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Bell Work: How important is
education for a job you want?
Question #1
The creative movement begun in Italy in the 1300s that centered
on a revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece & Rome
was the?
A. Reformation.
B. Counter-Reformation.
C. Renaissance.
D. Inquisition.
Question #2
The ideas of the Renaissance were spread
partially through the invention of?
A. Printing
B. The typewriter
C. The telescope
D. paper
Question #3
The movement in Christianity called the
Reformation began in
A. France
B. England
C. Italy
D. Germany
Question #4
Converts to Calvinism in France were called
A. Lutherans
B. Huguenots
C. Jesuits
D. Baptists
Question #5
The heliocentric theory states that
A. Earth is the center of the universe.
B. Earth does not move.
C. The Sun is the center of the universe.
D. Orbits are exact circles.
Question #6
The humanist emphasized
A. The need to retain Roman Law.
B. A renewed interest in classical learning.
C. The need for a unified church.
D. The need for individual decision making
Question #7
Martin Luther posted his 95 thesis on the
church door at Wittenberg to protest?
A. The sacraments of the church.
B. The church’s practice of selling indulgences.
C. Dancing and card playing.
D. The supremacy of the pope.
Question #8
The Counter-Reformation is best defined as a?
A. New interest in the classics by the humanists.
B. Split between England and the Catholic
C. Movement designed to eliminate the
Catholic church.
D. A major revival effort within the Catholic
Question #9
The official church of England that was created
after Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic
Church was the
A. Presbyterian Church
B. Lutheran Church.
C. Methodist Church.
D. Anglican Church
Question #10
The most significant outcomes of the Scientific
Revolution of the 1500s & 1600s was that people
A. Question traditional opinion and think and
experiment for themselves.
B. Rely more heavily on astrology and witchcraft.
C. Question the power of the church.
D. Take a greater interest in the arts.