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World History Mid-Term Study Guide
1. Study of classic Greek and Roman literature, poetry, rhetoric, history, etc. is _Humanities______________.
2. Italian Renaissance writer __Machiavelli_________________ wrote about leadership in his book the Prince and
English humanist writer __Thomas More__________ wrote about the ideal world in his book Utopia.
3. Italian Renaissance artist _Da Vinci _____who created such works as the Mona Lisa and the _Last Supper________
4. __Michelangelo _________________Sculpted the statue ____David__ and designed St. Peter’s Basilica. Another
Renaissance artist, Raphael is known for his Madonna’s ______ and ____School of Athens_____
5. The Medici’s were a wealthy __Merchant/Banking__________ family from _Florence________________, who were
_patrons____________________ the arts, which provided much needed funding to allow the Renaissance to
6. These Northern Renaissance brothers, _Jan & Hubert van Eyck________ were responsible for creating a new style
of painting known as the _Flemish School________ which used __oil_______ on canvas. They also were known for
the detail of the faces they painted as well as their painting of _Adam_____ and ___Eve______.
7. __Albrecht Dürer ______ was known for his wood cuts and copper engravings. _Pieter Bruegel________ was
known for his criticism of society and painting everyday peasant life. ___Hans Holbein the Younger___ traveled
throughout Europe painting famous people like Henry VIII and Thomas More.
8. Gutenberg invented the _Movable-type Printing Press________________________, which later helped __Martin
Luther_______ spread the ideas of the Reformation via his 95 Theses.
9. ____Leo X_____ was the Pope who hired __Johann Tetzel_________ to sell indulgences.
10. After Luther was excommunicated, he was summoned to the __Diet of Worms_______ by the Holy Roman emperor
__Charles V_____________ where ordered to recant his ideas. When he refused, he was _banished_____ his
writings was __banned_______. Luther was protected by ___Frederick the Wise____ and while in hiding, he
translated the __Bible into German____. Luther would eventually start his own religion, _Lutheranism________.
This would lead to a war between the Holy Roman Empire and Protestant Princes. A treaty was signed known as the
_Peace of Augsburg_________. What were the terms of the treaty?
The ruler of each German state could choose their religion of their state and if the people did not want to convert
they could leave.
11. The religious movement that divided the Catholic Church and created new Christian religions was called the
12. Calvin followed Luther’s departure from the Catholic Church, but created a different Protestant church,
_Calvinism______________________, which holds the unique belief in _predestination___________________.
13. _Henry VIII_______________________ was an English monarch who left the Catholic Church, and formed the
_Anglican Church_______________________ or Church of England.
14. In reaction to the Reformation the Catholic Church began the Counter/Catholic Reformation. The Catholic Church
formed the ___Council of Trent___ to examine Church practice as well as to stop the spread of Protestantism. The
Pope who was responsible for starting this was Paul III__. In addition to ending indulgences, this started the Index
of Forbidden Books. The purpose of the Index of Forbidden Books was ban any books that was a threat to Catholics
15. __Ignatius Loyola_______________ started the Jesuits, a new scholarly and religious order of Catholic priests.
16. Heliocentric theory holds that: __the sun is the center of the universe__________________________.
17. Geocentric theory holds that: ___ the earth is the center of the universe_______________________.
18. Three scientists worked to prove the heliocentric theorists:
a. _Nicholaus Copernicus___________ put the idea forward, but could not prove it because he _did not have the
instruments or mathematics________________
b. _Johannes Kepler____________________ proved the theory using _mathematics__________.
c. _Galileo _________________________________________ proved the theory physically using the
_telescope__________________________________. He eventually was forced to appear before the __Inquisition
________________ where he had to renounce his ideas and his book was place on the ____Index of Forbidden
Books ______________ for over 200 years.
19. _Isaac Newton___________________________ was an English scientist who used the works of three scientists to
prove his universal laws of _motion________ and _gravitation_______________________________.
20. The Age of _Exploration____________________ resulted from new technologies such as the compass and the
_astrolabe__(finds latitude) as well as new ship designs It also resulted from new economic developments
a. _mercantilism _______________________________ - a belief in a fixed amount of wealth in the world and to
become wealthier, a nation must take resources from others through trade and colonization.
b. The __Commercial Revolution_______ was the period of extensive changes in the European economy between
1400 and 1750 began as the result of money becoming _standardized_____ or getting a fixed value.
c. Standardized money resulted in international trade and banking.
d. __Joint-stock company______________________ - new business model where owners sold shares to investors,
who would make or lose money based on the company’s success. This allowed businesses to expand & need more
e. Europeans monarchs began to set up overseas empires (colonies) which allowed them to expand their power and
create a stronger nation
21. The 1st explorer credited with sailing around the world: _Magellan______________.
22. The explorer who first sailed around the Cape of Good Hope & first figuring out a water trading route to Asia:
_Bartholomeu Dias___________.
23. The explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope & made it to Asia via India: _Vasco Da Gama__________
24. The explorer who conquered the Incas: _Pizarro________; the leader of the Incas: _Atahualpa ________________
25. Label the continents of Triangular Trade and the Middle Passage; note some of the items traded by labeling the
routes with arrows – see example
Cotton, Sugar Cane, tobacco, Rum
Cotton Goods, Weapons, Rum
Slaves-Middle Passage
26. _Absolutism____ describes a period in Europe when monarchs had complete control of their nations.
27. _Divine Rights of Kings___________________ was the foundation for absolute rule – monarchs were chosen by
28. As a result of the Reformation, Europe was divided by religion. The areas consisted of the __Catholic________
territories (Spain, France, Italy, Southern Germany) and _Protestant______ territories (England, Netherlands,
Northern Germany)
29. The ___Habsburgs________________ family controlled Holy Roman Empire, Spain, the Netherlands, Bohemia,
Austria, Hungary, parts of Italy as well the territories in the Americas
30. The Bourbon Dynasty rose to absolute power in ___France__________________ (country) beginning with
__Henry IV__ who was a __Huguenot_________, a French Calvinist. He became a Catholic because he knew he
could not rule France as a religious minority. He would enact the __Edict____________ of __Nantes________,
which was designed to give the French Calvinist both religious and political rights.
31. _Richelieu____________ strengthened the French king , Louis XIII, by going to war with the _Habsburg____ family
during the __Thirty Years’ War_____ as well as weakening the nobility and French Calvinist known as
32. Beginning in 1618, the Thirty Year’s War began as a religious war, fought in the _Holy Roman____ Empire, between
the Catholics, led by the __Habsburg_______ family and the Protestants led by nobles in _Bohemia____. Eventually
it became a political war when _Denmark_________, __Sweden , _France_____ and _Spain____________ entered
the war. Cardinal Richelieu supported the _Protestant_________ (religion) and fought against the Holy Roman
Empire and Spain in order to gain power for France. The Thirty Years’ War destroyed most of
_Germany___________ and ended with the signing of the treaty known as the _Treaty of Westphalia_________
which gave France _Alsace____ and the _German princes_ gaining independence from the Holy Roman Empire.
The treaty also weakened _Holy Roman Empire___ and led to the _Habsburgs focusing on their own territory.
33. In 1643, _Louis XIV_______ became the next king of France and was known as the “Sun King”. As a child, he was
frightened by the __Fronde___, which was a series of civil wars in France that involved the nobility and citizens of
Paris. As a result he moved his palace from Paris to _Versailles___________. This palace, known as
___Versailles__________ became his symbol of absolute power. His motto, “____L’etat, c’est moi ” which
translated into “I am the State”, shows his belief in absolute power. He forced the nobility to live at the palace
which resulted in weakening their power. He revoked the ____Edict of Nantes________ which resulted in many of
the French Calvinist leaving France.
34. In 1682, Russia’s new leader or ___czar____, (Russian word for Caesar) _Peter I______ also known as ___Peter the
Great__ came to power. He traveled around ___Europe________ learning about European technology
(shipbuilding, architecture, carpentry) and culture and brought them back to Russia. He expanded Russia’s borders
by going to war w/ _Sweden___ which allowed Russia access to a warm-water port along the _Baltic Sea________.
He moved his capital to the new territory and called it _St. Petersburg______. In an attempt, to modernize Russia,
he forcing the nobility to wear western clothes and had them shave their _beards____.
35. In 1762, _Catherine the Great___ came into power in Russia after the assassination of her husband. She went to
war w/ the ___Ottoman Empire______ which resulted in her gaining access to the __Black Sea. She established
mandatory __education____ for both boys and girls, increased __serfdom______ (people bound to the land) in new
lands, and her policy to westernize Russia resulted in the isolation of the _nobility______ from the rest of Russia.
She took also over parts of Poland.
36. _Mary I___________ converted England back to a Catholic nation and killed 300 Protestant leaders.
37. _Elizabeth I_______________- restored Anglicanism, and went to war with _Philip II________ of Spain when he
sent the _Spanish Armada_______________ to invade England.
38. _Maria Theresa___________ was able to gained control of Habsburg lands as the result of the _Pragmatic
Sanction_______ which was an agreement between her father and other European leaders.
39. Brandenburg-Prussia was controlled by the __Hohenzollern___________________ family. The first member of the
family to do this was, __Frederick William______________ and was known as the __Great
Elector____________________ . He began to rebuild and strengthen his country by setting up the __General War
Commissariat___ which was set up to help govern the state, reorganizing his armies, improving tax collection and
encouraging agriculture and industry.
40. _Frederick William I _________, who was known as the Soldier King, took power in 1713. He would make Prussia’s
army the most efficient fighting force in Europe and would make Prussian society more militaristic and force the
parents to send their children to school.
41. In 1740, _Frederick II___________, known as “the Great” became the ruler of Prussia. He broke the Pragmatic
Sanction, which by invading an Austrian province in known as _Silesia ______. This action started the War of
_Austrian Succession__. As a result of this war, Prussia gained __ Silesia ___During his reign, Prussia became one of
the strongest German states.
42. During this period of time, _Russia____, __Prussia__, and Austria_______ began to divide up Poland between
themselves. This became known as the _Partition of Poland_______ and would result in Poland disappearing from
the map until 1919
Short Answers
1. Identify the major differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance.
The Italian Renaissance looked to the ancient Greeks and Romans for inspiration and the Northern
Renaissance look at the early Catholic Church
2. Identify the causes of the Reformation.
1. Political, theological trouble in the medieval Church (Don’t need to Know)
2. Increasing secularization of the Church
3. Concern over papal and clerical behavior
4. Social, political, and cultural shifts (including the Renaissance and humanism)
5. Selling of Indulgences
3. Identify the 5 factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution
1. Renaissance
2. People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of
ancient writers
3. Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world
4. New instruments emerged
5. Scientific Method
4. Identify the scientists who are responsible for the 3 models of the solar systems. Based on the above illustrations,
how were the three models of the solar system different?
Ptolomy (Geocentric)
Copernicus (Heliocentric)
Kepler Heliocentric)
Ptolomy is wrong because the earth is not the
center of the universe
Copernicus is correct about heliocentric theory
but is incorrect about the perfect circles
Kepler is correct
5. Explain how the Conquistadors were able to take control of Native American peoples and lands so easily.
They had steel weapons (guns and swords) horses, diseases, writing
6. Explain the concept of absolutism.
System of government in which the ruler determines policy without consulting either the people or their
7. What was the impact of the Thirty Years’ War on Europe?
The impact of the Thirty Years’ War on Europe was:
a. Germany is devastated
b. France gets Alsace
c. German princes gain independence from the Holy Roman Empire
d. Holy Roman Empire is weakened and the Habsburgs focus their attention on their own territory
8. Explain how Louis XIV used Versailles to weaken the nobility.
He forced the nobility to stay at Versailles. He had parties and required them to dress up which drained their
money and made them look to him for support. He had the nobility serve him which changed the power structure
of the nobility (People who served Louis XIV were more powerful than
those who didn’t)
9. Identify the event depicted in the picture below. Who are the people the
people depicted in the picture? Why is this action occurring?
Peter I (scissors) is forcing the nobility to shave their beards and wear
western clothing.
10. Identify how the following leaders of Russia increased their powers and expanded their borders
a. Peter I (the Great)
b) Catherine II (the Great)
Peter I: Forced the nobility to shave their beards and wear western clothing. Forced them to move to St.
Petersburg which drained their money. He went to war with Sweden and gained access to the Baltic Sea (St
Petersburg) (Created a service nobility where the power of the nobility came from government service/Don’t’ need to
Catherine II
Went to war with the Ottoman Turks, Got the Black Sea. Mandatory education for girls and boys