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What evidence did Alfred Wagner use to support his theory of
continental drift?
Fossil evidence, matching rock types and geologic structures, and evidence
of ancient climate patterns, and the shape of the continents.
Why do you think people didn't believe continental drift theory when
Wagner first explained it?
He didn’t have any evidence.
Who were the two scientists that brought forth supporting evidence
to Wagner's theory, and what was their evidence?
Arthur Holmes went underwater and found the mid-ocean ridge. Harry Hess
discovered plate tectonics.
What are the three different types of plate boundaries, describe each
Divergent boundaries-where new is crust generated as the plates pull away
from each other.
Convergent boundaries-where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under
Transform boundaries-where crust is neither produced or destroyed as the
plates slide horizontally past each other.
Give an example of a location on Earth where each type of plate
boundary is present.
Divergent – Mid-Ocean Ridge; Convergent- The Ring of Fire; Transform – The San
Andreas Fault.
What are the three different types of convergent plate boundaries?
Oceanic-Continental, Oceanic-Oceanic, and Continental-Continental
Give an example of a location on Earth where each type of
convergent plate boundaries occurs.
Oceanic-Continental-Nazca plate, Oceanic-Oceanic-The Marianas
Trench; Continental-Continental-The Tibetan Plateau
Explain what plate tectonics and ocean trenches have in common?
The both occur where continental plates collide or meet.
How old are the rocks off the east coast of North America relative to
the rocks right along the mid Atlantic ridge, why do you think this is
the case?
The age of rocks increases as they move away from the ridge. The
youngest rocks are closest to the ridge.
What is a convection current or cell, describe how it works (use a
picture if you want)?
The slow movement of hot, softened mantle that lies below the rigid
What are the two main sources of heat inside the Earth?
Radioactive Decay& Residual Heat
What types of tectonic forces create mountains?
Fault blocking
What are horsts and grabens, and where can they be found?
They are acjendant faults that go in opposite directions. In the
western united states.
Describe how the mountains across the Utah and Nevada were
By folding and crusting.
What are two bad things that can happen as a result of plate
tectonics, how did plate tectonics cause these events?
Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions; because of the way the plates
move and the boundaries.
What are three good things that plate tectonics provide for humans,
how do plate tectonics provide these things?
Energy, Minerals, and Soil; because when the plates move they
create these things.
1-3. Alfred Wagner Pictures: Continental Drift
4-8. Plate Boundaries Pictures: Plate Boundaries
9. Seafloor Spreading Pictures: Seafloor Spreading
10-11. Convection Currents Pictures: Convection Currents
12-14. Mountain Building Pictures: Mountain Building
15-16. Humans and Plate Tectonics Pictures: Humans and
Plate Tectonics