Download Site 1-- Inheritance of Dragons

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Dragon Meiosis Webquest
Site 1-- Inheritance of Dragons  click on “Dragons,”  click on “Enter
Web Lab.” Once in the lab, follow the directions for moving through Dragons.
“Welcome to Inheritance in Dragons”
1. Why do you think offspring have the same traits as their parents?
2. How many chromosomes do dragons have? _______ Two ___________________
chromosomes and one pair of _________ chromosomes.
3. How is sex determined in dragons?
What are the female sex chromosomes in dragons? _____________
What are the male sex chromosomes in dragons? _____________
On the chromosomes shown, what do genes code for?
Each gene has multiple __________________ that can change the way a dragon looks.
Click on each of the male chromosomes. What does each of the letters code for?
a. H __________
b. W __________
c. L __________
d. A __________
e. C __________
f. F __________
9. Which of the following alleles is found on the red sex chromosome?
When finished exploring the male chromosomes, highlight the female dragon.
10. What do you notice that is different about the female dragon’s chromosomes?
When you are finished exploring the female chromosomes, click the “next” button.
11. The change you made on the chromosome was that the dragons phenotype or
12. When you change the genotype what happened to the dragon?
13. Define phenotype.
Begin testing your knowledge on genotype and phenotype for the different dragons.
14. Which alleles result in “horns?” __________________________
15. Which alleles result in “two legs?” ________________________
16. How many different phenotypes are there for legs in dragons? _____________________
17. What genetic combination would result in a “green” dragon? ____________________
18. How many body colors are possible in dragons? _______________
19. If a male dragon did not have fire, what genetic combinations could he have?_________
20. If a female dragon had the “f” allele on the “X” chromosome, would she have fire or
Now test your knowledge of inheritance. Try to make as few mistakes as possible. You must test
this until you have “zero” mistakes. Once you have zero mistakes, please have Mr. W sign your
Mr. W’s signature: ________________
Site 2—Dragons meiosis  click on “Dragons meiosis,”  click
on “Enter Web Lab.” Once in the lab, follow the directions for moving through Dragons.
1. What are the 5 distinct traits of these two dragons?
2. What alleles does a dragon have if it has HORNS, WINGS, LEGS, BODY COLOR and FIRE
genes? (Hint: find the dragon with these traits and roll over the cells to see what letters
they have).
Review the process of meiosis
Play the meiosis animations for BOTH the male and female dragons. Once finished answer
question #3-5.
3. What are the alleles for the chromosomes in ONE of the female dragon cells?
4. What are the alleles for the chromosomes in ONE of the male dragon cells?
5. How many cells are produced during meiosis? ___________
6. What types of cells undergo meiosis? __________________ cells.
7. Are these cells produced, haploid or diploid? __________________
Cross a cell from the male and female parent dragon.
8. Once finished compare the offspring to its parents. What traits does the baby dragon
have in common with each parent? Find at least 2 similarities for each. Fill out the chart
Trait 1 in common with Trait 2 in common with
baby dragon
baby dragon
Male parent
Female parent
9. Click “play to run meiosis for each of the parent cells. Once finished with meiosis,
choose one gamete from the male and one from the female run fertilization of the two
cells. Fill out the chart for EACH of the four offspring you make.
Example 1
Offspring 1
Offspring 2
Offspring 3
Offspring 4
10. When you are finished you can click “END” and continue on with the next website.
Site 2 – Lew-Port’s Meiosis Page
Go to Lew-Port’s Biology Place and read the text. Then click on the arrow to learn about
1. How many chromosomes does the cell in this animation start with? __________________
2. The homologous pairs are represented by similar ________________________
3. Copies of chromosomes are held together by the _____________________________
4. Each chromosome finds its __________________________________________
5. Draw “crossing over” – using your pencil to shade in the areas that exchange parts.
6. How many chromosomes are at each pole of the cell? ___________
7. During meiosis 2, chromosomes line up again along the cell’s __________________________
8. Only _________ copy of each chromosome moves toward the poles. Which means only
_________ chromosomes of the original six.
9. New membranes form around each ____________________________
10. Each cell divides, forming a total of ______________ cells.
Site 3 – Biology in Motion - Meiosis
Go to Click on “Practice Meiosis”
11. There are two ways in which the chromosomes can end up after meiosis. Sketch the two
ways and indicate by color the chromosomes (use the following color codes: Purple, Dark
Purple, Green,Dark green)
Possibility 1
Possibility 2
Site 4: PBS: Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Introduction and
Click on “Mitosis vs. Meiosis”
Name of Phase Description
Click on “How Cells Divide”
Read the
Homologous chromosomes pair up and form
Spindle fibers move homologous chromosomes
to opposite sides
Nuclear membrane reforms, cytoplasm divides,
4 daughter cells formed
Chromosomes line up along equator, not in
homologous pairs
Crossing-over occurs
Chromatids separate
Homologs line up alone equator
Cytoplasm divides, 2 daughter cells are formed