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Earth Science
Spring, 2004
a-b-c-d (1.5 points each)
Choose the best answer and circle it.
Which type of lava has greater viscosity?
oceanic basalt
continental granite
What is the minimum number of seismograph readings needed to locate the
epicenter of an earthquake?
A seismograph must always be:
attached to bedrock
in a rural area
in the city
on a table
on the floor
Which of the following would you expect to have the highest viscosity?
magma at 2000O F from Mount St. Helens
magma at 1000O F from Mount St. Helens
magma at 2000O F from Mauna Loa
magma at 1000O F from Mauna Loa
Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called:
Pangaea is:
another name given the Alaska earthquake of 1964
a portion of the mid-Atlantic ridge
a supercontinent that existed 225 million years ago
the name of a fossil
Plates move apart, leaving a gap at
divergent plate boundaries
convergent plate boundaries
transform fault boundaries
all of the above
Plates move towards one another along:
divergent plate boundaries
convergent plate boundaries
transform fault boundaries
all of the above
New oceanic crust can form at:
divergent plate boundaries
convergent plate boundaries
transform fault boundaries
all of the above
Mount St. Helens is associated with a:
divergent plate boundary
convergent plate boundary
transform fault boundary
all of the above
When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source.
The source is also referred to as the:
inertial point
seismic zone
wave front
The position on the earth's surface directly above the earthquake source is called
zone of rock and roll
inertial point
wave front
Cinder cones:
have very steep slopes
have long gentle slopes
are composed mostly of lava
exist in Michigan
The most violent volcanic activity is associated with:
cinder cones
shield volcanoes
composite volcanoes
pahoehoe flows
Mauna Loa in Hawaii is an example of a:
cinder cone
shield volcano
composite volcano
Mount St. Helens is an example of a
cinder cone
shield volcano
composite volcano
A tsunami:
is often generated by movements of the ocean floor
is a wave produced by the gravitational pull of the moon
is a wave produced by the gravitational pull of the sun
travels slowly through the ocean
Mauna Loa in Hawaii is an example of a:
cinder cone
shield volcano
composite volcano
Which of the following is an EROSIONAL shoreline feature?
baymouth bar
wave-cut platform
A sandbar that completely crosses a bay, closing it off from the open ocean is a:
baymouth bar
wave-cut platform
A ridge of sand projecting into a bay is called a:
baymouth bar
wave-cut platform
Fetch is:
a method of shoreline erosion control
a type of erosional shoreline feature
the distance that the wind travels over open water
a depositional shoreline feature
Abyssal plains are:
flat areas that are near the coastline
flat areas of the ocean floor that are on the continental shelf
flat areas of the ocean floor that are in very deep water
flat areas of the moon
Surface waves on the ocean are typically caused by:
Which one of the following events can take place specifically on the continental
turbidity currents
longshore current
spring tide
wave refraction
Take a look at the following two diagrams. Match the appropriate letter with each
of the terms below. Use a letter only once. Some letters will not get used.
(1 point each)
_______ abyssal plains
_______ continental slope
_______ continental shelf
_______ deep ocean trench
True-False Circle "T" for True or "F" for False (1 point each)
The salinity of the ocean is higher in areas of increased
Spring tide is higher than neap tide.
The volcanic eruptions of Hawaii may be described as relatively
quiet when compared to eruptions such as those that occurred at
Mount St. Helens.
Seafloor spreading is taking place at the mid-ocean ridge in the
Atlantic Ocean.
There are several reliable methods of earthquake prediction.
In one sentence, describe how the Himalayas formed. (1.5 points)
What is the latitude and longitude of Port Huron (to the nearest whole degree).
Please remember to include N or S (latitude) and E or W (longitude). (1 point)
Define Geography (3 points)
Locate the following bodies of salt water on the world map provided and place
the appropriate letters below. (one point each)
_______ Atlantic Ocean
_______ Sea of Japan
_______ Persian Gulf
_______ Mediterranean Sea
_______ Red Sea
_______ Pacific Ocean
_______ East China Sea
_______ Indian Ocean
Describe beach drift and identify at least one shoreline feature that may develop
due to beach drift. (6 points)
What is the difference between the theory of "Continental Drift" and the theory of
Plate Tectonics? (3 points)
Describe the three different types of plate boundaries. What types of land
features might you find along each type of boundary (remember to mention the
possibilities of different combinations of plates at various boundary types such as
continental vs. oceanic, oceanic vs. oceanic and continental vs. continental).
Use the back of the page if necessary. (5 points)
(one point)
Briefly list one reason why an earthquake that measures 6.5 on the Richter scale
could kill 5000 people in one city while an earthquake of the same magnitude
only kills 54 people in another city of the same size (for instance, Los Angeles,
California and Kobe, Japan -- as we saw in the video).
Extra Credit (1 point)
What is the latitude and longitude of Port Huron, Michigan?
Extra Credit (1 point)
What is the approximate declination of the sun today (to within one degree)?