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Test Review for Respiratory, Blood and Circulatory System, Lymphatic System
Chapter 6 pp 172 - 190
 Chemical Equation for cellular respiration
 The Respiratory System : The Respiratory Tract and the Lungs
 The following structures and their functions ; be able to label them on a diagram :
Nasal Passage
Vocal cords
Intercostal Muscles
 How the principals of pressure, volume and diffusion enable respiration and gas exchange in
the lungs
Blood and Lymph Circulation
 Pathway that nutrients, oxygen and cellular waste take as they travel through the body
 Blood constituents (know the structure and the function of the following) : Red Blood
Cells, White Blood Cells and platelets.
 The difference between formed elements and blood plasma
 The function of blood plasma
 Blood types and trasfusions : be able to determine which antigens a red blood cell contains
based on the blood type of the person, be able to apply the concept of anigen recognition,
understand and be able to apply the concept of blood compatibility to determine appropriate
donor recipient matches in blood transfusions
The Cardiovascular System
 be able to describe, apply and label on a diagram the structures and functions of the three
blood vessels : arteries, veins and capillaries
 be able to describe, apply and label on a diagram the structures and functions of the heart :
the four chambres (left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, right ventrical), the pulmonary
artery and the pulmonary vein, the aorta and the vena cavas
 explain the difference between the diastole and the systole phases of the heart.
 Circulation Routes : Pulmonary Circulation, Systemic Circulation, where the blood is
oxygen rich and where it is oxygen poor, the direction of blood transport (which structures
are involved in each route and the path of the blood through these structures)
The Lymphatic System
 The structures and two functions of the lymphatic system
 The locations of White Blood Cells
 Diapedesis
 Structure and function of the following : Extracellular Fluid, lymph, lymphatic vessels,
lymph nodes
 The path of cellular waste within the lymphatic system
 Be able to describe how the lymphatic system defends our bodies against disease
(phagocytosis and immunity)
 Antigen and Antibodies : antibodies two defining features : specificity and immunity
 The difference between live vaccines and inactive vaccines and how they work