Download Propaganda Project Rubric

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Propaganda Project Rubric
& Mechanics
Exceeds Expectations
The project includes an original
working definition of propaganda. The
project includes examples of more than
eight propaganda strategies. Each
example demonstrates strong
understanding of the strategies of
propaganda. Examples equally
represent historical, commercial, and
political propaganda. Clear evidence of
effective group work is provided.
The project is very interesting. The
examples are presented in a reasonable
order that is very easy to understand.
There is a clear beginning, middle and
end to the project, including a strong
introduction and conclusion. Text has
no errors in mechanics or spelling.
The project uses the digital medium to
present the information and engage the
audience. Design of the project reflects
significant attention to the layout and
format of slides. There is more than one
picture pertaining to the topic present.
An accurate bibliography is included to
give appropriate credit for all images
and content. There is a good balance
between pictures and text. Additional
elements support the content of the
Meets Expectations
The project includes a working
definition of propaganda. The project
includes examples of seven to eight
propaganda strategies. Each example
demonstrates good understanding of the
strategies of propaganda. Examples
represent historical, commercial, and
political propaganda. Evidence of
effective group work is provided.
Towards Expectations
The project includes examples of five or
six propaganda strategies. Each
example demonstrates some
understanding of the strategies of
propaganda. At least one example from
historical, commercial, and political
propaganda is included. Evidence of
group work is provided.
The project is interesting. The examples
are presented in a reasonable order that
is easy to understand. There is a clear
beginning, middle and end to the
project. Text has few errors in
mechanics or spelling.
The project is somewhat interesting. The
examples are presented in a reasonable
order for the most part. There is a
beginning, middle and end to the
project. Text has several errors in
mechanics or spelling.
The project uses the digital medium to
present the information in an easy way.
Design of the project reflects attention
to the layout and format of slides. There
is at least one picture pertaining to the
topic present. A bibliography is
included to give appropriate credit for
all images and content. There is a good
balance between pictures and text.
Additional elements exist, but may not
support the content of the project.
The project uses the digital medium to
present the information. Design of the
project reflects some attention to the
layout and format of slides. Only clip art
is used. A list of URLs is included to
give credit for all images and content.
Some slides have too many words or
pictures; there is not a good balance
between pictures and text. Additional
elements may interfere with
Below Expectations
The project includes examples
of less than five propaganda
strategies. The examples
demonstrate little understanding
of the strategies of propaganda.
All examples come from one
variety of propaganda. Most of
the work in the project was
completed by one or two group
The project is not very
interesting. The order of the
information makes it hard to
understand. There is no
beginning, middle or end to the
project. Text has numerous
errors in mechanics or spelling.
The project uses a digital
medium. The creator did not
consider the backgrounds,
photographs, and use of color
and font. Required components
are missing.