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Bio 392
Mrs. Van Ellis
37–2 Blood and the Lymphatic System (pgs 951-955)
Blood – What kind of tissue is it?
What is it made of? (give %’s)
What does it collect, and from where?
List 3 blood functions:
About how many liters are in your body?
A. Blood Plasma- What is it (details).
List the 3 GROUPS of plasma proteins, and give their functions:
Fig. 951. – A centrifuge spins a sample at high speed, so that the larger, denser contents go to the
bottom. Color using red. Label this as in the book.
B. Blood Cells: What does ‘cyte’ mean?
1. Red Blood Cells (RBCs): Describe the structure and function (key concept)
Hemoglobin (define):2 RBC Diseases-both cause enlarged spleen. Why?
Malaria :
Sickle cell anemia:
Bio 392
Mrs. Van Ellis
2. White Blood Cells (WBCs): Describe the structure and function (key concept)
also calledspecialized WBC are:
If someone had 2x more WBCs than is normal, what might that mean?
3. Platelets and Blood Clotting:
Why will a cut or scrape stop bleeding eventually?
Describe blood clotting (Key concept). Include what mineral and vitamin are necessary.
Platelets (define):
Figure 37-9, pg.953. Color using the book (red/pink/blue) Fill in the labels below the figure.
______________in the wall of a _____________.Clumping of _________________. __________ has formed.
Clotting factors are proteins that help repair broken blood vessels, and examples are ___________________,
___________________, and ____________________, which is an enzyme that helps convert fibrinogen into
fibrin filaments.
What is hemophilia?
C. The Lymphatic System: Describe the structure and function (key concept)
How are the lymphatic and circulatory systems related?
Bio 392
Mrs. Van Ellis
Lymph nodes:
Where are lymph nodes found in your body?
What 2 organs are very involved with the lymphatic system? Give their functions.
What are T cells?
Complete the chart below, by filling in the headings and labeling the key.
Pg. 954 Blood Transfusions
Hint: ‘YOU MAY ONLY RECEIVE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE’ (with regard to the antigens).
Type A blood, means that blood has the ‘A’ antigen, type ‘B’ blood has ‘B’ antigen, and type ‘AB’ blood has
both A and B antigens. Type ‘O’ blood has NO antigens!
What blood type is referred to as a universal donor?
What blood type would be a universal receiver?
Bio 392
Mrs. Van Ellis