to imply that the only point to working
out was to lose weight.
My first instinct was to get to know him better by asking questions
related to his lifestyle. Years ago, I might have pontificated on
everything I knew about the benefits of exercise. He would have
been bored and I would have been seen as a bore. Typically, I don't
like giving people this impression!
What was different? Here's what we need to understand. There
are gaps in information that we all have. In the area of health and
wellness it is especially important for these gaps in understanding to
be filled. However, equally important is the manner in which
information is conveyed and then used to assist the individual to
make lifestyle changes.
My acquaintance of average weight turned out to have mild
hypertension, and was recently diagnosed with pre diabetes. His
blood pressure was 135 over 85 and he had a fasting blood sugar of
109. His doctor said that he needed to exercise and eat a healthy
diet to reduce his elevated numbers. My dinner friend said he
thought he was eating correctly since his weight was fine and he got
plenty of exercise walking at work. He is a building inspector. He'd
wait until the next doctor visit to see what happened. Until we
talked he did not realize that these numbers would only change if he
adhered to implementing specific types of exercises and also
consumed a very different diet. A gap in knowledge was filled but
how would he use this information to make the necessary changes to
affect the critical numbers important for a high quality of living?
We Need to Face the Hard Facts
Gaps in understanding how to repair our air conditioners or fix our
cars are unlike gaps in understanding how to repair our lifestyles.
Accurate health information is critical, vastly important, and
absolutely necessary for continuous independent high quality living.
We can always hire competent service men and women to care for
our homes, our cars, our boats and our planes. What we can't do is
hire someone to do the work of living a healthy life for us. And
although we can't hire people to do the work of living our healthy
lives, what we can do is hire the partnered collaborative assistance
of wellness consultants. They are professional coaches with
extensive backgrounds in the health field and specifically trained to
fill not just knowledge gaps but to provide the most crucial
elements to lifestyle change success.
Wellness Coaches often make the difference between success and
failure in bringing about the needed collaborative support,
accountability, and strategic implementation needed to improve
healthy lives. Wellness consultants are partnered with you in your
health, and always striving to make your life even better. They are
dedicated to your success and to facilitating the best possible
outcome for your healthy life.
If you or a family member have been diagnosed with hypertension,
high blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, elevated cholesterol,
arthritis, weight gain or osteopenia and have failed in implementing
a lifestyle plan that brings about needed change then go to my
website at www. or call 904 501 2847
for a complimentary consulting session that will determine your
readiness to make healthy lifestyle changes.