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Circulatory System
1. List all components of the blood
2. What is the lifespan of red blood cells?
3. Is the number of white blood cells in a human body constant throughout our life?
4. List all functions of the blood
5. How many red blood cells are there in the human body, if an average person has
about 5 litres of blood?
6. How do we call red blood cells?
7. How many white blood cells are there in the human body, if an average person has
about 5 litres of blood?
8. What allows red blood cells to be involved in oxygen transport?
9. Name all functions of white blood cells
10. What is agglutination?
11. What factor determines a person’s blood type (group)?
12. Which blood group individuals are “universal donors”? What does it mean?
13. Which blood group individuals are “universal recipients”? What does it mean?
14. What will happen if Rhesus negative person is transfused with Rhesus positive
15. What is the function of the Cardiovascular System?
16. Name the four chambers of a heart
17. Which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?
18. What is the name of the tiniest blood vessels in your body?
19. Which blood vessels carry blood towards the heart?
20. What prevents blood from flowing back in veins?
21. Name the main steps in Pulmonary circulation (do not describe the steps in details)
22. Name the main steps in Systemic circulation (do not describe the steps in details)
23. What is the function (goal) of the pulmonary circulation?
24. What is the function (goal) of the systemic circulation?
25. What is the main function of the Lymphatic System?
26. Name the secondary organs of the lymphatic system
27. Name the primary organs of the lymphatic system
28. What is lymph?
29. What is the similarity between lymphatic vessels and veins?
30. How is the Lymphatic System related to the Cardiovascular System?
31. What are the functions of the Lymph Nodes?
32. Where are the lymph nodes located?
33. What is the Immune Response?
34. What pathogens do our bodies fight?
35. What problems does inflammation fight?
36. In which case is your immune response accompanied by fever?
37. How does fever as your immune response actually help (name three ways it helps)?