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Chapter 14 The History of Life
14.1 The Record of Life
- early atmosphere probably contained only _____________ and __________
- earth cooled so water vapor could condense around _____ billion years ago
- life originated in the oceans between ____ and _____ billion years ago
History in Rocks
- ______: evidence of an organism that lived long ago.
Table 14.1
- ______ fossils: footprints, trails or burrows; indirect evidence
- ______: minerals fill a space left by a decayed organism; exact replica
- ______: empty space left by organism after it decays
- __________: minerals penetrate and replace hard parts of an organism
- ______ and _______ fossils: entire organism trapped in ice or sap
- ___________: scientist that studies fossils
- most fossils are found in ___________ rocks
- _________ dating: using the layers of rock to date/age fossils
- __________ dating: using the half life of radioactive isotopes to determine the age of a fossil.
Potassium 40 (1.3 billion years) and Carbon 14 (5730 years)
- ____________________ (figure 14.4): chronology of earth’s history
- ___________: bacteria
- __________ Era: invertebrates, vertebrates, first fish, first plants, first amphibians, and first
- __________ Era: dinosaurs, 1st flowering plants, 1st birds, and 1st mammals
- __________ Era: Golden Age of Mammals, humans evolve
- ______________: dinosaurs became extinct in a short period of time
- _________________ Theory: Continents broke apart because of plate tectonics
14.2 Origin of Life
- _________________: the idea that nonliving material can produce living things
- _____________ (1668): Italian physician disproved spontaneous generation, fly experiment
figure 14.10
- _____________ (mid 1800s): disproved spontaneous generation of microorganisms by broth
experiment figure 14.11
- _____________ (1930s): Russian scientist, 1st hypothesized that life began in oceans by heat,
sun, and lightning triggering chemical reactions
- ______________ and __________ (1953): figure 14.12, provided evidence that supported
Oprin’s theory. Caused amino acids, sugars, and other organic molecules to form by passing an
electric current through a mixture of water vapor, ammonia, methane and hydrogen gases.
- _____________ (1992): showed how 1st cells may have formed. Heated solutions of amino
acids that caused protocells to form
- __________: a large, ordered structure, enclosed by a membrane that carries out growth and
- 1st true cells were probably anaerobic heterotrophs then autotrophs like archaebacteria evolved
- _____________ (1960s): American biologist came up with endosymbiont theory.
- ______________ theory: eukaryotes evolved through a symbiotic relationship between ancient
- Theory support: chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own DNA and ribosomes. They,
also, reproduce independently of the cell they are in.