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Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Kinematics 1 (1 month)
National Benchmark
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of
reference is chosen, for
there is no motionless
frame from which to
judge all motion.
Any object maintains a
constant speed and
direction of motion
unless an unbalanced
outside force acts on it
State Standard
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
3.2.P.B6: Use Newton’s
laws of motion and
gravitation to describe
and predict the motion of
objects ranging from
atoms to the galaxies.
3.2.P.B7: It’s a big list so
it’s not included here
All things horizontal motion
Distance vs. Displacement
Speed vs. Velocity
Scalars vs. Vectors
Work on conversions within
cm – km, sec – min – hours
From v-t graph: x = vot + ½ at2
From that equation: v2 = vo2 + 2ax
Algebraic Manipulation
Dimensional Analysis
Graphic Interpretation and
Analysis, Synthesis and
Evaluation of Real World
Distinguish between
vectors and scalars
Describe, in words, the
motion of an object given a
v-t graph
Calculate x, V, or a given
the appropriate graph
Distinguish between speed
and velocity
Solve problems
Football practice
field and trundle
Motion Detectors
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Kinematics 2 (1 month)
National Benchmark
State Standard
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of
reference is chosen, for
there is no motionless
frame from which to
judge all motion.
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
Whenever one thing
exerts a force on another,
an equal amount of force
is exerted back on it.
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
Any object maintains a
constant speed and
direction of motion
unless an unbalanced
outside force acts on it
The change in motion
(direction or speed) of an
object is proportional to
the applied force and
inversely proportional to
the mass.
3.2.P.B6: Use Newton’s
laws of motion and
gravitation to describe
and predict the motion of
objects ranging from
atoms to the galaxies.
3.2.P.B7: It’s a big list so
it’s not included here
Vertical Motion:
Up and Down
Angle: ground-to-ground
Angle: cliff-to-ground quadratic
problems should be done
Newton’s Laws
Fnet = ma
Algebraic Manipulation
Dimensional Analysis
Graphic Interpretation and
Analysis, Synthesis and
Evaluation of Real World
Application of previous concepts
Recognize the independence of
perpendicular vector quantities
Demonstrate addition of vectors
and their component
Define equilibrant vector and
resultant force
Demonstrate understanding of
independence of horizontal and
vertical velocities
State Newton’s Three Laws
Distinguish between weight and
mass, using Newton’s Second
Law to relate them
Define free fall
Define terminal velocity
Explain the nature of frictional
Quizzes – Tests
Reaction Time
Stadium Drops
Projectile motion
Field Walk Vector
Motion Detector
Inertia Demos
Name the four basic forces
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Kinematics 3 (1 month)
National Benchmark
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of reference is
chosen, for there is no
motionless frame from which
to judge all motion.
Whenever one thing exerts a
force on another, an equal
amount of force is exerted back
on it.
Any object maintains a
constant speed and direction of
motion unless an unbalanced
outside force acts on it
In most familiar situations,
frictional forces complicate the
description of motion, although
the basic principles still apply.
The change in motion
(direction or speed) of an
object is proportional to the
applied force and inversely
proportional to the mass.
Gravitational force is an
attraction between masses. The
strength of the force is
proportional to the masses and
weakens rapidly with
increasing distance between
State Standard
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
3.2.P.B6: Use Newton’s
laws of motion and
gravitation to describe
and predict the motion of
objects ranging from
atoms to the galaxies.
It’s a big list so it’s not
included here
Atwood’s Machine
Inclined Planes
Circular Motion
Algebraic Manipulation
Dimensional Analysis
Analysis, Synthesis and
Evaluation of Real World
Application of previous concepts
Demonstrate an understanding of
centripetal acceleration of
objects in circular motion
Recognize the motion of
satellites in circular orbits are
applications of uniform circular
Define apparent weightlessness
Demonstrate understanding of
the inverse square law and
appropriate graphs of
gravitational force
Apply L.U.G.
Analyze net force equations to
determine the acceleration of a
system of masses
Recognize components of
gravitational forces for objects
on inclined planes
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Kinematics 4 (1 month)
Quizzes – Tests
Friction Lab
Atwood’s Machine
Centripetal Force
Centripetal Force
Gravity Calculation
National Benchmark
State Standard
Any object maintains a
constant speed and
direction of motion unless
an unbalanced outside
force acts on it
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
In most familiar
situations, frictional forces
complicate the description
of motion, although the
basic principles still apply.
The change in motion
(direction or speed) of an
object is proportional to
the applied force and
inversely proportional to
the mass.
Many forms of energy can
be considered to be either
kinetic energy, which is
the energy of motion, or
potential energy, which
depends on the separation
between mutually
attracting or repelling
Thermal energy in a
system is associated with
the disordered motions of
its atoms or molecules.
Gravitational energy is
associated with the
separation of mutually
attracting masses.
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
3.2.P.B2: Explain the
translation and simple
harmonic motion of
objects using
conservation of energy
and conservation of
3.2.P.B6: Use Newton’s
laws of motion and
gravitation to describe
and predict the motion of
objects ranging from
atoms to the galaxies.
3.2.P.B7: It’s a big list so
it’s not included here
Energy… KE and PE
Define work, KE and PE
Quizzes – Tests
Apply the Law of Conservation
of Energy
Identify the component of a
force that does work
Work Lab - Stairs
Demonstrate understanding that
the work done on an object =
Energy Lab - Marble
Springs… Hooke’s Law and ½ kx2
Define and calculate power
Recognize when positive and
negative work is being done by a
Explain why W = Fd does NOT
apply for springs
Solve problems using Hooke’s
Apply Energy conservation to
Tarzan Lab
Hooke’s Law Lab
Electrical potential energy
is associated with the
separation of mutually
attracting or repelling
Although the various
forms of energy appear
very different, each can be
measured in a way that
makes it possible to keep
track of how much of one
form is converted into
another. Whenever the
amount of energy in one
place diminishes, the
amount in other places or
forms increases by the
same amount.
If no energy is transferred
into or out of a system, the
total energy of all the
different forms in the
system will not change, no
matter what gradual or
violent changes actually
occur within the system.
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Kinematics 5 (1 month)
National Benchmark
State Standard
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of reference
is chosen, for there is no
motionless frame from which
to judge all motion.
Whenever one thing exerts a
force on another, an equal
amount of force is exerted
back on it.
Any object maintains a
constant speed and direction
of motion unless an
unbalanced outside force acts
on it
In most familiar situations,
frictional forces complicate
the description of motion,
although the basic principles
still apply.
The change in motion
(direction or speed) of an
object is proportional to the
applied force and inversely
proportional to the mass.
Many forms of energy can be
considered to be either
kinetic energy, which is the
energy of motion, or potential
energy, which depends on the
separation between mutually
attracting or repelling
Thermal energy in a system
is associated with the
disordered motions of its
atoms or molecules.
Gravitational energy is
associated with the separation
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
acceleration .
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
Relate torque and
rotational inertia to
explain rotational motion.
3.2.P.B2: Explain the
translation and simple
harmonic motion of
objects using
conservation of energy
and conservation of
Describe the rotational
motion of objects using
the conservation of
energy and conservation
of angular momentum.
Explain how
gravitational, electrical,
and magnetic forces and
torques give rise to
rotational motion.
Use Newton’s laws of
motion and gravitation to
Momentum – Collisions
Angular quantities
Define momentum and impulse
Demonstrate understanding of
force over a time interval and
State and apply the Law of
Conservation of Momentum
Differentiate between elastic and
inelastic collisions by
mathematically applying the
Law of Conservation of
Momentum with conservation of
kinetic energy
Define a radian in a physically
relevant manner
Solve problems utilizing both
conservation and energy
Differentiate between linear and
angular quantities
Compare linear kinematic
quantities to angular quantities
Solve problems using , , ,
Net 
Demonstrate understanding of
moment of inertia
Calculate Krot
Solve problems using
conservation of energy
Quizzes – Tests
Air tracks and
Conservation of
energy with Krot
Angular quantities,
tension, Fnet Lab
Pirate Lab
of mutually attracting
masses. Electrical potential
energy is associated with the
separation of mutually
attracting or repelling
Although the various forms
of energy appear very
different, each can be
measured in a way that
makes it possible to keep
track of how much of one
form is converted into
another. Whenever the
amount of energy in one
place diminishes, the amount
in other places or forms
increases by the same
If no energy is transferred
into or out of a system, the
total energy of all the
different forms in the system
will not change, no matter
what gradual or violent
changes actually occur within
the system.
describe and predict the
motion of objects ranging
from atoms to the
It’s a big list so it’s not
included here
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Kinematics 6 (1 week) / Electricity and Magnetism 1 (3 weeks)
National Benchmark
State Standard
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of reference
is chosen, for there is no
motionless frame from
which to judge all motion.
Whenever one thing exerts
a force on another, an equal
amount of force is exerted
back on it.
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
acceleration .
Any object maintains a
constant speed and
direction of motion unless
an unbalanced outside force
acts on it
The change in motion
(direction or speed) of an
object is proportional to the
applied force and inversely
proportional to the mass.
Many forms of energy can
be considered to be either
kinetic energy, which is the
energy of motion, or
potential energy, which
depends on the separation
between mutually attracting
or repelling objects.
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
Relate torque and
rotational inertia to
explain rotational motion.
3.2.P.B2: Explain the
translation and simple
harmonic motion of
objects using
conservation of energy
and conservation of
Describe the rotational
motion of objects using
the conservation of
energy and conservation
of angular momentum.
Describe conditions of
static equilibrium
Quizzes – Tests
Bridge Lab
Solve problems using both
net and Fnet
I. Point Charges
A. Electrostatic Force
1. Nature of Charges
2. Coulomb’s Law
3. Vector Sum of
B. E Field
1. Assignment of
2. Sketch of E Field
3. E = F / q
C. Electric Potential
1. Energy per unit
2. V = kQ / r
Static Electricity
Differentiate between static
and dynamic equilibrium
Van de Graaff
High Voltage Source
Students will quantitatively
and qualitatively describe
how electric force, field
and potential affect point
Faraday Cage
Gravitational energy is
associated with the
separation of mutually
attracting masses. Electrical
potential energy is
associated with the
separation of mutually
attracting or repelling
Although the various forms
of energy appear very
different, each can be
measured in a way that
makes it possible to keep
track of how much of one
form is converted into
another. Whenever the
amount of energy in one
place diminishes, the
amount in other places or
forms increases by the same
If no energy is transferred
into or out of a system, the
total energy of all the
different forms in the
system will not change, no
matter what gradual or
violent changes actually
occur within the system.
The motion of electrons is
far more affected by
electrical forces than
protons are because
electrons are much less
massive and are outside of
the nucleus.
Explain how
gravitational, electrical,
and magnetic forces and
torques give rise to
rotational motion.
3.2.P.B4: Explain how
stationary and moving
particles result in
electricity and
Develop qualitative and
understanding of current,
voltage, resistance, and
the connections among
Explain how electrical
induction is applied in
3.2.P.B6: Use Newton’s
laws of motion and
gravitation to describe
and predict the motion of
objects ranging from
atoms to the galaxies.
3.2.P.B7: It’s a big list so
it’s not included here
Most materials have equal
numbers of protons and
electrons and are therefore
electrically neutral. In most
cases, a material acquires a
negative charge by gaining
electrons and acquires a
positive charge by losing
electrons. Even a tiny
imbalance in the number of
protons and electrons in an
object can produce
noticeable electric forces on
other objects.
In many conducting
materials, such as metals,
some of the electrons are
not firmly held by the
nuclei of the atoms that
make up the material. In
these materials, applied
electric forces can cause the
electrons to move through
the material, producing an
electric current. In
insulating materials, such as
glass, the electrons are held
more firmly, making it
nearly impossible to
produce an electric current
in those materials.
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Electricity and Magnetism 2 (1 month)
National Benchmark
Most materials have
equal numbers of protons
and electrons and are
therefore electrically
neutral. In most cases, a
material acquires a
negative charge by
gaining electrons and
acquires a positive
charge by losing
electrons. Even a tiny
imbalance in the number
of protons and electrons
in an object can produce
noticeable electric forces
on other objects.
In many conducting
materials, such as metals,
some of the electrons are
not firmly held by the
nuclei of the atoms that
make up the material. In
these materials, applied
electric forces can cause
the electrons to move
through the material,
producing an electric
State Standard
Differentiate among
translational motion,
simple harmonic motion,
and rotational motion in
terms of position,
velocity, and
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
3.2.P.B2: Explain the
translational and simple
harmonic motion of
objects using
conservation of energy
and conservation of
Describe the rotational
motion of objects using
the conservation of
energy and conservation
of angular momentum.
Quizzes – Tests
II. Circuits
A. Definition of Current
B. Ohm’s Law
C. Electric Power
D. Resistors
1. Series
2. Parallel
E. Kirchhoff’s Rules
1. Junction Rule
2. Loop Rule
F. Capacitors
1. Series
2. Parallel
Students will
quantitatively, qualitatively
and experimentally
determine how flow of
electric charge in a D.C.
circuit is influenced by
batteries, resistors and
Resistor Code Labs
Circuit Analysis Lab
– Multimeter
Capacitor Lab /
Phet Demos
current. In insulating
materials, such as glass,
the electrons are held
more firmly, making it
nearly impossible to
produce an electric
current in those
At very low
temperatures, some
materials become
superconductors and
offer no resistance to the
flow of electrons.
materials differ greatly in
how well they conduct
electrons, depending on
the exact composition of
the material.
3.2.P.B4: Explain how
stationary and moving
particles result in
electricity and
Develop qualitative and
understanding of current,
voltage, resistance, and
the connections among
Explain how electrical
induction is applied in
3.2.P.B7: It’s a big list so
it’s not included here
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Electricity and Magnetism 3 (2 weeks) / Waves 1 (2 weeks)
National Benchmark
State Standard
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of reference
is chosen, for there is no
motionless frame from
which to judge all motion.
3.2.P.B1: Differentiate
among translational
motion, simple harmonic
motion, and rotational
motion in terms of
position, velocity, and
Cyclic change is commonly
found when there are
feedback effects in a system
– as, for example, when a
change in any direction
gives rise to forces or
influences that oppose that
Whenever one thing exerts
a force on another, an equal
amount of force is exerted
back on it.
Any object maintains a
constant speed and
direction of motion unless
an unbalanced outside force
acts on it
If no energy is transferred
into or out of a system, the
total energy of all the
different forms in the
Use force and mass to
explain translational
motion or simple
harmonic motion of
Relate torque and
rotational inertia to
explain rotational motion.
3.2.P.B2: Explain the
translational and simple
harmonic motion of
objects using
conservation of energy
and conservation of
Describe the rotational
motion of objects using
the conservation of
A. Currents Produce a B field
(RHR 1)
B. Force on a moving charge in B
Field (RHR 2)
C. Force Between Two Parallel
D. Induced EMF – Lenz’s Law
Students will
quantitatively, qualitatively
and experimentally
determine the relationship
between electric charge and
magnetic field.
Quizzes – Tests
Determine the magnetic
field due to a currentcarrying wire.
Swingers Lab
Correctly define magnetic
Phet Demos
I. Simple Harmonic Motion
A. Pendulums
1. Calculations
2. Create Equation and Graph of
B. Period / Frequency
II. Wave Type
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
IIII. Parts of a Wave
A. Crest / Compression
B. Trough / Rarefaction
C. Amplitude
D. Wavelength
Apply a change in flux
through a closed
conducting loop to
correctly determine the
direction of the induced
Lab: Plot of x, v and
a for pendulum.
Snakey Lab
system will not change, no
matter what gradual or
violent changes actually
occur within the system.
The change in motion
(direction or speed) of an
object is proportional to the
applied force and inversely
proportional to the mass.
Electric currents in the
earth's interior give the
earth an extensive magnetic
field, which we detect from
the orientation of compass
The interplay of electric and
magnetic forces is the basis
for many modern
technologies, including
electric motors, generators,
and devices that produce or
receive electromagnetic
energy and conservation
of angular momentum.
Explain how
gravitational, electrical,
and magnetic forces and
torques give rise to
rotational motion.
3.2.P.B4: Explain how
stationary and moving
particles result in
electricity and
Develop qualitative and
understanding of current,
voltage, resistance, and
the connections among
Explain how electrical
induction is applied in
When electrically charged
objects undergo a change in
motion, they produce
electromagnetic waves
around them.
3.2.P.B5: Explain how
waves transfer energy
without transferring
Magnetic forces are very
closely related to electric
forces and are thought of as
different aspects of a single
electromagnetic force.
Explain how waves carry
information from remote
sources that can be
detected and interpreted.
Describe the causes of
wave frequency, speed,
Apply Lenz’s and
Farraday’s Law to correctly
determine the force on a
current carrying loop due
to a change in magnetic
Students will be able to
classify a wave as
transverse or longitudinal.
Students will be able to
draw and label the parts of
a wave
Students will be able to
measure and calculate
properties affecting simple
harmonic motion.
Moving electrically charged
objects produces magnetic
forces and moving magnets
produces electric forces.
and wave length.
3.2.P.B6: Use Newton’s
laws of motion and
gravitation to describe
and predict the motion of
objects ranging from
atoms to the galaxies.
3.2.P.B7: It’s a big list so
it’s not included here
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Waves 2 (1 month)
National Benchmark
State Standard
Waves can superpose on
one another, bend around
corners, reflect off surfaces,
be absorbed by materials
they enter, and change
direction when entering a
new material.
3.2.P.B5: Explain how
waves transfer energy
without transferring
Accelerating electric
charges produce
electromagnetic waves
around them. A great
variety of radiations are
electromagnetic waves:
radio waves, microwaves,
radiant heat, visible light,
ultraviolet radiation, x rays,
and gamma rays. These
wavelengths vary from
radio waves, the longest, to
gamma rays, the shortest. In
empty space, all
electromagnetic waves
move at the same speed-the "speed of light."
Explain how waves
carry information from
remote sources that
can be detected and
Describe the causes of
wave frequency,
speed, and wave
Quizzes – Tests
IV. Interactions of Waves
A. Interference
1. Constructive
2. Destructive
B. Doppler Shift
C. Law of Reflection
D. Index of Refraction /
Snell’s Law
E. Diffraction
V. Wave Phenomena
A. Standing Waves
B. Resonance
Students will demonstrate
mastery of reflection,
refraction, diffraction and
interference of waves.
Index of Refraction
Lab – Glass/Water
Explain the cause of
Doppler Shift
Parabolic vs. Plane
Solve problems using
Snell’s Law
Focal length lab
Doppler Duck Demo
Calculate speed of sound
using a resonant tube and a
tuning fork
Students will apply
principles of standing
waves and resonance to
everyday life.
Diffraction gratings
and helium laser
Rubens Tube
The energy of waves (like
any form of energy) can be
changed into other forms of
All motion is relative to
whatever frame of reference
is chosen, for there is no
motionless frame from
which to judge all motion.
The observed wavelength
of a wave depends upon the
relative motion of the
source and the observer. If
either is moving toward the
other, the observed
wavelength is shorter; if
either is moving away, the
wavelength is longer.
Curriculum Map
Course/Subject: Physics
Time Frame: Review (2 weeks)
National Benchmark
State Standard
This time will be used to
review all material from
the school year. We have a
Physics Preveiw Sheet and
all answers are shown on
Power Point.
Quizzes – Tests