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Name: ________________________________ Period: ___________________________
Biology Agriculture
Plant Science Review
1. _____ Carries water and nutrients up the plant.
2. _____ White and smell fresh
3. _____ Anchor the plant to the soil
4. _____ Place where the leaf attaches to the stem.
5. _____ Carries nutrients down the plant.
6. _____ Thick underground stem.
7. _____ Horizontal Stem that lies above the surface.
8. _____ Has only one leaf on the petiole.
9. _____ Parallel leaf veins
10. ____ Leaf layer responsible for photosynthesis
11. _____ Netted leaf veins
A. Roots
B. Phloem
C. Healthy Roots
D. Dicot
E. Xylem
F. Monocot
G. Palisade Mesophyll
Multiple Choice:
11. The _______________ are the holes in the leaf that allow gas exchange.
a. Holes
b. Gas
c. Stomata
d. Cuticle
12. _______________ is an example of a modified stem?
a. Apple
b. Corn
c. Potato
d. Pineapple
13. _______________ collect sunlight and make energy.
a. Roots
b. Stems
c. Leaves
d. Flowers
14. The ________________ protects the internal parts of the leaf.
a. Cuticle
b. Epidermis
c. Mesophyll
d. None of the above
15. _______________ open and close the stomata for gas exchange.
a. Stomata
b. Potato
c. Root
d. Guard Cells
16. Which of the following is the function of pollen?
a. Feed
b. Reproduction
c. Honey
d. None
17. Which of the following are essential for a seed to develop?
a. Palisade
b. Cotyledon
c. Dicot
d. Manure
18. The fleshy structure called fruit is the ___________ of the plant?
a. Life
b. Ovaries
c. Roots
d. Food
19. The flower is used to ___________ insects?
a. Attract
b. Defend
c. Entertain
d. All of the above
Fill in the Blank:
20. The tubes that carry water and minerals from the roots up to where photosynthesis
will occur are called ______________________.
21. The tubes that carry sugar and water down from where they are produced to where
they will be used or stored are called _____________________________.
22. Short day plants will flower when the __________ are over 12 hours.
23. Long day plants will flower when the ___________ are under 12 hours.
24. The entire goal in a plants life is to compete to reach the ___________?
25. Plants behavior due to temperature is called ________________?
Use the Table below to answer the following questions about Monocots?
Flowers in……?
What type of root?
Leaf patterns are?
How many Cotyledons?
Use the table below to answer the following questions about Dicots?
Flowers in……?
What type of root?
Leaf patterns are?
How many Cotyledons?
Label the following parts of the flower and what are their functions?
35. Pistil:
36. Petals:
37. Sepals:
38. Stamen:
39. Ovary:
40. Stigma:
41. Anther
42. Describe the 4 ways that pollen can be transported to other flowers?
43. What is the formula for photosynthesis?
44. What is a Growth Regulator and it function?
Essay: Needs to be answered in paragraph form.
45. Explain why plants are important in Agriculture, not only to humans but also