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RenaissanceSomeone talented in many fields, During the middle ages late 1400s through the 1600s and all started in
Renaissance means rebirth. It grew from the wealth gained from trade. Italy had a lot of roads connecting to
the rest of Europe therefore it gradually moved into the rest of Europe. There was a printing press invented
that lowered the cost of books because they were very expensive and could only be purchased by churches
or the wealthy because they were hand written. The rebirth occurred in art, economy, transportation, and
government. People were looking for ways to improve their lives.
Leonardo da vinciFirst Renaissance man. He was a painter, sculptor, scientist, and inventor. From 1452 – 1519.
Known as one of the best painters of all time, known for his famous painting the Mona Lisa and the last
supper. Also a great inventor he conceptualized the helicopter, tank, and calculator.
Queen Elizabeth-
During the 1500s in England Queen Elizabeth was the leader.
Over her time as leader these are some of her highlights over her 46 years of serving she
introduced a new system of coinage, England became to be a great sea power, Church of
England was established, and concluded war with France.
Michelangelo From 1475 – 1564 in Italy Michelangelo was a famous painter.
Michelangelo was another renaissance man and a rival with Leonardo Da Vinci. A great
sculptor and is most famous for the Pieta and david. Also the first western artist to have
his biography published while alive. Also is a big reason for the Mannerism which was a
major movement after the renaissance.
Holy Roman EmpireDuring the seventeenth century, which was a loose confederation with the Italian and
German states.
The Holy roman empire was founded by Charlemagne in 800. It later dissolved in 1806.
During the 12th century the empire comprised most of the territory. The empire was an
attempt to revive the western roman empire