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Name: ______________________________________
Date: _____________________
Ch 6 Notes
The Periodic Table
1. The periodic table was organized by Dmitri ____________________________________.
He placed known elements in order according to increasing atomic
2. When Mendeleev organized the elements he noticed that the elements’
_______________________________ repeated in a regular pattern, or a
_______________________________ pattern.
3. Mendeleev placed the known elements in a table, where he arranged
elements into _______________________ with similar _____________________________.
4. Although all of the elements were not known, Mendeleev predicted the
___________________________ of several elements that were __________________________
at the time. These predictions were _______________________ and well accepted.
5. The modern periodic table differs from Mendeleev’s periodic table in that:
a. _____________________________ found elements were ____________________
b. and, the table was organized by atomic _________________________ rather
than atomic _____________________.
6. The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called _______________________.This
is because the properties begin to _____________________________ in each new row.
7. The columns on the periodic table are called _______________________(or
___________________) and the elements in the groups have
_____________________________ properties.
Classification of Elements and Group Names
8. Groups on the periodic table are assigned an A or B notation. The
____________________ group elements can be found in Groups 1A through 8A.
The main group elements (Group A elements) are also called
_____________________________________ elements.
9. On the other hand, the group B elements are known as the
____________________________________ elements.
10. The elements on the periodic table can be divided into three main categories:
a. _________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. _______________________________
11. Metals have properties that include that they are _______________________ solids,
and _____________________ conductors of heat and __________________________.
12. The name of Group 1A is the ____________________________ metals and the name
of Group 2A is the ___________________ ___________________ metals.
13. Elements on the right side of the heavy stairstep line are called
Name: ______________________________________
Date: _____________________
14. The properties of nonmentals are that they are generally _______________________
or brittle ________________________ at room temperature.
15. Group 7A elements are called ___________________________ and Group 8A elements
are called the __________________________ gases.
16. Elements along the stairstep are called ___________________________. Their
properties are _________ _____________________________ the properties of metals
and nonmetals.
17. Scientists now understand that the repetition of properties of elements
occurs because the__________________________ configurations of atoms repeat.
18. For representative elements, the Group Number in front of the A tells the
number of ____________________________ electrons in the atoms in the column.
19. Also the period number (or row number) of a __________________________ element
tells the __________________________ level of the valence electrons.
20. The periodic table is divided into _____________________ that correspond to the
energy _________________________ being filled as you move across a period.
a. S-block: Groups ___________________
b. P-block: Groups ___________________
c. D-block: Groups __________________
d. F-block: Rows ________________________________________
Periodic Trends
21. The ________________________ structure of an atom determines many of its
________________________ and ________________________ properties.
22. The atomic ___________________________is a measure of the __________________ of an
atom. The larger the radius, the larger the atom.
23. As you move across a ______________________ the atom ________________________ in
size. This is due to the ______________________ positive charge of the nucleus
while electrons are being added, but the orbitals are close in energy. The
increased nuclear charge pulls the outermost electrons ___________________ to
the nucleus, making the atom _____________________.
24. As you move down a group, atomic radii __________________________. This is due
to the addition of a larger energy ___________________ each time. Electrons in
higher levels are located ______________________ from the nucleus than those in
the lower energy levels.
25. The driving force that makes reactions happen is ______________ formation.
Ions form when atoms gain or lose _______________________. Ions will have either
a ___________________________ or __________________________ charge.
26. When atoms lose electrons and form positively charged ions, they become
__________________________, and are called _______________________. They become
smaller because the loss of the electrons means that the number of protons is
______________________ than the number of electrons.
27. Therefore, the electrons will be pulled more _________________ to the nucleus,
and the outer electrons will feel the pull of the nucleus more strongly than
Name: ______________________________________
Date: _____________________
28. When atoms gain electrons they form negatively charged ions, called
________________________. The added electron makes the ionic radius
______________________, because of ____________________________ and the weaker pull
of the nucleus on each electron.
29. As you move from left to right across the periodic table, your positively
forming ions, Groups 1A-4A get _________________________, but Groups 5A- 8A get
___________________________. As you move from top to bottom the ions get larger
in each column because of the __________________________ of energy
30. To form a positive ion, an __________________________ must be removed from a
neutral atom. Removing the electron requires __________________. That energy
must overcome the attraction between the positive charge in the nucleus and
the negative charge of the electron.
31. This energy, known as __________________________ energy is defined as the energy
required to remove an ______________________ from an atom in the gaseous state.
32. The first ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove the
___________________ electron from the outer shell of the atom.
33. Remember that as you move across a period, you ________________________
atomic number and therefore add more ____________________ charge to the atom.
34. That addition makes it more difficult to _____________________ the electron and
therefore more energy is required.
35. For the first ionization energy, as you move across a period, from left to right,
the ionization energy _________________________.
36. It is also possible to remove ___________________ after removing the first, or
furthermost electron from the electron cloud. However, once you remove
the first electron, much more ____________________ is required to remove the
second, and third, and fourth, etc.
37. When atoms/ions have __________________ electrons in their outer shell, they
are much more __________________.
38. The ____________________ rule says that atoms tend to gain, lose or share
electrons in order to acquire a full set of _________________ valence electrons.
39. Use this to predict what kinds of ions will form: elements on the
________________ will form ________________ ions and elements on the _______________
will form _____________________ ions.
40. The __________________________________ of an element tells about its ability to
attract electrons in a chemical bond.
41. As you move from top to bottom down a group, electronegativity generally
__________________________. As you move from left to right, electronegativity
generally _______________________.