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Name __________________________ Blk________________________
Study Guide – Body Systems Test
Study your Graphic Organizer as part of your study
guide!!!! You must know how body systems work together
and the organs involved in each system.
1. List in order the structural organization from cells to organism.
___cells__________ __Tissues__________ ___organs______ ____organ systems_______
2. Name the ten body systems we studied in this unit.
Circulatory, Immune, Respiratory, Nervous, Digestive, Excretory, Endocrine,
Reproductive, Skeletal, and Muscular
3.Which system is the most important system in the human body?
______No one system is more important than another_________________
4.Which system is responsible for bringing oxygen into the human body?
5. When oxygen enters the body, it is carried to the cells by the
6. __Blood___________ is the moveable tissue in the circulatory system that
transports oxygen, sugars, and minerals to all the cells in the body.
7. The _Heart________is the main organ in the circulatory system.
8. What is the difference between arteries and veins?
Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.
Veins return deoxygenated blood to the heart.
9. Which organ is part of the muscular system and the circulatory system and is
responsible for providing the force behind the movement of blood throughout
the body? __Heart__________
The __digestive__________system breaks down food to release
nutrients into the body.
Name __________________________ Blk________________________
After the breakdown of food takes place, nutrients enter the blood
stream through the process of ___absorption(takes place in the small
Digestion begins in the _mouth____, but most of digestion takes place in
the _stomach______. The _____small intestines___is where the food gets
absorbed into the blood.
Name and explain the two ways that food can be broken down for digestion?
_Mechanical digestion—physically chopping it up, or mashing it with teeth and
Chemical Digestion---where enzymes are are produced which chemically break
food down into smaller pieces like in the mouths with saliva or in the stomach with
hydrochloric acid
13. Put these steps of the digestive system in sequential order. Which comes first,
second, etc…? (Large intestine, stomach, esophagus, small intestine, and mouth.)
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
14. What happens to undigested food in the large intestine? Water is removed and
the solid waste is sent to the colon and rectum to be excreted from the body.
15. The _____Excretory________ is the system that removes wastes(solid, liquid
and gaseous) and helps maintain the water levels in the human body.
16. Filtering urea and other waste materials from the blood is the main job of the
17. Waste in the kidneys is converted to ___Urine______ and stored in the
Name __________________________ Blk________________________
18. The __skeletal________ and _____muscular______ systems
work together to make body movements.
19. The ___bones____ of the skeletal system also produce new
blood cells.
20. The ______nervous_____ system sends electrical impulses to
muscles of the body to allow voluntary and involuntary
21. When a person breathes the ___respiratory_____system is
taking in oxygen to deliver to the body cells for the process of
cellular __respiration______________.
22. The lungs not only bring in oxygen, they also help the body rid
itself of the gaseous waste product called ___Carbon Dioxide___.
23. Which system of the body is responsible for hormone
production?___Endocrine System______
24. Which system of the body is responsible for preparing the body
for production of offspring? Reproductive System____________
25. White blood cells used for fighting off pathogens and toxins
are part of the __immune_______system and the
___circulatory_________ system of the body.
AC: Be able to write a paragraph explaining in detail how the
circulatory system interacts with several other body systems.
Don’t forget to study your SSR#1 and SSR#2 for bonus