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Chapter 16
Lesson 1
Did You Know
All the cells in your body need to receive
oxygen and nourishment. The cells also
need to have carbon dioxide and waste
products removed from them. Your
circulatory system meets these needs for
all your cells.
Functions of the Cardiovascular
The function of your cardiovascular
system is to circulate blood
Your heart pumps blood throughout your
body. The blood carries oxygen and
nutrients to your cells, and it takes
carbon dioxide and waste products away
from the cells
Structure of the Cardiovascular
The cardiovascular system consists of
the heart, blood, and blood vessels.
Your heart is one of the most important
organs in your body.
1. The heart has four chambers
2. Blood is pumped from the heart to the
lungs, where it releases carbon dioxide and
picks up air. Then the oxygenated blood
returns to the heart and is pumped to the
rest of the body
Structure of the Cardiovascular
C. Blood delivers oxygen, hormones, and nutrients
to the cells and carries away wastes that the
cells produce.
1. About 55 percent of the total blood
volume consists of plasma
2. Red Blood Cells transport oxygen to the
cells and tissues of the body.
3. White Blood Cells protect the body against
infection and fight infection when it occurs.
Structure of the Cardiovascular
D. Blood is transported in blood vessels. There are three
main types of blood vessels.
1. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away
from the heart.
2. Capillaries are small vessels that carry blood
between arterioles and venules. Capillaries have ultrathin walls.
3. Veins are blood vessels that return blood to the
heart. The very smallest vein are called venules.
4. Platelets are cells that prevent the body’s loss of
Discussion Question
Why is it important to exercise to keep
your heart in good shape?
The Lymphatic System
The lymphatic System helps fight infection and
plays an important role in the body’s immunity
to disease.
B. Lymph is the clear fluid that fills the spaces
around the body cells. It is transported by the
lymphatic system to the heart and returns to
the blood.
C. The lymphatic system consists of a network of
vessels and tissues that are involved in the
movement of filtering of lymph.