Download Evidence of Evolution Notes Descent with Modification Each living

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Evidence of Evolution Notes
Descent with Modification
Each living species has descended, with
_____________________, from other species over time.
o Result: species today look/act
_____________________________ from their
Common Descent:
 Logic: looking far enough back we should find the common
__________________________________ for all living things.
Evidence for Evolution
Fossil Records
o Compare fossils found around the world and we can infer
when and where different organisms existed.
o Fossils also provide evidence about the environment in
which the organism existed and for which the organism
o The oldest fossils are found in the
___________________________ layers.
Transitional Species
o Fossil records show species which have features that
are intermediate between those of hypothesized
ancestors and later descendant species
Homologous Body Structures
o The limbs of reptiles, birds and mammals (arms,
wings, legs and flippers) vary greatly in
__________________________ but have the same
Evidence of Evolution Notes
Analogous Body Structures
o The wings of bats, birds and moths have different
__________________________________, but
the same basic
Vestigial Structures
o Organs / body parts that were once used, but by _________________________ or
artificial selection, are no longer _____________________________
o Examples: Hip bone in a whale, appendix in humans, tail bone in humans, plica
luminaris (3rd eyelid)
Comparative Embryology
o The early stages, or embryos, of many animals with
backbones are very similar.
o The same groups of embryonic cells develop in the
same ___________________________ and in similar
________________________ to produce the tissues
and organs of all vertebrates.
Molecular Biology
o Using new technology, we can see how many
DNA and RNA sequences organisms share in
o Amino acid sequences used to determine how
closely related different species are.
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