Download Soil Texture Classification Sheet

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Soil Texture Classification Sheet
To determine the texture of your soil follow these simple directions.
1. Place a handful of soil into your hand and use the
spray bottle to moisten the soil. Rub the soil
together until there is an equal amount of water
throughout the soil.
2. Try to form the soil into a ball. If it does not
form into a ball and crumbles in your hand then the
soil texture is sandy. If the soil does form into a
ball go to the next step.
3. Feel your ball of soil. Is it a tight ball that does
not easily fall apart? Is it really sticky? Is it hard to
squeeze? Does it shine when you rub it? If you try
to roll it out does it make a long snake? If you
answered yes to all of these questions then your soil
texture is clayey. If you did not answer yes to all of
these questions then go to the next step.
4. Feel your ball of soil. Is it very soft and very
smooth? Are you unable to roll it out into a snake?
Does it resist breaking but will crumble easily? If
you answered yes to all of these questions then your
soil texture is silty.
*Information listed in this sheet taken from
Name _________
Date __________
1. There are ____ layers of soil. When digging, we are only observing _____ of those layers.
2. The soil layer I am studying is called
3. When moistened, does the soil form a ball? ____________
If yes, what is your soil called?________________
4. If your soil does not form a ball, what is it called?___________
Name 2 or more items found in this soil (roots, rocks, plant life, bugs, etc.)
5. What are the sizes of the soil particles? Small Medium Large
6. What is the color of the soil? ________________
7. Does the soil have an odor? _________
8. What was the final texture of your soil as determined by the Soil Texture Classification