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Earth and Space: TEK 8ABC; Fossils and Fossilization Note-Taking Worksheet
1. When the original hard parts of organisms become replaced by different minerals, the
process of ____________ has occurred.
2. Because we study fossils we are able to:
a. …
b. …
3. What is the process whereby organisms are covered with sediment?________________.
4. What process forms sandstone, shale, slate, or mudstone?_____________________.
5. What five things affect the completeness of the fossil record?
a. …
b. …
c. …
d. …
e. …
6. Where is a famous fossil site for soft-bodied organisms found?
7. Who discovered the Burgess Shale?
8. What two types of fossils do paleontologists generally recognize?
a. …
b. …
9. What is the difference between Zoolites and phytofossils?
10. What is another name for “trace fossils”?
11. Of the body fossils, describe some of the processes that create…
a. Unaltered remains
b. Altered remains
12. Describe and give examples of the following Ichnofossils:
a. Mold
b. Cast
c. Coprolites
d. Gastroliths
13. What kinds of things can a paleontologist learn from studying coprolites?
14. What is a transitional fossil, and what do they show? Give an example.
15. What is an index fossil used for? Give an example.
16. Who is responsible for the laws of superposition?
17. Why are mass extinctions so important to evolutionary processes?
18. What types of factors might make organisms resistant to extinction?