Download Prepositional, INFINITIVE, and Gerunds Prepositional phrases

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Review of sentence parts: PHRASES
Prepositional, INFINITIVE, and Gerunds
Prepositional phrases
Phrases: Prepositions and objects of prepositions
* Prepositions examples: ______________________________________
* A preposition links ____________, ______________________ and
___________________________ to other words in a
_______________________. The word or phrase that the preposition
introduces is called the __________________ of the preposition.
Notes taken on
February 6,
2008. You will
need these for a
future quiz
in June.
* A preposition usually indicates the relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence as in the
following examples:
The book is _________ the table.
The book is_______________ the table.
The book is leaning ______________ the table.
The book is ________________the table.
She held the book over the table.
She read the book during class.
* The OBJECT of the prepositional phrase are circled above. (circle what you see on the PPT in RED)
CIRCLE prepositions, UNDERLINE prepositional phrase and
UNDERLINE TWICE the object of the preposition.
1)The children climbed the mountain without fear.
2) There was rejoicing throughout the land.
3)The spider crawled slowly along the banister.
4)The dog is hiding under the porch.
5)It knows it will be punished for chewing up a new pair of shoes.
6)The screenwriter searched for the manuscript.
* Definition: a group of words consisting of an infinitive and all the words related to it
(an infinitive is a verb form that can be used as _______________, _______________,
_________________ ). An infinitive usually begins with "____________".
* Example: To_________________.
* Kinds of infinitives phrases : _______________________, ______________________,
________________________, ________________________________
* Examples:
As _______________________:
As _______________________:
The trick was to carry the egg slowly.
Chapin girls like to study hard
My teacher’s wish to climb Bear Mountain could happen.
Underline the infinitive phrase and write how it is functioning in the sentence.
1) To finish her shift without spilling another pizza into a customer's lap is Michelle's only goal.
2) Lakesha hopes to win the approval of her mother.
3) The best way to survive Dr. Peterson's history lectures is to stab a sharp pencil in your thigh.
4) To avoid burning another bag of popcorn, Bob pressed his nose against the microwave door.
5) I am to jump rope for the rest of the day.
* Kinds of Gerund phrases: subject, direct object, predicate adjective, indirect object
________________________________, or ___________________________.
* Definition: A gerund phrase will begin with a _____________________, an ing word, and might
include other __________________________ and/or objects. Gerund phrases always function as
______________________, so they will be subjects, subject complements (predicate adjectives or
nouns), or objects in the sentence.
* Examples:
As subject:
Running in water is good for your legs.
As predicate noun:
Her hope was ___________________________________.
As object of the preposition: You’ll need shoes for walking through the mud.
As the direct object:
I love ______________________________________
As an indirect object:
She gave playing the piano a chance.
Underline the gerund phrase and write how it is functioning in the sentence.
1) Eating ice cream on a windy day can be a messy experience if you have long hair.
2) A more disastrous activity for long-haired people is blowing giant bubble gum bubbles.
3) Wild food adventures require getting your hair cut to a short, safe length.
4) Jamming too much clothing into a washing machine will result in disaster.
5) Bernard hates buttering toast with a fork.
6) Buttering toast with a fork, Bernard vowed that he would finally wash the week's worth of dirty
dishes piled in the sink.
7) My dog's most annoying habit is hogging the middle of the bed.