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Wed Dec 5, 2006
Exam 3 Farm Animal Physiology
Points Possible - 125
Section 1. Long answer essay. There are 3 questions in the following section. Answer them completely.
1. Explain how the kidneys regulate blood volume.
2. Describe the role of the kidney in the regulation of acid-base balance.
3. Explain how pancreatic juice and bile secretion is regulated by nerves and hormones.
Section 2: Short answer essay. Answer all of the following questions in section 2. Be
concise but factual.
4. Explain how the prostaglandins affect vascular resistance and blood flow.
5. List the 5 major functions of the digestive system.
6. In brief, describe the major functions of villi in the digestive and abortive functions of the
small intestine.
7. Typically, when humans eat something that is toxic or disruptive to our stomach’s, we
regurgitate (puke) allowing us to void our bodies of a toxin. How so then does poison grain kill
mice and rats?
8. The book states that the only stomach function that appears to be essential for life is the
secretion of intrinsic factor. Why is intrinsic factor so important that without it, we would need
to take supplements?
9. List the major categories of liver function.
10. List the 4 major compartments of a polygastric animal and the main function of each.
11. List the major functions of the large intestine.
Section 3. Not as short but not as long answer essay.
12. Define HCN channels and what role they have in cardiac rate.
13. Describe how K+ might slow down cardiac rate.
14. Discuss the various causes of edema.
15. A horse undergoes substantial water immersion exercise due to an injury to its legs. The
veterinarian notices increased diuresis. Explain this occurrence (including any hormones
involved, hormonal triggers, and why it is normal?
16. You have a fire in the barn. Horses are burned, have severe cuts and are dehydrated and
many of the horse go into shock. Describe the type of shock they go into and what their bodies
do to overcome the shock to their system.
17. Describe the location of the macula densa and explain its role in the regulation of renin
secretion and in tubuloglomerular feedback.
18. Discuss the differences between the cortical nephron and the juxtamedullary nephron.
19. Describe the micturition reflex.
20. Even though the book doesn’t discuss the effects of urea on cattle and horses, what might
occur in these species when given a high urea diet?
21. After a quick review of some literature, it is evident that certain colistridial diseases cause
diarrhea. Describe the mechanisms by which the enterotoxin produced by these bacteria cause
22. Between alfalfa vs straw hay – which one will take longer to digest? Why?
Section 4: Fill in the blank.
23. The _______________ system contains most of the blood and acts as a reservoir from which
more blood can be added to the circulatory system in case of an emergency.
24-26. Blood or hydrostatic ________________ promotes the formation of tissue fluid from
plasma, whereas _______________ __________________ pressure draw the water from the
tissues into the vasculature system.
27. ______________________ is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland and is said to
be a “salt-retaining hormone”.
28. This extrinsic agent causes vasodilatation and is secreted by sweat glands and by the
endothelium of blood vessels.
29-30. Gosh darn it, a bee stung you again. This time though you have a significant decrease in
blood pressure due to widespread release of _____________________ causing
__________________________________ shock.
31. Where is the pacemaker of the ureter located?
The _______________________ is the functional unit of the kidney. __________________
blood enters the kidney through the renal artery. These blood vessels then divide into
microscopic _______________________ arterioles which deliver blood into the
_____________________ where filtration occurs. Filtration enters into the glomerular capsule
and then enters into the ____________________________ which contains a single layer of
_____________________ cells and millions of _______________________. In this section of
the tubular system of the kidney, about 65% of salt and _________________ are reabsorbed and
are returned to the vasculature system. From here, fluid passes into the ____________________
and then passes through the ___________________ via the descending limb. The descending
limb is thought to be impermeable to the passive diffusion of ___________________, however it
is permeable to _______________________ which is drawn into the interstitial fluid via
________________________. Fluid is then transported to the __________________ loop of
Henle which is divided into two sections, the _________________ and __________________
portions. Now, fluid passes into the _________________________ convoluted tubule and then
is transported into the ___________________________ which collects fluid from several
__________________. Urine is then sent through the renal pelvis and out of the kidney to the
___________________ and then the _______________________ and then is voided from the
body via the _____________________.
54-76. In a monogastrics animal, food moves from the mouth to the stomach via the
__________________. The stomach consists of the cardia, ____________, _______________,
and ____________________. From here chyme moves through the ____________________
sphincter into the small intestine. The small intestine is divided up into 3 sections, the
__________________, ____________________, & ____________________. The
___________________ is where most of bile salts, vitamin B12, water and electrolytes are
absorbed. Villi and microvilli are made up of ___________________ epithelial cells including
those mucus-secreting cells known as __________________ cells. Each villi contains intestinal
crypts also known as ___________________________. Microvilli make up what is known as a
brush border which contains many digestive _______________________. Of these enzymes,
______________ is required for activation of the protein-digesting enzyme, _______________
which enters into the small intestine via ______________________. After the small intestine,
food inters into the large intestine which extends from the _______________ valve to the
_______________. Waste material moves from the cecum through the __________________,
_______________________, ____________________, ___________________,
__________________ and finally out of the body through the anal canal where it is excreted via
the anus.
Section 5: Circle the correct answer. 2 points each answer= 14 points
77. When there is a low plasma concentration of sodium, there is a decrease/increase in the
secretion of ADH.
78. A decrease in blood volume will stimulate the sympathetic / parasympathetic nervous
79. Renin causes and increase / decrease in the plasma concentration of sodium.
80. Lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates are broken down via digesting enzymes via a chemical
reaction called hydrohalogenation / hydrolysis.
81. Absorbed fat enters into the capillaries / central lacteals.
Multiple choice. Select the best answer
82. Intestinal enzymes such as lactase are
a. secreted by the intestine into the chime.
b. produced by the intestinal crypts (Lieberkuhn).
c. produced by the pancrease.
d. attached to the cell membrane of microvilli in the epithelial cells of the mucosa.
83. Which of the following statements about hepatic portal blood is true?
a. It contains absorbed fat.
b. It contains ingested proteins.
c. It is mixed with blood from the hepatic artery in the liver.
d. It is mixed with bile in the liver.
84. Absorption of salt and water is the principal function of which region of the GI tract?
a. jejunum
b. esophagus
c. large intestine
d. stomach
e. duodenum
85. The ____________________ is the largest internal organ.
a. stomach
b. skin
c. liver
d. heart
86. This derivative of the heme groups causes the brown color in feces.
a. bile
b. conjugated bilirubin
c. urobilinogen
d. bilirubin
87. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Production of bile from cholesterol is the major pathway of cholesterol breakdown.
b. Most fat is absorbed in the large intestine.
c. The small intestine is divided into segments referred to as haustra.
d. Micelles congregate to form bile.
88. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Ammonia is produced by deamination of amino acids in the liver.
b. Albumin transports cholesterol and hormones and also inhibits trypsin.
c. Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the release of pancreatic enzymes.
d. The gallbladder stores and releases bile.
89. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Most pancreatic enzymes are produced as zymogens.
b. Glucose from the small intestine to the capillaries via secondary active transport with Na+
into the capillaries.
c. Arrival of lipids in the duodenum serves as a stimulus for secretion of bile.
d. Cows have salivary amylase.
Bonus-2 points:
True / False: I learned more by taking the take home exam than I did when I studied for the
other exams.