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Unit 12:
The Renaissance
Do-Now: What was “reborn” during the
Western Europe
from the Middle Ages
during an era known as the Renaissance
From 1300 to 1600,
Western Europe
experienced a “rebirth”
in trade, learning, &
Greco-Roman ideas
During the Renaissance,
Europeans developed
new ideas in art, gov’t,
& human potential
The Renaissance
marked the
beginning of the
“modern era”
What changed during the Middle Ages
that gave rise to the Renaissance?
Trade & Cities?
Human Potential?
What was trade like during the Middle Ages?
What were things like in the Renaissance?
The Crusades increased
European demand for
luxury goods from China,
India, and Middle East
Italian merchants began
meeting the demand for
trade in Europe
As a result, Italian cityThe most dominant
states & a wealthy middle Italian city was Florence,
class began to form in
where wealth from trade
sparked the Renaissance
A new middle class of
The Medici family were
bankers, merchants, & wealthy bankers who used
skilled craftsmen
their wealth to turn Florence
gained lots of power
into Italy’s most artistic city
What changed during the Middle Ages
that gave rise to the Renaissance?
Trade & Cities?
Human Potential?
What was government like in the Middle Ages?
What was government like in the Renaissance?
Kings were able to tax merchants & use their
wealth to build armies & strong nations which
hurt the power of the feudal lords
From 1337 to 1453,
England & France
began a conflict
called the
Hundred Years War
During the war,
increased as
people became
loyal to their king
& nation, rather
than their lord
What changed during the Middle Ages
that gave rise to the Renaissance?
Trade & Cities?
Human Potential?
What was religion like in the Middle Ages?
What was religion like during the Renaissance?
In the late Middle Ages, the Pope & the Catholic
Church lost some of its influence as a result of the
losses to Muslim armies during the Crusades
Despite having less influence, the Catholic Church
was still an important part of peoples’ lives &
the pope remained important
What changed during the Middle Ages
that gave rise to the Renaissance?
Trade & Cities?
Human Potential?
What were common people expected to do
during the Middle Ages?
What was expected of people during the
During the Middle Ages, peasants did not own land
& had no options other than remaining loyal to a
feudal lord & work within the manorial system
The rise of trade during the Renaissance gave
people options to leave the manor & move to
cities to serve as merchants or skilled artisans
During the Renaissance, people had
more options than ever before which led to
a belief that people can accomplish anything
Individuals became the center of attention
during the Renaissance
Social status was
based on wealth &
ability, not birthright
A new way of
thinking began during
the Renaissance
called Humanism
Humanism stressed
the individual and the
potential of individual
will and genius
Humanists studied the
“classical” ideas of Greece
& Rome & believed that
education could make the
world a better place
Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374)—
The “Father of Humanism”
•Considered the first modern writer. In his writings, literature
was no longer subordinate to religion.
•Secular focus – a concern with materialism rather than religion.
•Claimed that the Middle Ages (the period between the fall of
the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Renaissance) were
the “Dark Ages”
•He was perhaps the first to use critical textual analysis to
ancient texts. Especially influenced by Cicero.
•Wrote his famous poetry in the Italian vernacular (as
did Dante earlier in his Divine Comedy).
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
•Compiled an encyclopedia of Greek and Roman
•Decameron is his most famous work
•Consisted of 100 worldly tales that comprise
a social commentary of 14th century Italy
•Aimed to impart wisdom of human
character and behavior (especially sexual and
economic misbehavior).
Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529) –
The Book of the Courtier (1528)
•Perhaps most important work on Renaissance
•Specified qualities necessary to be a true gentleman
including physical and intellectual abilities and
leading an active life
•Rejected crude contemporary social habits (e.g.
spitting on the floor, eating without utensils,
wiping one’s nose with one’s sleeve, etc.)
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) The Prince (1513)
•Observed the political leadership of Cesare Borgia
who had ambitions of uniting Italy under his control
•Stated that politically, “the end justifies the means”
•Stated that for rulers, “it was better to be feared than to be
•Rulers had to be practical and cunning, in addition to being
aggressive and ruthless
•At times rulers should behave like a lion (aggressive and
powerful) and at other times like a fox (cunning and practical)
“Renaissance Man” & “Renaissance Women”
The “ideal man” was well
educated, smart, can dance,
write poetry, & play music;
(called a “Renaissance Man”)
•Virtú – civic duty to use
wealth to beautify
surroundings and city-state
The “ideal woman” should have
the same qualities as men but
should not seek fame or political
power (Renaissance women were
better educated but had fewer
rights than medieval women. Use
knowledge to run household)
Closure Activity: Visual Metaphor
■ On your
the visual
The revival of trade in Europe helped bring an end
to the Middle Ages & gave rise to the Renaissance
The rise of cities
brought artists
together which led
to new techniques
& styles of art
Increased trade gave rise
Wealthy bankers &
to Italian city-states &
merchants wanted to
a wealthy middle class show off their new status
of bankers & merchants
by commissioning art
The most important Italian city-state was Florence;
In this wealthy trade city, the Renaissance began
Florence was home to
the Medici family, the
wealthiest & most powerful
bankers in Europe
The Medici used their
wealth to commission
art for themselves &
to beautify Florence
Florence under the Medici
The Medici paid to build a massive
domed cathedral for Florence Medici Chapel
de Medici
by Filippo
Brunelleschithis painting from
of the Medici
The Medici
Palacebrothers as the three magi
New styles & techniques of Renaissance
■ Realism & emotion
■ Classicism: inspiration from Greece
■ first
nude on
& & interaction
the Romans
■ Geometric
■ Perspective – della Francesca, Massaccio
■ Using light & shadows
■ Donatello was the 1st great
sculptor of the Renaissance
– Donatello revived the
classical (Greco-Roman)
style of sculpture that
were realistic & could be
viewed from all sides
– Donatello’s “David” was
the 1st large, free-standing
human sculpture of the
■ Michelangelo was one
of the most famous
Renaissance artists:
– He was a painter,
sculptor, architect,
& poet
– His sculptures &
paintings showed
realism, detail of
the human body, &
expression to show
personality &
Michelangelo sculptures “Pieta”& “David”
are considered masterpieces
greatest work is
the 130 ft x 44 ft
ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel
which shows
Biblical images
of amazing detail,
power, & beauty
Leonardo da Vinci
■ Leonardo da Vinci was a
true “Renaissance Man”
– He was a painter &
sculptor whose art was
known for incredible
realism & emotion
– He was also an inventor
& scientist whose
sketches reveal
observations about
human anatomy & new
engineering technology
His “Last Supper” shows Jesus’ last meeting with
the 12 apostles before the crucifixion; the facial
expressions, detail, emotion made it a masterpiece
Leonardo da
Vinci’s greatest
masterpiece was
the “Mona Lisa”
which was
known for its
emotion & depth
Leonardo’s Inventions
■ Raphael “perfected”
Renaissance painting
– He improved perspective
and realism by studying
Leonardo & Michelangelo
– Raphael became the
favorite painter of the Pope
because of his amazing
detailed paintings showing
a combination of famous
Greeks & Romans along
with Renaissance people
Raphael’s greatest painting was “School of Athens”
which blended Classical figures from Greece & Rome
with important people from the Renaissance
Plato (drawn to
look like Da Vinci)
of the Virgin”
Filippo Brunelleschi
■ Brunelleschi was Florence’s greatest architect:
– He studied the Roman Pantheon when he built
the Cuppolo of Maria del Fiore cathedral in
– The dome inspired modern building designs
Dome Comparisons
Il Duomo, Florence
US Capital,
St. Paul’s,
Effects of the Renaissance on Society
■ Status of Artists increases
–Creative genius recognized and
–Mostly an elitist culture
■ Little direct effect on middle classes and
the working class.
Social History – Effects on everyday average people
■ Printing Press – revolution in knowledge/literacy increases/propaganda
■ Clocks – people learn to quantify time/time keeping and clocks are
important for scheduling/controlling urban life
■ Women – Upper class women lose status during Renaissance
– Christine de Pisan – City of Ladies
– Rape of women by upper-class men common and not considered a
serious crime
■ Homosexuality widespread – important in shaping masculine gender
– Adult male with adolescent under 18.
– Society did not see this as unmasculine because for a lot of men
marriage and women were not available.
– Male bonding.
■ Slavery of Africans in Renaissance society.
– Biblical interpretation – Black – dark – evil
- White – light – good
- Blacks also a status symbol/amusement/actors/musicians
As these ideas spread, this
“Northern Renaissance”
developed its own
The Renaissance spread from Italy as scholars &
merchants from other areas visited Italian city-states
Christian Humanists
– create a more
perfect world by
combining the best
of the Classical world
with Christian culture
The Renaissance in
France was most
known for its unique
architecture/art –
more religious/less
influenced by classics
The Renaissance in
England was most
known for literature,
especially the plays of
William Shakespeare
Known as the
Elizabethan Age
(1558-1603) –
Queen Elizabeth I
patronized artists and
The Renaissance in the Netherlands
was most known for realism in art
using oil paints
Peter Paul Reubens – best known for
Baroque style which
by Pieter Bruegel –
movement, and sensuality
Everyday Scenes
Self Portrait by Albrecht
German “Leonardo”
Wedding Portrait by Jan Van Eyck – Human
Thomas More (1478-1536)
•Prime example of a civic humanist; he rose to the highest
government position of any humanist
•Lord Chancellor to King Henry VIII in England
•Utopia (1516): More’s humanistic masterpiece
•Mixes civic humanism with religious ideals to describe a
perfect (utopian) society located on an imaginary island
•More sees the accumulation of property as a root cause
for society’s ills; a few have it—most don’t
•In order to achieve harmony and order people have to be
willing to sacrifice their individual rights for the common
good. (Socialistic Society)
•War, poverty, religious intolerance, and other problems
of the early 16th century do not exist.
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)
•Most famous and celebrated of all northern humanists (Dutch Monk)
•Master of the Greek language; one of Europe’s foremost authorities
•Made new translations of the Greek and Latin versions of the New
Testament to create ‘purer’ editions.
•He was the first humanist to earn a living by writing— an extremely
impressive achievement.
•The Praise of Folly (1513)
•Best-seller (only the Bible sold more by 1550)
•Written in Latin; thus is was not intended for mass consumption
•Erasmus was a devout Catholic who sought to reform the Church, not
destroy it.
•Satirized people’s worldly ambitions, including the clergy.
•Criticized immorality and hypocrisy of Church leaders and the clergy
•The book inspired renewed calls for reform, and influenced Martin
Luther. (Reformation Leader)
François Rabelais (1494-1553) – French Humanist
•His secular writings portrayed his confidence in
human nature and reflected Renaissance tastes
•Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532-1542)
•A folk epic and comic masterpiece that
satirized French society
•Attacked clerical education and monastic
orders; championed secular learning
•Believed that human beings were basically
Renaissance Politics
■Kings and Politicians used
Machiavellian Principles to get and
stay in power
■ Charles VI
– Increased importance to middle class men
– Taxes on salt and land – improve royal treasury.
– Remodels army
– Pragmatic sanction of Bourges – 1438
■ Louis XI – “The Spider King” – True Renaissance Prince
– $$$ as the answer – new industries/commerce
– Improve the army
– Expanded royal authority
– Foundation for French royal absolutism – remodeled gov’t
■ Francis I – Concordat of Bologna - 1516
■ War of Roses – 1455-1471 – upper class civil war
– Yorks vs. Lancasters
■ Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII (Tudor) – reduce power of
– Parliament controls $$$ - therefore avoided expensive
– Royal Council/Star Chamber (Henry VIII)
– No standing army – justices of peace to maintain order
■ Reconquista
■ Ferdinand I and Isabella – 1469 – Married and united
territories – Aragon and Castille
– United in defense but separate in local issues
– Hermandades – brotherhoods – local police
– Royal Council
• National Church
• Marranos – Spanish Jews
• Moriscos – Spanish Muslims
• 1492 – Expel all practicing Jews and Muslims
Guess if the following
pieces of art (A-J) are:
Renaissance (Titian)
Medieval (tapestry)
(Early) Renaissance (Giotto)
(late) Medieval (Cimebue)
(late) Medieval
Renaissance (Raphael)
Renaissance (Botticelli)
Renaissance (Lippi)
Renaissance (da Vinci)
(late) Medieval (Rublev)