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Cell Processes Chapter 4 Study Guide
Sunlight/light energy
Carbon dioxide + Water
Glucose + Oxygen
See page 94. Study your graphic organizer on photosynthesis and cellular
respiration. Know the raw materials and end products.
2. Cellular
Glucose + Oxygen
Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
See page 95. Study your graphic organizer on photosynthesis and cellular
respiration. Know the raw materials and end products.
3. Connection
and cellular
4. Fermentation
Page 96. Know the connection between photosynthesis and cellular
5. Osmosis
-Important to cells because cells are filled with fluids that are made
mostly of water.
-The diffusion of water into or out of a cell.
-Keeps vegetables fresh in the grocery store because water is
sprinkled on them.
-Movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low
-Allows materials to move in and out of cells.
-Movement of materials through the cell membrane without the use
of energy.
-Molecules move from area of high concentration to low
-Examples are diffusion and osmosis.
-Moving materials through a cell membrane using energy.
6. Diffusion
8. Active
9. Endocytosis
10. Exocytosis
-In muscle cells produces lactic acid which makes muscles sore.
-The breakdown of food/glucose without the use of oxygen.
-The process by which a cell membrane surrounds a particle and
encloses the particle in a vesicle to bring the particle into the cell.
-On the test you will have to answer questions about the diagram of
endocytosis on page 92.
-The process in which a cell releases a particle by enclosing the
particle in a vesicle that then moves to the cell surface and the
particle is released.
- On the test you will have to answer questions about the diagram of
exocytosis on page 93.
11. binary
12. Cell Cycle
for Eukaryotic
- Cell division in bacteria where a cell splits into two cells which are
identical to the parent cell.
- Cells need to produce new cells in order to replace cells that have
-Organelles and chromosomes are copied during the first stage of the
eukaryotic cell cycle.
-During cytokinesis in plant cells a cell plate forms and the cell splits
in two.
13. Be able to
recognize the
stages and know
their definitions.
Match each
definition to the
Mitosis Phase 4
Mitosis Phase 3
the cell cycle
Mitosis Phase 2
Mitosis Phase 1
1. ____ the name of this process…this is what we call the 3 stages
2. ____stage at which chromosomes are copied
3. ____has four phases and the job of this process is to form the two new
4. ____stage at which paired chromosomes align at the cell’s equator
5. ____the division of cytoplasm
6. ____stage at which the chromatids separate and move to opposite sides
of the cells
7. ____chromosomes condense from long strands into rodlike structures to
begin mitosis
8. ____a nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, and
the chromosomes unwind to complete mitosis.
Sample essay
1. Explain why many green plants could survive in a world without
mammals, but mammals could not survive in a world without green plants.
Green plants are able to make their own food (glucose) and then use cellular
respiration to obtain energy from that food. They take in carbon dioxide and
water to make the glucose and the waste product, oxygen. In order to use
the food for energy, green plants use oxygen. Mammals, on the other hand,
cannot make their own food. They rely on other animals, who eat plants, or
on the plants themselves for food. Also, in order to breathe, animals need
the oxygen that green plants provide.
2. Pioneers in North America did not have refrigeration, so they preserved
fresh meat by packing it in salt. Explain what happens to meat when it is
packed in salt.
When meat is packed in salt, osmosis takes place. Meat cells have a higher
concentration of water molecules than the surrounding salt does. The water
molecules move out of the meat cells and into the surrounding salt because
water molecules always move from high to less concentrated areas. This
dries out the meat, preserving it. This is osmosis.
3. What might happen if prior to cell division, a cell did not completely
replicate, or copy, its DNA?
The purpose of the cell cycle is to produce two cells with the correct
number of chromosomes…the same number as the parent cell. If a cell did
not completely replicate its DNA prior to cell division, then one or both new
cells would not have the proper number of chromosomes. This could lead to
cell death or malfunction of cell processes. Interphase is the stage in which
the DNA is copied and this must be successful the two new cells to have the
correct number of chromosomes.
4. Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are related.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are related and form a cycle.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are reverse processes.
Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, water, and light energy to produce
glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to
produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The end products of one are the
raw materials of the other. This forms the cycle between photosynthesis
and cellular respiration.