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Define homeostasis
What three components are required for a homeostatic control system to function?
What is the difference between negative feedback and positive feedback?
Describe, in detail, how the body maintains a constant body temperature despite fluctuations
in the external environment.
The Excretory System
1. Why does the breakdown of protein present a problem for humans? How do we overcome
these problems?
2. What are the functions of the kidneys?
3. Know the parts of a nephron and their functions.
4. Describe the processes involved in filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.
5. How are blood-water levels, blood pressure, and pH balance maintained within the body?
6. Describe the causes and the effects of diabetes mellitus.
7. What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
8. What is the difference between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus?
9. What is nephritis?
10. What are kidney stones and what is one type of treatment for them?
11. Compare and contrast hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
12. What are the pros and cons of kidney transplantation?
The Endocrine System
1. Describe the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
2. Hormones travel all over the body but often only affect specific cells. Why/how?
3. Describe the differences in structure and function between steroid and protein hormones.
4. What is the function of cyclic AMP?
5. What are the functions of the anterior and posterior pituitary lobes?
6. What are the two major roles of the pancreas?
7. What do alpha and beta cells do? Where are they located in the pancreas?
8. What can occur if a person with diabetes mellitus doesn’t inject their insulin? Why does this
9. What are the names and functions of the two glands that make up the adrenal glands?
10. What happens to the body during times of stress? What hormones are responsible for these
11. How is the body’s response to short term and long term stress different?
12. How is the negative feedback system different for thyroid activity than parathyroid activity?
13. What’s a goiter?
14. What is rickets?
15. What is another name for growth hormone?
Reproductive System
1. What are gonadotropic hormones?
2. What are two functions of the testes?
3. What hormone(s) stimulates the testes to produce sperm?
4. Which female structure is analogous to the male testes?
5. Which female structure is analogous to the male vas deferens?
What kind of cells make up follicles?
Describe the effects of testosterone in males.
Describe the maturation process involved in the production of an ovum.
a) An egg is released from what organ?
b) From what specific structure?
10. What is the other name for oviducts?
11. When is the fertile period during the menstrual cycle?
12. The time when adult females permanently stop their menstrual cycle is called _______.
13. Which of the two gonadatropic hormones is highest at the time of ovulation?
14. About how often is an ovum released?
15. Describe the events associated with the flow phase, follicular phase, and luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle.
16. Which hormone stimulates the development of follicles?
17. What causes the follicle to burst and ovulation to occur?
18. a. What happens to the corpus luteum if pregnancy occurs?
b. What if pregnancy does not occur?
19. What occurs when the production of estrogen and progesterone drop?
20. Why does menstruation not occur if the ovum is fertilized?
21. What role does the corpus luteum play in the menstrual cycle?
22. What would happen if the corpus luteum disintegrated during pregnancy?
23. Explain how negative feedback regulates the level of FSH during the menstrual cycle.
24. How does the birth control pill prevent pregnancy?
25. Identify the functions of estrogen in the menstrual cycle and in the birth process.
26. Suppose a woman’s oviducts were blocked. Would she produce ova? Could she become
27. What is menopause?
28. Can a woman who has reached menopause ever become pregnant? Explain.
29. What hormone level is increased during the last weeks of pregnancy, sparking the first
30. How would oxytocin injections affect labor?
The Hormones!
Know the source, the target, and the effects produced by each of the following hormones:
Anabolic steroids
Growth hormone