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Rome questions
(a) Why was there conflict between Rome and Carthage in this period?
(b) Assess the consequences of the growth of empire on Roman social and political
Life in this period.
(a) Assess the role and impact of Roman leaders during the Second Punic War.
(b) To what extent did the conquest of Greece have an impact on Rome during this
2009 trials
(a) To what extent was Rome responsible for the Punic Wars?
(b) What economic and social changes took place in Rome and Italy during this period?
Question 36 — Option K – Rome: 264–133 BC (25 marks)
(a) Why did the Romans win the Second Punic War?
(b) Analyse the effects of overseas expansion on Rome and Italy in this period.
(a) Assess the contributions of Fabius Maximus and Scipio Africanus to the course
of the Second Punic War.
(b) Why did Rome destroy Carthage in the Third Punic War?
(a) Explain the development of Rome’s empire in this period.
(b) Evaluate the impact and contributions of Hannibal in the Second Punic War.