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Chapter 10: Indirect Objects and Benefactives
Direct Object: a result of the action
Indirect Object: affected by the action
1. The position of DO and IO and its significance
Old Information
New Information
2. The three roles of the coverb 給
給 +
A. Obligatory: After some verbs, gei must cooccur with the verb
B. Optional: After some verbs, gei can optionally cooccur with the verb
C. Forbidden: After some verbs, gei must not cooccur with the verb
3. Benefactive NPs: 給 or 為 + NP
4. In some structure, 給 has the meanings of
A. allow
B. passive
Chapter 11: Locative and Directional Phrases
Locative phrase: zai + NP + (locative particle)
1. Something about locative particle
A. If a noun has both monosyllabic and disyllabic forms, then the former may come
with monosyllabic locative particle 外、前、後、旁, but the latter must come with
disyllabic locative particle:外、前、後、旁 + 邊、面、頭。
B. zai + NP (place name) ※ locative particle
C. [zai + NP (familiar place) + (locative particle)] + verb
verb + [ zai + NP (familiar place)+ locative particle]
D. (NP) + disyllabic locative particle
2. In presentative structures, the locative coverb zai can be deleted.
3. The position of the locative phrase in the sentence:
a. [(zai) + NP + locative particle] + V
b. V+ [zai + NP + locative particle]
A. Verbs of displacement (from one location to another)
B. Verbs of posture
C. Verbs of appearing: signal an appearing or disappearing of the subject
D. Verbs of placement: an action that places the DO in a certain location
E. The postverbal locative phrase must immediately follow the verb
4. Directional phrases with dao “to”
Structure DP (directional phrase): dao + NP + (locative particle)
dao + NP + V vs.
B. DP + lai/qu
V + dao + NP
vs. lai/qu + DP
Chapter 12: Negation
1. Mandarin negation: 不、別、沒、沒(有)
A. 不: The most common negative marker
B. 別: Used in imperatives
C. 沒: Negative of 有
D. 沒(有): Noncompletion
2. Scope of negation: the part of the sentence which follows the negative particle,
mainly the verb phrase, is what is the scope of negation.
3. The three meanings of 不是
A. It is not the case that
B. It is not true that
C. It is not + NP
Chapter 13: Verb Copying
Verb copying: a grammatical process in which a verb is ‘copied’ between its DO and
an adverbial.
Structure: S + V1 + DO + V1 + adverbial (where V1 = V1)
1. Four types of adverbial in this structure
A. Quantity adverbial phrase ( number + N )
B. Complex stative construction
C. Locative phrase
D. Directional phrase
2. Two constraints on verb copying
A. If the adverbial in verb copying structure is B, C, or D, then the verb copying is
obligatory. If the adverbial in verb copying structure is A, then verb copying is
optional when the DO is both referential and animate/definite.
B. Verb copying usually occurs only when any one of the above four types of
adverbial phrases follows the DO.
3. Four grammatical properties of the verb-copying construction
A. Typically, but not necessarily, DO is nonreferential.
B. The first V does not take any aspect marker
C. The negative particle must be placed before the second verb
D. Certain adverbs can be placed before the second verb only.
V + DO + zhi or hai or ye + V
Chapter 14: The Imperative
1. Four positive imperatives (能軟化命令的語氣)
A. 請: the most common imperative
B. 麻煩: 通常用在請求對方做對方自己沒特殊好處的事
C. 勞駕: 通常用在請求對方做對方自己沒特殊好處的事
D. …吧/罷: 用在請求對方同意做某事
2. Four negative imperatives
Structure: (S) + negative imperative + V
A. 別: bie can be in subordinate clauses when the main verb has the meaning of
command, judgment, or opinion.
B. 不要: has the meanings of “don’t” or “not-want”
C. 不必: usually not used with the positive imperative 請
D. 不用: usually not used with the positive imperative 請
A. If a sentence’s main verb expresses a command or a judgment on the part of the
subject, the clause object can contain the negative imperative bie.
B. If the adverb used in a sentence has the meaning of judgment/suggestion, bie can
be used.
Chapter 15: The ba (把) Construction
Structure: S + ba + DO + V
1. The features of ba construction
A. In most of cases the ba NP is definite.
B. Disposal ( = deal with, handle): the ba NP must be shown how it is handled.
C. A ba sentence may be without a subject, or with an inanimate or a situational
D. ba …gei
2. When to use the ba construction
A. When we want to focus attention on how the object is disposed of by the subject
B. When the speaker assumes that the thing he mentions is known by himself and
the hearer, he will use the ba construction
3. The functions of ba
A. ba = causative
B. ba = to suffer
C. ba = locative
Chapter 16: The bei (被) Construction
English: S V DO → DO be + PP by S
Chinese: S V DO → DO bei (S) V
1. Use and function
A. Adversity (= misfortune)
B. Disposal
2. Structure properties
A. IO adversely affected: IO has the unfortunate meaning
B. The bei NP can be inanimate, but the bei NP cannot be a thing that is being used
by a person or an animate being to carry out an action.
C. ba and bei can occur in the same sentence
D. Variant forms