Download TASK A: Objective: To identify the roles of the three types of neurons

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Objective: To identify the roles of the three types of neurons and the transmission
pathway of a reflex arc.
This task will be worth 12 points for a classwork grade. I am looking for 12 pieces of
information to be correctly explained in your response.
Think of a stimulus that would elicit a reflex arc response. Describe and identify the
pathway between all associated neurons and their roles within the divisions of the
nervous system.
You can use pictures, diagrams and words to explain what happens in a reflex arc. Make
sure to apply this information in a way that makes sense to you- I encourage you to be
creative and put it into a context that enhances your own understanding of the topic.
NAME: ______________________________
Assessment Checklist (each line is worth one point unless otherwise indicated):
___Correct example of stimulus/response (2)
___Lists 3 types of neurons (3)
___Explain roles of 3 types of neurons (3)
___Sensory neuron = PNS or Afferent division
___Interneuron = CNS
___Motor Neuron = PNS or Efferent division
___Identification of pathway of transmission from sensory neuron/PNS spinal
cord/CNS (interneurons) motor neuron/PNS
____/12 total points
Objective: To analyze case studies to hypothesize possible regions of the brain damaged
or affected.
This task will be assessed using the Chariho Science Constructed Response Grading
Rubric (attached). This will be worth one classwork grade.
Instructions: Using your brain diagrams and 3D Brain App on the Android tablet, along
with your other resources, come up with a hypothesis for ONE of the following case
studies below. You should include which areas of the brain are affected and hypothesize
what types of stimuli/injuries could induce such damage. Each pod will be assigned a
different case study, and will share their findings with the class.
Case Studies:
1. A patient involved in a car accident is brought to the hospital. His blood alcohol level
is measuring .14. He has difficulty walking in a straight line and standing on one foot.
He also has difficulty touching the tip of his index finger to the tip of his nose. His
speech is slurred and he has difficulty staying alert.
2. This patient reports gaps in vision (visual field cuts). He also has difficulty
determining the difference between colors (color agnosia). The patient, when viewing
a tape of moving objects, cannot determine if the object is moving toward or away
from him.
3. Short-term memory loss and high levels of aggression are clearly observable in this
patient. Her family reports that she has been unable to recognize the faces of friends
and family (prosopagnosia). This patient seems to be unable to follow directions that
are given verbally. When given directions in written language the patient can follow
them, verbal directions are lost in understanding.
4. This patient has complained of dizziness, nausea, and insomnia. The patient’s ability
to swallow appears labored and impaired. Breathing is shallow and breath lost when
speaking (lower vital capacity).
Grading Rubric:
Exceeds Standard
Meets Standard
Below Standard
Little Progress
Toward Standard
- Explanation uses
appropriate scientific
-Basic definition with some
correct scientific
-Explanation includes
examples to explain the
relationships within the
content and application of
that content.
-Explanation includes
examples to explain the
relationships within the
-Answer connected to
relevant content.
-The student demonstrates
a thorough understanding
of the science of the task.
No errors or omissions are
present in the response.
-The student demonstrates a
thorough understanding of the
science of the task. The
response may contain minor
errors that do not detract from
the demonstration of
-The student has provided a
response that demonstrates
a general understanding of
the science of the task.
-Answer attempted
with basic
-The student has
provided a
response that is
only partially
No work submitted or incorrect answer.
-Explanation uses
appropriate scientific