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Wars between wealthy
Italian city-states
Condottieri: mercenary
Duke of Urbino: lost his
right eye and bridge of
his nose
 Chp. 1 Renaissance and Reformation (1350-1700)
 Chp. 2 Exploration and Expansion (1400-1700)
 Chp. 3 New Asian Empires (1300-1700)
 Arts and Ideas: A revival of learning led to new ways of
seeing the world, which in turn influenced artists.
 Belief Systems: The Protestant Reformation was a
response to perceived excesses in the Catholic Church and
in turn led to the Counter-Reformation.
 Migration and Diffusion: European exploration expanded
European knowledge of the world and led to the exchange
of plants and animals between Europe and Asia and the
Section 1: Renaissance: rebirth of arts and
Section 2: Renaissance ideas spread to
northern Europe
Section 3: Criticism of Roman Catholic Church
brings about Protestant Reformation
Section 4: Catholics work to reform within
the Church
Changes in Europe bring about a new period
Trade with the East increased
Rediscovered classical knowledge of ancient
Period of creativity/learning: the Renaissance
New focus on the individual struggle in
Christianity known as the Reformation
Many changes in society
 Causes of Changes
 Agricultural Demand
 Specialization
 Results
Urban areas also
started to
especially in Italy
 South: various
kingdoms and papal
 North: large citystates
▪ Venice, Milan, Florence
Centers of commerce
Heads of society
 Roman Catholic Church
 Nobles
 Merchants-bankers, traders
 Artisans-crafts, goldsmithing
History and Geography: Trade Fuels City
Growth Worksheet
Work on individually
Classwork grade (10 points)
Pretend to be a journalist living in Florence in
Write a two-paragraph newspaper editorial
about how society has changed after the
Black Death.
Due in two class sessions
Worth 15 points
Section 1 Interactive Reader and Study Guide
(Renaissance Art)
Due next class session
10 points
-Which groups came to dominate Italian citystates in the 1300s and 1400s?
-How did the Black Death influence the
economic system of Europe?
Discussion: How did society and cities
change in the 1300s?