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Ancient Rome Unit Packet -Recreational
Chapter 11 – The Roman Republic: Word Meanings
Word Meanings: Define the bolded words, using the text to help you. (Use the text box to help you!)
Republic - __________________________________________________________________________
Patrician - __________________________________________________________________________
Plebeian - __________________________________________________________________________
Tribune -__________________________________________________________________________
Tribute - __________________________________________________________________________
“To obtain rights and to secure themselves from injustice, the plebeians got organized.” (p.74)
Comprehension Questions: Circle the correct answer.
Highlight where you found the answers in the
Which of the following statements are true about a republic?
a. Every citizen can vote
b. Only elected officials can vote
c. It originated in Greece
What is true of a democracy?
a. Every citizen can vote
b. Only elected officials can vote
c. It originated in Rome
Draw a picture below that illustrates the government of Rome.
Chapter 12 – The Punic Wars: Text Features
Word Meanings: Define the bolded words, using the text to help you.
Phoenician - ________________________________________________________________________
Punic - ____________________________________________________________________________
“Thus, the victory over Carthage led not only to the Romanizing of the Greeks but also to the
Hellenizing of the Romans.” (p.78)
Comprehension Questions: Circle the correct answer.
Highlight where you found the answers in the
What was the influence of the Punic Wars on Greece and Rome?
a. Greek literature, art, and architecture were introduced to Romans
b. Rome became weaker.
c. The Punic Wars destroyed Greece.
What was the result of the First Punic War?
a. Rome lost.
b. The Greeks came to Rome’s rescue.
c. Romans took over Sicily and made it part of the Roman Republic.
Who was Hannibal?
a. He helped Rome win the Second Punic War.
b. He led Carthage and gave up.
c. He led Rome and refused to surrender, even though he lost.
What happened during the Third Punic War?
a. Carthage won.
b. Rome invaded and destroyed Carthage.
c. Rome refused to fight.
Bolded Words
Vocab Box
Sketch to Stretch: Illustrate what happened in each of the Punic Wars.
First Punic War
Second Punic War
Third Punic War
Chapter 13 – A Great Roman: Julius Caesar: Skimming
Word/Saying Meanings: Define the bolded words, using the text to help you.
dictator - __________________________________________________________________________
“Friends, Romans, Countrymen…lend me your ears.”
“Et tu, Brute?”
 “Beware the Ides of March!”
Comprehension Questions: Circle the correct answer.
Highlight where you found the answers in the
How did Julius rise to power? (Make sure you state the question in your answer.)
How was Julius betrayed?
a. He was a great general.
b. He was murdered by a member of the Senate.
c. He destroyed the Roman Republic
What caused the Roman Civil War?
a. The Romans and Greeks weren’t getting along.
b. The Senate invaded Rome.
c. Caesar entered Rome with his army against the rules.
List 2 ways that Julius influenced Rome. Look on p. 81 in the text/paragraphs 2-3 (“Dictator for Life”).
a. He started a _______________ war.
b. He became a ________________.
If the statement below happened in the history book, circle HISTORY. If the statement happened in the
play, circle PLAY.
Circle one
Caesar started a civil war.
or History
Caesar had a soothsayer warn him of his death by saying, “Beware the ides
of March!”
or History
Chapter 14 – The Age of Augustus: Determining Main Idea
Word Meanings Define the bolded words, using the text to help you.
Pax Romana -_______________________________________________________________________
“Octavian had to defeat Brutus and Cassius, the conspirators who had killed Caesar” (p. 83)
“Augustus avoided Julius Caesar’s mistake of being arrogant.” (p. 84)
Comprehension Questions: Circle the correct answer.
Highlight where you found the answers in the
List 2 ways that Augustus influenced Rome. Look on p. 83 in the text.
a. He brought _________________, ___________________, and _________________ to Rome to
create beautiful buildings.
b. He rebuilt the ___________________ to re-establish the religion of the Romans.
How did Augustus restore Roman pride and confidence?
He wrote the epic poem the Aeneid
He got rid of religion.
He built temples and had his architects copy Greek buildings.
How did Augustus strengthen the law?
He limited his own power.
He got rid of the military.
He took over all the power.
How did Augustus support the Roman Army?
He established a special treasury for their supplies.
He wanted fewer men to belong to the military.
He took over more lands.
Choose 3 words from the box that describe each of these leaders…
 _______________________
 _______________________
 _______________________
 _______________________
 _______________________
 _______________________
Chapter 15 – Rome and Christianity: Summarizing
Word Meanings Define the bolded words, using the text to help you.
Martyr -____________________________________________________________________________
Coliseum -__________________________________________________________________________
Persecution -_______________________________________________________________________
“The army and governors were often cruel or corrupt, doing things in secret that their citizens would
not approve of.” ______________________________________________________________________
Comprehension Questions:
Circle the correct answer. Highlight where you found the answers in the
How did the Roman leaders try to keep the empire united and loyal?
a. They required all people to pay taxes.
b. They required all citizens to join the military
c. They required all citizens to become gladiators.
Chapter 16 – The Fall of the Roman Empire: Inferring
Word Meanings Define the bolded words, using the text to help you.
recession -__________________________________________________________________________
inflation - __________________________________________________________________________
Byzantine Empire - __________________________________________________________________
“Some emperors were good and wise, but others were totally unsuited to ruling.”
Comprehension Questions: Circle the correct answer.
Highlight where you found the answers in the
List 2 things that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. Make sure you look in the text.
a. The ______________________ tribes
b. The rise of _____________________
Which of the two factors listed in the question above was the most responsible for the fall of the Roman
Empire? Support this with evidence from the text.
Based on what you learned in this chapter about the fall of Rome, give advice to future leaders of our country
about how not to have your empire fall! Support this with evidence from the text!