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1. The ? Discontinuity is between the Earth's crust and mantle. A.Gutenberg B.Mohorovicic C.both the
Gutenberg and Mohorovicic Discontinuities are between the Earth's crust and mantle
2. ? are created by ductile deformation. A.faults B.folds C.both faults and folds are created by ductile
3. Deep-ocean trenches are produced by plate A.obduction B.suturing C.subduction D.deep-ocean trenches
are produced along transform plate boundaries
4. Tectonically-active plate boundaries tend to have ? continental shelves versus passive plate margins.
A.narrower B.wider C.the shelves are the same width
5. ? are unconformities between essentially parallel strata. A.nonconformity B.disconformity C.angular
6. A ? is a seismic sea wave. A.tsunami B.Richter Scale C.Mercalli Scale D.earthquake focus E.earthquake
7. Pangaea is a A.fossil plant B.fossil animal C.paleomagnetic stripe D.ancient continent E.stratigraphic
8. Which of the following are often associated with mountain building? A.folds and faults B.volcanoes
C.earthquakes D.metamorphism E.all of the above are often associated with mountain building
9. The Himalaya Mountains were produced by plate A.obduction B.suturing C.subduction D.the Himalayas
were produced along transform plate boundaries
10. The earthquake focus is ? the epicenter. A.above B.below C.the earthquake focus is the epicenter
11. Passive plate margins are produced through plate A.divergence B.convergence depends upon the type
of plate
12. The best evidence for "seafloor spreading" is A.magnetic stripes B.ancient plants C.ancient animals
of the continents E.composition of the plates
13. ? Waves indicate that the Earth's core is liquid. A.S B.P C.Surface D.all of these indicate that the Earth's
core is liquid
14. Which of the following is a "dip-slip fault"? A.normal fault B.reverse fault C.thrust fault D.all of
these are "dip-slip faults"
15. Higher temperatures and higher pressures favor ? behavior in rocks. A.brittle B.plastic C.these "behaviors"
in rocks occur at the same temperatures and pressures
16. In a syncline, the oldest bed is toward the ? of the structure. A.inside B.outside depends upon the type
of syncline
17. The Andes Mountains were produced by plate A.obduction B.suturing C.subduction D.the Andes were
produced along transform plate boundaries
18. A structural dome is most similar to a A.anticline B.syncline C.structural domes are equally similar to
synclines and anticlines
19. S Waves move ? than P Waves. A.more slowly B.faster C.S Waves and P Waves move at the same rate of
20. There is ? simatic plate material than sialic plate material. A.less B.more C.the amount of sialic versus
simatic material is the same
21. Oceanic plates form basins because they have a ? specific gravity. A.low B.high C.there is no correlation
between plate composition/density and formation of ocean basins
22. The San Andreas Fault was created by A.obduction B.suturing C.subduction D.the San Andreas Fault was
produced along a transform plate boundary
23. Island arc systems are produced due to plate A.obduction B.suturing C.subduction D.island arc systems
are produced along transform plate boundaries
24. The study of earthquakes is termed A.petrology B.petrography C.meteorology D.petrogenesis
25. The Hawaiian Islands were produced by A.obduction B.suturing C.subduction D.the Hawaiian Islands
were produced along transform plate boundaries E.the Hawaiian Islands were produced by hot spot activity
26. In ?, the limbs dip toward one another and toward the fold axis. A.anticlines B.synclines both
synclines and anticlines, the limbs dip toward one another
27. Mid-oceanic ridges produce ? plate material. A.sialic B.simatic depends upon the type of mid-oceanic
28. In a ? fault, the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall. A.reverse B.strike-slip C.normal
29. There ? evidence that the continents moved through or over the ocean basins, as suggested by Continental
Drift theory. no
30. ? includes the tectonic, plutonic and metamorphic processes involved in mountain building. A.orogeny
B.ignimbrite C.stratigraphy D.correlation E.unconformity
31. ? is the direction of a horizontal line in the plane of bedding. A.strike B.dip C.both strike and dip are
directions of horizontal lines in the plane of bedding
32. ? are gaps in the rock record. A.conformities B.unconformities C.both conformities and unconformities
represent gaps in the rock record
33. Alfred Wegener formulated theories concerning A.the origin of glacial landforms B.the causes of the ice
ages C.continental drift D.mountain-building E.volcanic activity
34. Oceanic plates are composed of A.basalt B.granite depends upon the type of oceanic plate
35. Magmatic arcs are formed along A.oceanic divergent boundaries B.continental divergent boundaries
C.ocean-ocean convergent boundaries D.ocean-continent convergent boundaries E.continent-continent
convergent boundaries
36. Earth magnetism is believed to be caused by movement in the Earth’s A.crust B.mantle C.core D.all of
these layers in the Earth generate Earth magnetism
37. In a structural basin the beds dip toward the ? of the structure. B.outside
38. The crust and uppermost mantle are joined together as a rigid unit; this information was one reason that ?
Theory was rejected. A.Continental Drift B.Plate Tectonics C.this has caused problems in acceptance of
both continental drift and plate tectonic theory
39. Thrust faults are most similar to ? faults. A.normal B.strike-slip C.reverse
40. The oldest oceanic rocks are dated at about ? years. A.4.6 million B.13.7 million C.200 million D.4.6
billion E.13.7 billion
41. An unconformity between a gneiss and a sandstone would be classified as a A.angular unconformity
B.disconformity C.nonconformity
42. The deaths in the 2004 disaster in Indonesia were primarily due to associated with an earthquake
B.collapse of structures due to ground movement associated with an earthquake C.tsunamis D.landslides
E.cracks opening up in the Earth
43. Mountain ranges are typically produced A.along plate tectonic margins the centers of the major plates
44. Earthquake intensity is measured by the ? Scale. A.Mercalli B.Richter C.the Mercalli and Richter Scales
both measure earthquake intensity
45. Ocean-Continent subduction often leads to the formation of A.basalt B.obsidian C.granite D.peridotite
46. Fault blocks that drop relative to adjacent blocks form A.horsts B.island arcs C.magmatic arcs D.grabens
E.suture zones
47. Convergent plate boundaries typically produce ? continental shelves than divergent plate boundaries.
A.narrower B.wider C.there is no correlation of shelf width versus plate boundary type
48. Joints ? relative movement of rock on opposite sides of the break. A.have not have
49. Which of the following is a “fault block mountain range”? A.Coast Ranges of California B.Andes
Mountains C.Himalaya Mountains D.Appalachian Mountains E.Grant Tetons of Wyoming
50. Mid-oceanic ridges are ? plate boundaries. A.transform B.divergent C.convergent
51. The ?-wave shadow zone is situated from about 103 to 180 degrees from the earthquake epicenter. A.P B.S
52. The creation of rift valleys is due to plate A.divergence B.convergence C.rift valleys are created along
transform plate boundaries