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NOTES: The Expansion of Greece (Ch. 5 Sec. 5)
Persian Wars
a. Series of conflicts between Greece and Persia
i. Greeks in Asia Minor rebelled against Persians
1. (these people were known as the Ionians)
ii. Athens help uprisings  crosses the Aegean to do so
b. Darius
i. Persian King
ii. Crushed Greek revolts
iii. Seeks to punish Athens for trying to help them
iv. Conquers Thrace, Macedonia
c. Battle of Marathon
i. Persians invade mainland Greece
1. Darius takes the sea route across the Aegean Sea
ii. Athenians are outnumbered 2-1
iii. Persians get their butts kicked and go home
d. Battle of Thermopylae
i. 480 B.C. Xerses
1. Son of Darius
2. Lives to avenge the Greeks for beating his father
ii. All the Greek city-states untie to defeat the Persians
iii. Narrow mountain pass at Thermopylae
iv. 300 Spartans block the pass
1. Refuse to surrender
2. Under the leadership of King Leonidas
3. Badly outnumbered
4. Held pass for 3 days
v. Spartans gave other city-states time to prepare
e. Themosticles
i. Athenian general
ii. Tricks Xerses
iii. Has Athens evacuated before Xerses destroyed the city-state
iv. Traps Persian fleet in the Straits of Salamis
1. Athenian navy defeats the Persians
Battle of Plataeau
i. Athens and Sparta join forces
ii. Ends the Persian Wars
iii. Greeks win
g. Results
i. Greek city-states in Asia Minor free from Persia rule
ii. Gave Greeks confidence
iii. Athens rebuilds the city
1. Enters into a Golden Age
iv. Athens begins to create its own empire
NOTES: The Expansion of Greece (Ch. 5 Sec. 5)
h. Delian League
i. Threat of Persia continues
ii. Alliance of Greek city-states (140 total)
1. Contributed money and ships to the League
2. Purpose: to protect them against Persia still
iii. Athens becomes leader
1. Uses diplomacy to form the league
a. Also will use force to get other city-states to join the league
2. Used money to create an empire for themselves
a. Kept on an island, Delos, in the Med.
b. Moved to Athens eventually by Pericles
3. Not democratic
a. Athens made all the decisions
The Age of Pericles 461 – 429 B.C.
i. Great general, orator, statesman 461-429 B.C.E.
ii. Athens reaches its peak in power
iii. Democracy reaches new heights also
1. All male citizens could hold public office
2. Officeholders were paid a public salary
a. No one has an advantage then
iv. Empire strengthened and expanded under Pericles
1. Used Athenian navy to keep Persians out of the Aegean Sea
v. Weights and measurements become standard
vi. Stability and prosperity brought to the Mediterranean region
1. But members of the league lose independence in return
The Peloponnesian War
a. Discontent grows over Athenian domination of the Greeks
b. Tensions between Athens and Sparta spark over Corinth
c. Spartans 
i. Stronger Army
ii. Started fighting by invading Attic peninsula
1. Destroyed fields and villages
iii. Siege of Athens lasts for years
d. Athenians
i. Withdraw behind city-walls
ii. Has better Navy 
1. Could bring in food by ship
iii. Plague breaks out eventually
e. War continues for 27 years
f. Truce made in 415 B.C.E
i. Follows Athenian attack on Syracuse
1. Syracuse were friends with Spartans
2. Athenians driven back with great losses
g. Sparta allies with the Persians!!!
i. Finally manage to block Athenian food supply
h. Starving Athenians surrender to Sparta in 404 B.C.E.
i. Athens reduced to a second rate power
j. Greece becomes politically unstable
NOTES: The Expansion of Greece (Ch. 5 Sec. 5)
Age of Pericles 461 – 429 B.C.
a. General, orator, statesman
b. Leader of Athens
c. Period of power and wealth for Athens
d. Athenian democracy reaches height
i. Politicians got paid salaries
1. Could quit their day jobs now
ii. Were choosen by lot (random lottery)
1. No one person has political advantage
iii. Extended the empire
1. Established colonies of Athenian citizens throughout Mediterranean
2. Used Athenian navy
iv. Strengthened empire
1. Athenian weights and measurements adopted all over Mediterranean
The Peloponnesian War
a. Quarrels over trade grew
b. Tensions grew between Athens and Sparta
c. Both equally responsible for the war
d. Spartans
i. Stronger army
ii. Invaded Attica peninsula
iii. Had help from Persia
e. Athenians
i. Had better Navy
ii. Sparta attacks
1. Athenians take refuge behind city walls
2. Still able to get food however; w/ navy
iii. Attacked Syracuse during a truce
1. Tragic defeat for Athenians
iv. Athens Surrenders to Sparta 404 B.C.
v. Athens becomes a second rate power